Chapter 77: The Combat Class! (3)


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"Hmm? What is with this chilling sensation?" said Duan Li as he suddenly felt uncomfortable, like someone was watching him from afar.

When he looked around to see where the source of that uncomfortable feeling was coming from, his eyes caught sight of a burly figure sitting cross-legged on the ground just like him, about 100 meters away and was looking at him intently with a wide grin.

"What a dangerous looking man!" exclaimed Duan Li in shock when he felt the reverberations of Qi signature around that figure.

The Qi that the figure emitted was unique, ravaging and swirling around him in a random pattern.

"This feeling... that person is also at the middle stage of the Foundation establishment realm? But it's stronger than me.. was it the fifth level? Or the sixth?"

Looking at that strange gaze the figure was giving him, Duan Li was a little bit unsettled by it.

"Judging by the people that had fallen around him, he must have fought solo against those guys too and was now in the process of recovering his stamina... I shouldn't be dilly-dallying!"

Closing his eyes, the All-Seeing eye ability was activated. After doing a quick check on his internal state, he found out that he had roughly spent about 10 percent of his stamina during the previous fight against those people that surrounded him before.

The reason why he had only spent such a small amount of stamina on them was because they were weak and the level of power output he used on them was small as well.

But against this person that was giving him that weird gaze, his instincts told him that their total raw strength should be about similar level. If they clashed out, things wouldn't be pretty and he would had to expend quite a lot of stamina by then.

Thus, Duan Li needed to recover himself to the peak status in order to prepare himself for the worse.

And it turns out that he was correct!

As soon as his stamina was back at its peak, the burly man with the long dark hair and red glowing pupils stood up and approached at him slowly in an imposing manner!

"Kekeke! If I am not mistaken, you are that Duan Li, the new Lord that people were talking about quite recently? I heard that you were recruiting for followers?" asked the burly man with a grin on his face, his eyes looked straight onto Duan Li's, as if trying to peer the secrets inside him.

"That's correct, I am a Lord and my name is Duan Li... you are?" replied Duan Li as he slowly adjusted himself onto a defensive stance. He was feeling quite warry right now.

"My name is Shen Murong! I have an objective to achieve and was looking for a very capable Lord for it. Since you are one of them, I was about to apply to become one of your followers under a single condition!" the man called Shen Murong answered as he crossed the both of his arms together on his chest.

Hearing this, Duan Li's eyebrows creased a little. He had mixed feelings right now. Due to this man that seemed to be very strong-looking, he was happy that the other party was trying to apply to become one of his followers. By then, the overall battle prowess of his party would increase by a few notch to have a better chance faring against the oncoming monster stampede!

But on the other hand, Duan Li wasn't sure if he could handle this person well. The objective that this person wanted to achieve was quite mysterious as well. Therefore, Duan Li decided to ask him.

"I see... what is that objective of yours? And your condition?"

Shen Murong laughed out.

"Kekeke! The condition is that you have to beat me in this battle, only then will I join you willingly! As for my objective, naturally I would only tell you after I become your followers right? Prepare yourself!!"


As soon as Shen Murong finished his sentence, his aura bursted forth and sent pressure onto the whole battlefield! The surrounding students that were currently fighting stopped what they were doing as they couldn't help but to be drawn in towards Duan Li and Shen Murong.

The aura that surrounded this Shen Murong was black and crimson coiling against one another, creating a vivid image of a demon from hell that had descended onto the mortal plane to cause chaos!

"Urgh! What is with this pressure?!"

"Look, its from that scary looking man!"

"Fool! Don't let him heard you saying that! That's the grandson of Shen Long!"

"Eh? He is fighting against that evil entity? HAHA! You had us good before eh Duan Li? Let's see how you fare against him!"

Feeling this stifling sensation, somehow instead of turning panic, Duan Li's mouth curled into a smile subconsciously. His instincts was itching for a good fight.

"Hmm? He is smiling against me?" thought Shen Murong to himself, a little bit surprised with Duan Li's reaction.


Duan Li released out his suppressed aura as well, and unknowingly to him, his aura had changed a lot after his adventure inside the Eternal maze.

Now, the aura that he was emitting had a trace of gold and crimson shades to it. Although this aura was subtle looking as compared to that of Shen Murong, the pressure it radiated out was even more torrential and pressing compared with the other party!

Against a person as strong as Shen Murong, Duan Li had decided to use all 100 percent of his raw strength in this battle! He didn't dare to underestimate the other party at all!

The elderly man that stood upright like mountain Tai on the platform right now, whom was Shen Murong's grandfather, was surprised by the amount of aura that Duan Li was releasing.

"Hmm... such a thick aura, what sort of bloodlines does he have to be comparable in strength with my grandson?" he thought silently.

Even Shen Murong's face turned serious when he felt the aura that was released by Duan Li as he readied himself onto a stance as well.

"It looks like I have underestimated you, seems like you are a monster as well eh? Kekeke!"

The combined aura from Duan Li and Shen Murong caused the surrounding students to step back away from them as far as possible. The feeling that those aura gave them was like two wild beasts that was about to have a showdown to the death!



The two men dashed forward together at the same time, with a clenched fists, they both throwed out a punch.


Their fists collided against one another, resulting in a deafening shockwave that sent ripples of powers to their surrounding. Some of the weaker students got blown over while others that managed to stood on their ground firmly got pushed back creating a long trail on the ground from their feet.

"To think that a mere punch from them could cause such a shockwave? This is insane!"

"How strong is their physical body right now for such an effect to occur? This is way beyond the power level of a Foundation establishment realm!"

"It seems that Duan Li was holding back against us previously! Otherwise, we would've been turned into bloody mists with such a punch! Deader than dead!"

The resulting collision of their fists also caused the both of them to be pushed backwards, both spurted out a little blood from their mouth.

"HAHAHA! Interesting! Now this is a battle!" Shen Murong laughed out loud as he dashed forward once more.

Duan Li just smiled in reply to Shen Murong's statement as he dashed forward to meet up with the other party with his fists.




A serious of deafening booms rumbled out across the whole battlefield, from each punch, the surrounding students would get pushed back further. From each kick, a portion of the ground got blasted off into the air! When their elbows met against one another, it was as if volcanoes were erupting violently!!




"Arghh! I can't hold it anymore! The deafening shockwaves even rattled my bones!"

"Quick! We need to get out from this field!"

"What monstrosity display of raw strength! I could understand Shen Murong's power because of his dragon bloodline, but Duan Li? Who is he actually?!"

Right now, both of the men were riddled with injuries and blood on their body, but none seemed to look fatigue nor hold back against one another even the tiniest bit!

"HAHAHA! This is more than what I bargained for! Good! Time to step this up!!"


Shen Murong roared out onto the skies as his aura grew more savage and barbaric! The shades of his aura grew darker and more potent as his strength skyrocketed by at least 10 times!

Black veins popped out and covered his whole body as his hair whipped tyrannically on the air! Then, two horns slowly jutted out from both of his temples that made him looked like the true reincarnation of a devil!

(Author's note: You can imagine this like Devil Jin from the game Tekken! ;) )

"Fool! What is that idiot grandson of mine got so excited for to activate his bloodline power?!" Shen Long face turned grim as he prepared to step in immediately.

But before he was able to, something even more shocking to him happened!


Duan Li roared out to the skies as well as his aura bursted forth like the dam got broken and the heaven was collapsing!

Right now, Duan Li's aura was even more visible and the pressure it sent out was huge and colossal!

Streaks of blue lightning flashed out ever so slightly that covered Duan Li's whole body as both of his pupils turned golden and his hair rose up like the peaks of mountain Tai!

The students that still remained on the battlefield immediately spurted out blood and the viewers on the grandstand were pressed down hard onto their seat!

"This battle is now going out of control! Teleport the whole students from the field out of there immediately! Seal the battlefield with a spatial barrier of tier 4 now!!" Shen Long commanded out at the teachers behind him.

With a series of complex hand incantation gestures, both the unconscious students and the still standing ones were teleported out from the battlefield instantly before a spatial barrier covered it out, eliminating the immense pressure that was leaking out and containing it within the barrier.

But even so, the barrier was showing signs of vibrating immensely under the combined might of both Duan Li's and Shen Murong's tyrannical aura!

"Kuh! I have still underestimated you! To think that you would have such a hidden trump card as well! But very good! Let us decide the winner of this battle with a single punch!" Shen Murong shouted out as he clenched his fist tight.

Duan Li nodded without saying anything as he clenched his fist as well.

"This should be the final moment to decide which one of them is superior!" said Shen Long to himself.




The whole ground of the battlefield got blown off to dust as people by the grandstand that watched this scene unfolding before them had to squint and cover their eyes due to the blinding flash of light from the extreme collision between the two monster's fist!

Who won?

This was the question that everyone was eager to know right now.
