Chapter 87: The voice of Heaven!


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When the door appeared, it was as if the surrounding temperature had dropped by a few degrees celcius. The innumerable runic inscriptions on it were mysterious, written using a form of ancient language that no one had ever seen or saw before.

The principal narrowed his eyes warrily, so were Duan Li's followers behind him. But right now, all they could do was just stare at it silently. Each felt like their hearts were about to burst from anxiousness.

Just what was the origin of this door?


The door slightly opened, before an aura that seemed to be as deep as the oceans flowed out from the crevices. Streaks of strong winds blew in all direction as if even the winds were afraid and scrambled far away to escape.

"This feeling..!" the principal gasped as he put one hand in front of his face to block the wind, with his hair and beard fluttering furiously.

This was an aura unlike anything that he had ever felt before!

There was no figure that came out of the door as it just opened slightly. But the feeling that he got was like witnessing an immortal that has descended down from the heavens personally!

And then, an archaic voice spoke out.

"The heavens has decreed onto you, cease your activity of violating the heaven's law immediately!"


This voice was stern and strict, getting straight to the point without wasting any time for useless opening speech.

The principal that understood the meaning behind these words shuddered.

"The heavens could finally no longer tolerate his existence? What did Duan Li just did to directly attract a formal decree from the very heavens itself?!" he exclaimed inwardly in shock.

From the legends, the heaven's decree would only be passed down when one had committed an extreme case of violation of rules laid down by the heavens!

Hearing the strange voice spoke out, Duan Li opened his eyes.

"Eh? Who are you?" he said as he looked up towards the sky, surprised that a grand-looking door floated mightily as if it was the king of the world.

"I am the Heaven's will. Let me repeat the decree once more; stop from infringing the natural law set by the heavens from whatever means it was that you have to achieve this!" the archaic voice replied coldly.

"Huh? All I did was just cultivating normally! What do you mean by this?" Duan Li's brows furrowed, slightly dissatisfied with this 'Heaven's will'.


The principal along with the four people behind him choked.

"Brat! You called that cultivation method of yours normal? You just sucked in all the spiritual Qi within a kilometre square radius here cleanly!" the principal commented inwardly.

Even Duan Li's followers thought along similar lines.

"No, although your cultivation method had alarmed the heavens, it is still within the boundaries. Thus, you can keep cultivating as such, only that your tribulations would become more catastrophic than others."

The voice answered out with a tone of indifference to it.

"However, we detected that a certain volume of spiritual Qi in this world was cut off and was put inside your spatial ring. Such act is considered as a robbery of heaven's property!" the voice lashed out with an even sterner voice than before.


Did the Heaven's will just said that Duan Li had put spiritual Qi inside his spatial ring?

That's impossible!

The only way the surrounding spiritual Qi could be moved was through breathing method and absorbing it towards one's own dantian for the human cultivator, and monster core for the monsters!

How did he even managed to store it somewhere else?

Realizing what the problem now was, Duan Li scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"Ahh so it was something like that.. I never knew it was not allowed.. But I'm not robbing it or anything.. I needed to store it for use sometime later!" Duan Li replied slowly while feeling a little bit embarrassed.

He had planned to stop cultivating after reaching the pinnacle stage of the Foundation establishment realm just a moment before.

Like what the principal had stated, he could have levelled up to the Core formation realm if he wanted to. But he chose not to do so because he wanted to go back to the Eternal maze and enter the Second region!

Based on his experience, the difficulty level was always a few levels above him. And now that he was at the Foundation establishment realm, the Second region would be even more difficult!

Therefore, he planned to store the spiritual Qi here inside his spatial ring and then learn some runic inscription or formation so that he could bypass the restrictions of the Eternal maze and use his spatial ring over there somehow!

This was because he found out that the spiritual Qi within the Eternal maze was quite limited for his use. Having an external reserves would definitely make his life far more easier, and when it comes to it, he would even cultivate to level up to the Core formation realm to get even with the difficulties!

When Duan Li explained this to the owner of the stern, reprimanding voice beyond that golden gate, the voice was silent for awhile as if contemplating it, before speaking out once more.

"Request denied! The heavens would only allow two storage medium to store spiritual Qi in this world, which were the dantians and monster cores. Everything in this world must be in accordance with the balance of Yin and Yang! Lest it will attract Karma!"

Hearing the Heaven's will talk about balance, Duan Li was exasperated.

"What balance! Back when I was still a mortal trying to ascend to the first level of the Qi condensation realm, the heavens had already struck me with thunders! How could you guys laid your hands to someone that was just starting out?"

"At first, I was filled with gratitude for being allowed to step onto the outskirts of immortality. But when I was laying down in the infirmary to recuperate my injuries, Senior teacher Wang Guozhi came to visit and told me the truth!"

"He said that, the heavens were trying their best to smite me out from existence, even to the extent of sending out the crimson thunderbolts meant for Golden core realm trying to ascend towards the Nascent soul realm!"

"If it were not because of some bizarre things happened that protected me from the heavens bullying, I would have already died back then thoroughly!"

Duan Li refuted with strong and conscise points of arguments that left the Heaven's will mute for a while before beginning its explanation with a dry, awkward cough.


"That was.. a mistake from our part. When we peered through the list of new mortals that was currently trying to ascend to the Qi condensation realm back then, your name popped out in bold with an asterisk symbol behind it."

"According to our system, this means that the person was an anomaly. Thus, we swiftly made a quick check on your identification records for your background."

"When we finally retrieved your files, we were shocked to find out that it was empty! For someone to exist without its records being noted automatically by the system, this was something that had never happened before!"

"Thus, we peered through the clouds and found out that you didn't just ascended to the first level, but continued to rise further! Not only that, you had even activated all three dantians seemingly without repercussions at all."

"Therefore, an elder who got panicked and thought that it was a symbol of bad luck for the heavens immediately sent down a struck of thunder without going through the normal protocols!"

"We were angry at first towards the elder, as we, the committee of Heaven's will were all law abiding members and followed through every procedure down to its tiniest details. It was our symbol of our pride and honor!"

"Yet, who knew that the thunder that was sent out by the elder which should have been able to kill you, were absorbed by you thoroughly instead?"

"Thus the elder screamed out and told everyone that he was right, spreading the panic further. Things turned chaotic as the committee was split into two, and the ones that agreed with him sent down strucks of thunders repeatedly to smite you down!"

"They even went so far to the extent of using even stronger means. But fortunately, that mayhem was subdued by our superior that noticed a stir was going on."

"When she took a look at you, she ordered us to stand down and just observe. Therefore, as part of the Heaven's Will representative, we would like to apologize for the inconvenience we had caused."

The Heaven's will tone was slightly humble this time, and the sincerity with it could be felt directly to one's heart.

But what had stupefied everyone else here, was that such a thing had actually transpired in that fashion!

Who could have thought that even the heavens could be divided in their opinion?

"Hmm is that so? Then it is understandable." Duan Li cupped his chin and then continued, "However, to make amends for that, just let me store this spiritual Qi within my spatial ring then!" Duan Li spoke out.

"That would be impossible! To tell you the truth, the committee was still divided even now. What you just did was a clear violation of the laws laid down by the heavens when compared to your anomaly back then."

"The elder that oppossed you before were about to use the Heavenly Severing Existence axe to chop down your fate immediately, and that would have truly killed you despite the mysterious power that had protected you before."

"However, somehow our Superior noticed this once more and stopped him. She then sent me here with a task of telling you to stop the infringement. Otherwise, even with our Superior's status, she would not be able to stop the punishment from being sent out."

"After all, this was part of the rules. With violations came its punishment, and this time, the violation is quite severe and warrants your death at least!"

Duan Li was quite stumped when he heard all this.

That Elder!

Just what was his problem with me?

Duan Li gritted his teeth as numerous thoughts swirled inside his mind.

Should he back out from this affair after all?

Then suddenly, he came up with an idea.
