Chapter 118: The Emperor of Jiu Empire!


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"You both should have controlled yourself in front of all these juniors. Look at them, they were all strucked silly with that shameful performance just now." the Vice-Principal said with a sarcastic tone as he continued to sip down at his tea.


Both the Principal and Liu Sheng Juan choked at the latter's words.

You were the one who made us lose face in front of them!

To think that you would even had the cheek to call it a shameful performance by us when you were the one who made us did it!

"One of these days, I would strangle you myself!" the Principal thought in his mind with gritted teeth.

Liu Sheng Juan has recollected himself, but his eyes still gleamed furiously as he stared at the other party.

"You would find your favorite tea brands to suddenly disappear for a few months from now on." he said coldly.

You must've thought that it was funny, then let me show you how funny the outcome would be!


The tea cup on the Vice-Principal's hand clattered for a bit when he heard this.

Yup! This person in front of them IS definitely the Liu Sheng Juan they both knew. That devoid of emotion and insta-kill counter could only be possessed by someone as heartless as him!

Sighing inwardly, the Vice-Principal stared at that tea cup of his with a regretful look.

"Looks like I won't be seeing you in a few months after this.."

They both knew that Liu Sheng Juan was the kind of person that meant every single word he had ever spoken. This was why they would rather say nothing anymore to refute him.


The Principal made a dry cough as he turned towards Duan Li and the rest, assuming his previous disposition as the principal.

"We will be meeting with someone shortly. I suggest that everyone should be.. no.. MUST be at their best behaviour later on.. otherwise you would be severely punished!" he said as he highlighted that last sentence.

Hearing such grave words coming from the Principal, Shen Murong couldn't help but to asked with furrowed brows, "Who will we be meeting?"


The Principal opened up a teleportation portal as he smiled at Shen Murong's question.

"You'll know soon enough."

Shen Murong then turned towards the others as they shrug their shoulders, evidently mystified as well.

Only the three Senior Teachers, Wang Guozhi, Ling Yu and Ran Yang that were present there along with them wore a serious expression on their face.

This caused them to even feel more curious as well as nervous!

"Let's head over quickly, we shouldn't let the person waiting after all." the Principal said as they walked through the portal.



A portal suddenly appeared in the middle of a vast and grand hall.

This hall has walls that were decorated with careful, delicate and minute-detail engravings. The large supporting pillars were plated in gold with a red banner on each of it, the ceiling topped with numerous precious gems that connected to a large runic formation on the center, and the floor was made up entirely of white, high-quality gazello marble!

As soon as the portal appeared, a number of people that wore white robes immediately rushed to a 4-point location around the portal to set up a barrier to encompassed it within a cube-like room.


Not long after that, several figures emerged from the portal with curious expression.

"Eh? A spatial barrier? Where are we?" Duan Li's party whispered to each other.

They couldn't make out their surrounding at all because the barrier had distorted the views outside.


When their sights locked at those five men standing still like untoppable mount.Tai in a single, straight row in front of them, with each donned lustrously in a golden and shining full-plate armor, their hearts almost leaped from their body in surprise!


Those five men are Titled-Knights!

There was only a few distinct traits between ranks of Knights in the Empire that one would be able to notice in just a single glance!

From the lowest, was Apprentice Knights. Their armors were azure blue in color. Then was the official Knights, they donned themselves with Silver armors. After them, was the full-fledged Titled-Knights, wearing the Golden armors!

These Titled-Knights could be considered as the cream of the crop of geniuses within the Empire!

With this, a thought of realization struck them at this moment.

"If Titled-Knights are present here.."

"Don't tell us.. this is the.."

"We are in the Royal Palace?!"

Each of Duan Li's followers countenances changed as they simultaneously realized this!

Each of the 5 Titled-Knights scanned at everyone using their Soul sense, Liu Sheng Juan, the Principal, Vice-Principal and the Senior Teachers were also included.

After confirming that nothing was out of sorts from them, the Titled-Knights nodded to each other as they moved to the right of Duan Li's party, before lining up into a straight column at the side.

"Kneel!" said one of the Titled-Knights at the fore-front with a red cape behind him.

This man was the commander of the Titled-Knights!


Their faces quickly paled as beads of sweat started to form on their forehead.


There was only one existence in the entire Jiu Empire where they MUST kneel down to!

And that person was..

The Emperor of the Jiu Empire.. Jiu Xian Ping!

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Everyone swiftly kneeled to the ground and no one dared to be casual at all with their movements and posture.

After all, they would be facing against the Emperor soon, and any form of disrespect would be treated as treason that could warrant their deaths!

However, the only one who seemed to be immune to this rule of thumb was Liu Sheng Juan, who stood still with a lofty expression on him.


They didn't know why the Titled-Knights does not immediately respond to this, but this has caused the rest of them who did not know of Liu Sheng Juan's identity to shiver in fear, afraid that they would be complicated and punished for such an untolerable act of display from a single person!


The barrier was then uplifted as they cursed in their hearts, closing their eyes in fear of what is to come.

"Damn it! We're screwed!"




Nothing is happening?

They slowly opened their eyes to look at each other and found out that everyone was still around, and their heads were still intact and attached to their body respectively.

However, just as they were about to sigh in relief, an immense amount of pressure came crashing down at them, as if they were sunked deep into the bottom of an ocean!

"Do.Not.Move." a deep voice belonging to someone rang out as he spoke the words one by one, evidently displeased with their behaviors.

This voice carries with it an undisputed strong presence and authority that had the entire party froze on the spot!

Then, a slight chuckle could be heard, as another deep voice belonging to another person spoke out.

"Leave it, its fine." that voice said.

They didn't know why the voice this time sounded less dangerous compared to the previous one, but the feeling they got from that voice was that, the owner's presence, disposition and authority could be felt even deep into their bones!

This left them the feeling of subconscious reverence towards the owner of this voice!

"I understand, please forgive my rudeness." the previous voice said, after which, the immense pressure looming upon Duan Li and his party disappeared without a trace.


They could finally breath back!

But even so, no one dared to make any more extra movements and just stared right onto the floor in front of them while kneeling.

They were waiting for the command.

"Raise your head."

When they heard this, everyone slowly rose their chin up as they gazed onto that figure sitting atop of a mighty throne that resembles the body of a dragon!

Seeing that figure, their fists clenched tight in agitation!

The Emperor of the Jiu Empire!

"We pay respects to the Emperor!"
