Chapter 120: The First agenda!


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Listening to Duan Li's explanation, the Emperor could finally sigh in relief as it turns out that the latter's wealth wasn't obtained in an unjust way.

He even had his suspicion that the other party had went to rob their neighbouring Liu Empire's treasury.

"I see.. so these fortunes of yours originated from the Eternal maze itself.. I thought that mysterious place could only bring upon the death onto anyone that enters.. Seems like I need to pay more attention to it in the future." the Emperor remarked as he played with his beard.

He had long known about the existence of the Eternal maze. It was the most bizarre location in the whole Jiu Empire, located deep underground the academy, where strong people who could fight and return from a deadly battlefield never came back after entering it.

Even after they find out that only the weak could enter and exit safely, they weren't able to do anything much except scouting due to the limitation of their abilities.

After a long silence, the Emperor finally finished his contemplation on this issue.

"Very well, I agree to transfer the credit points equal to all of your Superior quality spirit stones here. Furthermore, since the total would still be insufficient, I hereby grants you the title of an Imperial Overseer."

Liu Sheng Juan was surprised when he heard this and voiced out his opinion.

"Your Majesty, are you sure to give him such a top-notch title? As you know, Imperial Overseer had the veto power that could overrule any development plans in the Empire, even if its you. He might disrupt our future plans if he becomes the Imperial Overseer."

The Emperor chuckled and responded to Liu Sheng Juan casually.

"Of course I am sure. Even though I am the Emperor of this Empire, and owned everything under it, I dare not claim his wealth as mine. After all, a person who had such a miraculous affinity to be able to get his hands on such a heaven-defying colossal fortune, this is clearly the work of holy providence where he is favored by the heavens themselves."

Hearing this, Liu Sheng Juan cupped his chin and then nodded.

Indeed, what the Emperor had just said makes sense!

Encounters could only happen when one had their affinity with it, and these affinities were set up by the heavens themselves in one way or another.

Since Duan Li was favored by the heavens this much, only fools would throw the seeds of negative karma upon themselves by making an enemy out of him!

That would be tantamount to blasphemous action towards the heavens!

The Emperor then continued

"Therefore, since we are practically going to be using his money to develop the Empire, naturally he has the final say in everything. But, since I am confident with our plans, I believe there wouldn't be much to change at all. Instead, with his money, we could open ourselves to better alternative solutions that we were previously unable to even consider of due to the tight budget!"


The Emperor and Liu Sheng Juan continued to discuss while the Principal and Vice-Principal stood in a daze.

Duan Li becoming the Imperial Overseer?

That practically meant he could even disagree with the Emperor's words without any repercussion!

Furthermore, if all these Superior quality spirit stones were to be exchanged into credit points, that basically meant that the Emperor had mortgaged the whole Empire to Duan Li!

What does this mean then?

This means that the Empire would be indirectly owned by Duan Li from the shadows!

Just the amount of influence Duan Li would hold could practically let him do anything he wants!


Shen Lu however, showed a completely joyful expression. From this day onward, their future were now set in stones to continue and climb to further greatness!

Just thinking about it had him shivered in excitement!

After a while, both the Emperor and Liu Sheng Juan had came to a conclusion that giving Duan Li the status of an Imperial Overseer would benefit the Empire greatly.

As someone whom was favored by the heavens, the choices he made should be alligned with the wishes of the heavens itself. Thus, if they ever find themselves to be impeded, they could turn to Duan Li to make the right decision on their behalf!

The Emperor turned back his attention to Duan Li.

"Although you are now given the title of an Imperial Overseer bestowed by me, since you are not strong enough yet, it would be best for your title to be kept hidden from the public until then. But, your powers as the Imperial Overseer are 100 percent in effect starting from this point onwards, so do not worry. However, this would only be so if you yourself agreed to become the Imperial Overseer. So, do you accept?"

Duan Li turned towards Shen Lu, the Principal and the Vice-Principal as they all nodded.

"Then, I shall accept your Majesty's wishes and become the Imperial Overseer from henceforth!"

He didn't know why, but Duan Li had the feeling that after today, the future that he knew would be entirely changed!

"Very good, then I suppose the first agenda is done? Let me call in my personal intelligence expert."

"Di Rou!" the Emperor called out.


A slender figure suddenly appeared in front of the Emperor wearing black overalls from the top to bottom. Although half of her face was covered up with a black cloth entirely such that only her eyes, brows and vivid shape of her nose could be seen, just these vague features alone hinted that she was definitely a beauty inside!

In addition, her long, sleek black hair tidied up into a high ponytail has a certain gracefulness aura to it.

Kneeling with one knee, she greeted the Emperor.

"Di Rou pays her respect to the Emperor!"

The Emperor nodded.

"En! Di Rou, from now on, that child over there, his name is Duan Li and is the Imperial Overseer of the Jiu Empire. You will work for him from now on and become his personal aid." the Emperor commanded.

Without wasting a single more breath, she immediately replied, "Di Rou understands and will perform dutifully to this imperial decree!"


She then appeared right beside Duan Li and greeted him next, "Di Rou greets the Imperial Overseer!"

Duan Li was at a slight loss of words with her quick decision and reaction, seeming to not even spare a single thought at pondering on the Emperor's command.

"E-En!" Duan Li replied her.

"You will find her to be incredibly efficient, her autonomous act with just a single command truly had me impressed thoroughly. She will not disappoint you." the Emperor said as he chuckled.


With a flick of his fingers, the spatial isolation barrier that covered at Duan Li's party and the Senior Teachers before were lifted in an instant.

"Oh? The first agenda is finally over." Shen Murong let out a mouthful of breath.

To be encompassed within a barrier like that had him and the rest to be uncomfortable.

"Now, onto the second agenda. What was it that is so important for you to bring everyone here?" the Emperor asked with a curious tone.

In his opinion, while the first agenda was quite important, as it had changed the top-level hierarchy of the Empire as well as the future development of it, it appears that the second agenda today would be far more important than the first.

At least that should be, judging from Duan Li's grim expression.

He could tell that if the first agenda was a good news for the Empire, then the second agenda should be the bad news.

Turning his head towards the Principal, Duan Li signalled the latter as the Principal nodded.

"It would be better for us to use this to explain why we all came here today instead."

With a turn of his palm, a single red jade slip appeared on his hand.

"Hmm? An image recording jade slip? So they are going to show me something.." thought the Emperor as he flicked his fingers.


The floor opened up to reveal a gigantic projector device.

"This is the latest projector to display an Image recording. It is truly immersive and can display the 3D elements with a crisp and clear resolution!" said the Emperor proudly.

During his free time, he would watch some image recordings of the numerous action-packed battles, whether that be from duels or the battlefields with this projector.

The Principal walked forward to the projector as he slotted the jade slip into an opening.

With a grim countenance, he pressed the 'Play' button.


An image was displayed in a hologram above the projector and started playing.
