Chapter 161: Summoned in an awkward state!

### Notice ###

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Ps: If it gets censored, those words are P.A.T.R.E.O.N without the dots.

### Notice ###

Jiu Xian Ping was still in his light red morning robe with a cup of coffee on his right hand. He was just about to head over to the War Room in the Royal Palace to get the updates of the battle from the Three Fronts, but who knew that when he opened the door, the scene he saw was not that of the War Room with his people busy running all over making reports, but instead one of the battlefield itself?

"Huh? this is the Blastwinter desert.." he said in a state of shock.

I was summoned? But who could..


I gave the summoning talisman to that young man called Duan Li recently, and that fellow should currently be in this area as well..

Don't tell me.. this is the First Front?!

Sure enough, when he swerved his head to the back, he could see Duan Li waving at him with an awkward smile.

This bastard!

Why couldn't he communicate and tell me first before summoning me in this state?!

When he glanced to his side, Fei Jin Fang was there as well, using a light blue morning robe with a cup of tea on his left hand and a newspaper on his right hand, quite similar in state like he was in now.

They both glanced at each other.

Because of the suddenness of their summoning, the latter forgot that he had to one-kneel on the ground before the Emperor, thus when he realized this, he quickly bent his knees towards the other party, albeit in an awkward posture with both the items on his two hands, as if a liberal poet that travelled the lands in a more casual outlook.

"P-Please forgive your servant here for not noticing your presence earlier your majesty!" Fei Jin Fang swiftly said in a panic and his face reddened in embarrassment for the state he was currently in right now.

The Emperor was feeling a little bit awkward too seeing that his mighty left hand that was usually cladded with full-plate body armor from top to botton in such a casual attire.

Thus, he swiftly replied, "En! A-At ease!" with a little bit of stutter in-between his sentence.


After making some dry cough, he continued, "Were you suddenly summoned as well without any advance notification from him?" the Emperor said while pointing his index finger to Duan Li.

Fei Jin Fang stood up and then crumpled the newspaper on his right hand, "Yes your majesty! I was summoned without any warning beforehand as well!" he replied truthfully with gritted teeth, fuming with anger.

But it was at this moment that he realized that the Emperor was also in a similar state as his as well, thus he couldn't help but to let out an agaped mouth, "Y-Your Majesty! T-This.." he said, unable to construct any proper sentences at all.

To think that little fellow dared to summon the Emperor in such a state as well?!

What brazenness!

"Y-You! Are you courting death?! Why did you summoned.." he stopped before he could finish his sentence, his face warped in horror. This was because he was so surprised to see that there were well over two thousand people here, and by the looks of it, they seemed to be the students from the Jixue Knights Academy!

Right now, all of these people were in a one-kneel posture, a symbol of respect and subservient to the Emperor, but it was that blank look on their face that made Fei Jin Fang horrified!

T-They saw the Emperor in such a state..!

Oh Heavens! The dignity of the Emperor had taken a critical damage today!

"W-What are you all doing? Face down to the ground, now!" he bellowed out in an effort to reduce the situation from escalating into utter embarrassment for their Emperor.

After which, he turned towards the Emperor but found the latter to be gesturing for him to not act any further than this.

Fei Jin Fang swiftly realize the meaning behind this; as long as they did not say anything regarding their appearance right now, they could still maintain their dignity at the end of the day.

Besides, its not that they hadn't brought any spare clothing with them.

With a swift motion of their hand, their current light robes were switched to their formal attire; the Emperor with his majestic golden robe while Fei Jin Fang with his all-black full-plate armor and golden cloak behind him.

They had never felt so grateful of having a spatial ring around. It was in such an emergency situation did they finally realized its value!

Still, when they finished changing, both of them threw a menacing glance towards Duan Li.

If this fellow did not have any good reason to summon them in such a state, he will be in world of pain later on!

"Y-Yo! Good morning Your Majesty, and how are you doing Supreme Knight Fei Jin Fang? S-Sorry to call you both so suddenly.. it was an emergency.." Duan Li tried to swiftly explain himself before he realized something and one-kneeled on the ground.

He remembered Liu Sheng Juan getting reprimanded by this Fei Jin Fang in the Royal Palace before for acting so casual towards the Emperor, and the latter's voice was utterly loud and sounded like a mad bear when scolding someone, thus he swiftly kneeled. Besides, as a citizen of the Jiu Empire, it comes with a warrant that he should show the proper form of respect when seeing the Emperor!

Fei Jin Fang was just about to flare onto Duan Li for greeting the Emperor in such a casual manner, and in fact, even more casual than how Liu Sheng Juan were! But the Emperor again, gestured for him to stop and drop the matter entirely.

"Why did you summon us?" the Emperor then said, the frustrations in his voice couldn't really be concealed, no matter how hard he tried.

"I.. We were just about to wrap up ourselves from this Front because we had finished the battle way sooner before the predicted time.. but then, someone troubling came here.." Duan Li answered, not daring to dilly-dally the matter any longer.

After all, he too knew that he shouldn't have used the Imperial Nine-Six Summoning talisman without advance notice beforehand, because he was lucky that they were only in their light robes before..

What if they were having a shower and was summoned naked?

Fei Jin Fang's dignity could be left and cast aside, but if the Emperor was summoned in such a state, news of it would travel all the way across the other Eight empires, becoming a laughingstock of the century!

"Huh? You guys were already done?" the Emperor was evidently surprised by this, and he felt it hard to believe.

It hadn't even been an hour before the Three Fronts made their attack simultaneously, and the First Front was already done?

When he threw a look around, he could see that some tents and stalls were being set up nicely, and if he was not mistaken, the atmosphere here was reminiscent to that of a festival!

What the hell are my people doing?

What happened to the battle here?

Where are the thousands of monsters?

Just as he was about to inquire for more details from Duan Li, his eyesight caught a figure of someone not too far ahead.

It was Cao Tengfei, casually standing patiently with both hands clasped behind his back, replying the Emperor's gaze on him with a sinister smile.

"That old man!" the Emperor's face quickly turned serious, as he drove his battle intent to the maximum.

Fei Jin Fang also seemed to noticed Cao Tengfei at the same time as the Emperor, thus he too skyrocketed his aura to the pinnacle!

"Is he the one causing trouble to you?" the Emperor said in a solemn voice, without averting his gaze from Cao Tengfei even for a moment!

What a vile aura he is radiating out right now!

Duan Li nodded, "En! He is from that blasphemous Dark Sect! And his name is.."

Just as Duan Li was about to say his name, Cao Tengfei bellowed out with a darkened face, "Don't you dare say my name!"

"..." Emperor.

"..." Fei Jin Fang.

"..." Everyone.

Smirks - Duan Li.

"His name is 'F*cked by the Heavens' and his nickname.. 'Old F*cker!'"
