Chapter 186: Seven Saints Chefs!

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Ps: If it gets censored, those words are P.A.T.R.E.O.N without the dots.

### Notice ###

"Decryption combo? Are those special?" Duan Li asked curiously.

"That's right! Although high quality food like these are extremely beneficial to cultivators as they are like excellent tonic for us, over-eating them would eventually dull your sense of taste temporarily!" Heng Wu replied.

Meng Yue nodded to this and continued Heng Wu's sentence, "En! I have experienced this as well and my decryption combo could only go as far as eating 3 different types of food, before my tastebuds could no longer identify the ingredients used in the next food properly."

Hearing this, Duan Li pondered for a moment before replying, "I see.. then would I get any special discount if I could do a decryption combo?"

Heng Wu cupped his chin, "Well, since both your mother here and young master Fei has managed to combo 3 food consecutively on the lower floors before, we gave them a 100 percent discount for all the 3 food!"

100 percent? Isn't that equivalent to eating for free?

Duan Li was shocked momentarily but his eyes were shining bright after that.

"Alright, since the food is already here, let us dilly-dally no longer and eat!" Fei Liquan who could no longer wait to satiate his hunger as well as compete with Duan Li spoke out, his tone devoid of any worry in him.

'He really is too confident!' Duan Li chuckled to himself inwardly as he shook his head.

In the world of cultivation, there was once an old saying that 'As long as one isn't Mount.Tai, there would always be someone who are better than you.', and at this moment, with Duan Li's abilities, he could be said to be the very depiction of Mount.Tai itself!

Thus, if it was as so, how could Fei Liquan even hoped to win against Duan Li's cheating abilities? Perhaps scaling the Heavens would be a far more easier task than challenging the other party!

Thinking about the matter no further, Duan Li began to indulge himself with the food in front of him as well.




Fei Liquan belched out loud as he rubbed his stomach with a satisfied look to him.

"This is the best dish I ever had! To think that it would be so good!" he said as he licked his lips and then turning to Duan Li, he said provocatively, "Are you ready for the food decryption battle between us next? Or do you need to go and sample some ingredients first?"

Duan Li shook his head ignoring the latter's remark with a smile, "It's fine, let us immediately start! The winner was already decided anyway."

Fei Liquan shot up his brows on this.

Oh? He sure is confident..

But he is indeed correct, against me, Fei Liquan, the best Culinary Seer of this Seven Saints Culinary restaurant, how could he even dream to win?

To think that he would already indirectly announced to everyone that he would lose this battle, he is at least a little bit smart!

After all, doing so would at least keep his honor and dignity in one piece!

I just hope that he would not cry and complain to his mother later on..

Her slap actually hurts quite a lot!

Heng Wu nodded, "Please wait for a moment, I will bring along the chefs that were in charge of cooking the dishes and will return back here shortly!" he replied.

Then, with a 'Ssuu!', the old butler disappeared on the spot and only returned after a while later with seven people in a clean white chef's uniform, each one of them wearing an identical plain white mask to conceal their appearance!

"These people are?" the crowd asked curiously.


"They are the Seven Saints Culinary chefs that cooked the food everyone ate here just now!" Heng Wu answered.

The old butler then continued, "This is especially the case for the dish that you two had eaten before, 'Premium Grapevine Fruit Icecream' and the tenderloin of the 'Horned-bull Flying Sheep'! Those two dish alone requires all seven of the Saints Chefs here to create!"


Everyone marveled in astonishment when they heard this.

They knew that cooking delicious food was hard, but to require all seven of the Saints Chefs just to make those two dish?

That's just too extreme!

Although they do not know the full extent of these saints chefs capabilities in cooking, just their title alone was domineering enough to send those in their same field to fear and look up upon them in reverence!

Fei Liquan crossed both of his arms on his chest as he began to laugh out loud.

"Alright, since you are just a beginner in this, why don't you start first? Oh and, you can take all the time you want!" he gestured towards Duan Li casually, confident that he had already won this battle before it had even started.

"Oh? Then, I'll be troubling the Seven Saints Chefs first!" Duan Li almost could not contain the laughter inside of him.

The Seven Saints Chefs nodded, and without any sorts of verbal signal, a spiritual Qi barrier was already errected and encassed both Duan Li and all the seven Saints Chefs inside, cutting off all form of sound from leaking out or going inside the barrier.


Furthermore, to prevent the viewers from reading the lips of Duan Li and knowing what those ingredients were, the Seven Saints Chefs had positioned themselves in such a way that Duan Li's back were facing the audience.

In addition, what caught Duan Li's party in surprise, was that these Seven Saints Chefs were quite powerful as well!

They were all at least in the Golden Core formation realm!


Inside the spiritual Qi barrier..

"Ohh.. spiritual Qi barrier.. I guess not just anyone could learn and use spatial magic.." Duan Li noted to himself.

After being exposed to spatial seals and barriers repeatedly from both the Emperor and the Principal, Duan Li almost forgot that those two people were exceptional individuals within the Jiu Empire, and possessing such means was only natural for someone of their caliber.

Shifting his attention to the seven Saints Chefs in front of him, Duan Li began to analyze them.

Their Qi signature and aura..

Pinnacle Stage Golden Core realm experts?

Not bad!

One of the Seven Saints Chefs then stepped forward, "List out the ingredients used to prepare the Premium Grapevine Fruit Icecream, the order does not matter." he said indifferently.

Another one stepped forward and then continued, "List out ten of the ingredients, and you would be able to clear the first stage, 20 more ingredients to clear the second stage and 30 more ingredients to clear the final stage!" this person said in a similar indifferent tone.

"Ahh.. okay, well here I go!"

Duan Li began to tell them the names of the ingredients used in the Premium Grapevine Fruit Icecream loudly one by one.
