Chapter 191: Darned bastard! Islands on fire!

### Notice ###

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Ps: If it gets censored, those words are P.A.T.R.E.O.N without the dots.

### Notice ###

This old man was not too burly and big, but has enough muscle definition while keeping a slim appearance that would deter most people from offending him at first sight.

After all, even if the physical body shape does not necessarily equates to a cultivator's strength, the human instinct would always view those with great physique in caution due to its defensive nature.

Furthermore, even though the wrinkles on his face would immediately gave out his old age to others, his facial appearance remained sharp and angular. Coupled with the fact that he has no beard but only moustache, others would have the impression that this old man was actually quite suave despite his age.

"I have been cultivating silently for 500 years and almost broke through to the Entering Omnipresence Realm State, to think that someone would dare to disturb me in the last critical moment.. hmph! let's see what kind of fool entered the Second region this time!" the old man gnashed his teeth as he clenched his fists, and then delivered a swift punch upwards.


Like an unstoppable beast, the simple punch of this old man harnesses the might of a whole mountain and pushes everything in its way upwards indiscriminately.

The result was that, the huge volcanic island has a momentary loud explosion and spewed out molten magma and fireballs to its surroundings!



With a casual snort, this old man pushed his legs against the magma below him, and the resulting force shot him high up through the main volcanic vent until he reached the sky and finally up above the atmosphere, producing a few sonic booms while he was at it due to the ridiculous ascending speed.

Once he reached a certain height, he was no longer ascending but began to descend. From this, it was apparent that even this seemingly powerful old man could not escape the laws of this small world.

Shifting his gaze to look below him with that gemstone-like clarity of his bright blue pair pupils, he narrowed his eyes and willed;

"Heavenly Sense!!"


Heavenly Sense was an upgrade to the Soul Sense that Nascent Soul realm experts obtained when they reached that realm, but Heavenly Sense could only be gained once one ascended to the realms of immortality!

As if the whole world was enlarged in his view like a pair of magnifying glasses, he began to search for the source that lowered the temperature of the magma that he was in a moment ago.

After all, he wasn't inside the pool of magma for fun, but was actually cultivating using a unique method that made use of extreme temperatures to temper both his physical body and inner body at the same time, such as his meridians and pathways.

This was because in order to enter the Omnipresence Realm State, one of its compulsory requirements was that one's physical and inner body, must firstly reached a state where it could withstand a unique Lightning Tribulations from the Heavens called the Three Severing process.

From the name itself, the Lightning Tribulation would consists of only three lightning bolts the size of an adult's thigh.

The first bolt, will severe a person's sense of space. If one's physical and inner body state was not strong enough, they would quickly disintegrate into smaller molecular atoms and die.

The second bolt, will severe a person's sense of perception itself. This will cause the Heavenly Sense of the cultivator to spread out continuously away from their body, and if the cultivator did not manage to stop their perception from spreading out in time, then their soul would extinguish and they will also die.

Finally, the third bolt will attempt to disintegrate a cultivator's source of power, which was their spiritual Qi. If their Qi cycle was not fast enough, then they will implode from within, and in that case, death would be inevitable.

All these was a test on whether one is worthy enough to make use of the ability that could only be gained by stepping into the Omnipresence realm state..

Omnipresence Perception!

In this state, one's perception would always be monitoring their surroundings everytime as if they were there the whole time, and if they so wanted, with just a single thought, they would appear in that very location itself in a single instant!

To put it into a simple analogy, if both Soul Sense and Heavenly Sense was an ability that requires activation to be used, Omnipresence Perception was a similar ability but does not requires any sorts of activation at all, because it is a passive ability!

In addition, the higher one's realm in this state were, the further their perception could reach. For example, if their Heavenly Sense could reach tens of kilometers before, then their Omnipresence perception would be similar in radius as well!

This means that, a cultivator in the Omnipresence realm state were always aware of everything within a thousand kilometers square around them and could travel within that space in a matter of instant!

While there were ways to avoid being voyuered on by these beings, such as cultivators of the same realm state or those from the higher realms, this was what an Omnipresence Realm State experts could basically do!

And for those in the lower realm, well..

Just make sure to always put their clothes on!

"Hmph! Found you, let's see what you are doing right now.."


What the hell!

The sight before him had left him so shocked and stupefied that the words he was about to say was stucked in his throat, causing him to choke on his own saliva!

This was because after he found out who the perpetrator was, that person seemed to be running around on a small island filled with coconut trees and burning them down!

This guy is an arsonist!

"How the hell did such a lunatic was allowed to enter the Eternal Maze? Just what is going on in the Tian Continent nowadays that they let in such a crackhead like this person entered?!" he cursed under his breath.

But soon, he found out something peculiar about the seemingly crazy fellow.

"Eh? He sat down cross-legged in the middle of the island? Meditating?"

And a few moments later, he was once again flabbergasted!

At first, he thought that the deranged fellow was just burning things up on random, but that was actually not the case!

"The fire.. was slowly being extinguished.. this is.. absorbing spiritual Qi directly from the source?!"

No wonder the magma he was in had dropped by a few degrees so suddenly!

Every element and things in the world possess their own unique spiritual Qi, but these Qi were like those inside their dantian, which no matter if there were a million cultivators around them meditating, they won't be able to aborb even a drop of the spiritual Qi inside their dantian because it was already their's!

Therefore, one has to know that such a thing was absolutely impossible! At least not until one's cultivation had entered the Forming Realm and Law state!

"Even my unique cultivation technique does not allow me to extract spiritual Qi directly from the source itself.."

That fellow was clearly still in the Early stage of the Core formation realm.. so how did he managed to do it?

Eh? Hang on a second..

His cultivation.. is skyrocketing?!

Early stage!

Middle stage!

Late stage!




The old man had to cover up his mouth with his hand so that he would not choke on himself again as he watched the entire scene unfolding before his very eyes.

"W-While he is indeed still under the mortal wheels of fate, such rate of breaking through stages straight to the pinnacle of a realm was far too fast! Even back in my heyday, this was still unheard of!"

No matter if one was still a mortal or an immortal, the very act of cultivation was already a show of defiance towards the Heavens, and if breaking through stages was as simple as drinking water, there would already be no mortals left.

Thus, how could cultivation be so easy?

At least that, was his worldview until this very moment, and what Duan Li had just done before him had forced him to open up his horizon!

It was said that if one had not yet experienced things beyond the conventional, then one hasn't seen the world yet.

"This young man is clearly not simple.. let's see what else he could do.."

Slightly pushing his feet towards the back direction akin to swimming, he started to propel himself forward.
