Chapter 193: The Guardian of the Second region!

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Ps: If it gets censored, those words are P.A.T.R.E.O.N without the dots.

### Notice ###

"Eh ahem!.. let's see.. go and fetch some herbs if there are any!" Duan Li instructed towards the latter as he realized that Cucko did not have the ability to fetch a coconut with its beak and puny claws.


Flitting its wings rapidly, Cucko immediately dashed forward and also disappeared into the distance, and although its speed was nothing when compared to Daelius, Cucko was still quite fast for a chicken!

"Good, very good! I've decided, I'll take everything that is nutritious in this second region for the Empire to grow swiftly!" Duan Li said in excitement.

It was just a while ago that I suddenly became the Culinary Overlord of the Seven Saint Culinary restaurant, but to think that such an opportunity to collect resources would immediately came afterwards like this?

This must be the work of fate!

He then remembered something and cupped his chin.

Wait.. Since Cucko was able to enter the Eternal Maze because it was hiding in my shadow.. could she also be here?

His face turned pale.

"Umm..Di Rou?" Duan Li called out.


A slender figure draped in a slightly tight black Ninja outfit appeared from his shadow and kneeled before him, "Yes Master?" she asked, her voice mellow.

Duan Li was stunned!

'She was here all along!'

'Damn it! Didn't that practically meant that she got to see how I was since I first entered?' Duan Li's face reddened as he thought of this.

How embarrassing!

He previously thought that it was only him with his pets that was here, but to think that even his personal assistant had also came in through the portal as well just like that?


"Di Rou, please don't mind me letting myself loose over here, its actually quite tiring to be so lordy-like all the time.." Duan Li said to her as he scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

He decided to just confess the truth to her. After all, who could blame him? Just counting the days since he first stepped into the cultivation world, it hadn't even been a month!

He still had so much to explore and be excited about, but unfortunately, being a Lord was not so easy as he previously thought and he had to conduct himself properly as a leader.

In simpler words, this was his opportunity to act more like himself!

Di Rou chuckled softly, "It's fine Master, I like you better this way." she replied in a simple manner.

Although that sentence was short, Duan Li felt as if he was being strucked by a lightning!


She like me better this way?

Like as in..?

He immediately shook his head quickly before his imaginations could run wild.

'Nah, she must have meant that she preferred me better this way, yes that should be it!'


Women are dangerous creature indeed, just their words alone could send a man's mental state into chaos!

"I see, then you should get used to this, because I think that we will be here for quite a while." Duan Li told her.

"Yes Master!" Di Rou replied like a loyal servant.

However, right after he said that, his mind flashed for a moment.

W-Wait a minute.. if we are the only ones here..

Duan Li turned his head and looked around.

That.. that'll be awkward!

Casting a side glance towards Di Rou's mature and slender body whom was still kneeling before him, with her curves all in the right places, Duan Li swallowed a mouthful of saliva.


He never had the chance to look at her properly before because there was always some things going on, but now that he had the time to observe carefully, this woman in her Ninja clothing was definitely a one, stunning beauty!

Furthermore, all these while, he was always being surrounded by his party, and although Xiahou Yu and Xu Rong could be considered as pretty as well, they were at least a little bit younger than him, thus he never felt awkward having a conversation with them, no matter with others or private.

But Di Rou was at least a few years older than him!

Should I call her big sister?

No wait, that can't be right! I'm her Master!!

Duan Li was clutching at his forehead so intensely that Di Rou whom was looking at him became quite concerned.

"Are you all right Master? Do you perhaps need a rest?" she asked, and then immediately sat down with her legs folded.

Tap! Tap!

Tapping on her thighs, she stared straight at Duan Li and said, "If you need to lay down, you can use my lap as a pillow Master!" her expression serious.


Duan Li choked on himself.

'That's it! We can't be alone!'

"Guardian? Lord Guardian of the Second region? Come out! I know you are out there somewhere! Come outtttttt!!" he began to shout out at the top of his lungs.


Standing mightily with both arms crossed on his chest, the old man was currently hiding his presence on the branch of a big tree far away from Duan Li, and when he heard Duan Li calling him out, his right foot slipped and he crashed to the ground.


Standing up haggardly, the old man became furious, "What is up with this fellow? How does he knows that I'm here? It cannot be that he was able to detect me? That's impossible!"

Calming himself down, he soon found himself a plausible theory, "He must have encountered the Guardian of the First Region, and that's why he knew there was a Guardian here too!" he said to himself as he nodded.

That should be the case!

"But this fellow! How dare he called me out like that as if I'm his servant! Does he want a beating?!" he gnashed his teeth in anger.

The way the other party was calling out to him was just like calling out a servant that was late in serving the other party with their food!

When I once roamed the Tian continent several centuries ago, not to mention anyone calling me out, even babies would shut their crying mouth if they heard my name!

"Hmph! As if I will come out just because you want it. I'm a Guardian, an observer! You might be able to meet the Guardian of the First region, because he wasn't someone special, but me? I'm Dugu Liubai! Not even the Emperor of a ten thousand years old dynasty was qualified to meet me, let alone a snotty brat like you!"

I, Dugu Liubai, was once feared and revered to by the masses!

This old man whom called himself as Dugu Liubai, has decided that he would not meet out with the fellow and continued in observing the other party from a distance.


"Guardian!! Lord Guardian!!" Duan Li shouted out for the last time.

'That's weird! Are there perhaps, no Guardian in the Second region? But that can't be right..' Duan Li frowned.

He recalled that old man Jing Zhianghu, the Guardian of the First region once said that every region has their own Guardian, but why is the Guardian of this place not coming out despite him calling out for so many times?

"I remembered that old man Jing Zhianghu only came out after I said something about the Grand Immortal whom they worshipped.. but I can't possibly curse out someone like that out of the blue.. the Guardian might just decided to kill me on the spot!" he said inwardly as he remembered the words of Jing Zhianghu to never say anything bad about the Grand Immortal!

Oh well.. I guess I'll just have to keep a straight mind and not look at Di Rou too much..

Whooshh!! Whooshh!!

Daelius and Cucko appeared and disappeared in front of him while dropping coconuts and some herbs before they repeated the same cycle again and again until there was none left to fetch.

Looking at the amount of coconuts in front of him and the herbs, Duan Li nodded in satisfaction.

He waved his hand grandly and stored everything inside his spatial ring.

"Good job guys!" Duan Li gave them both a thumbs up.


"What? He is able to use his spatial ring? How is that possible?!" Dugu Liubai's face changed in horror.

One has to know that the rules made inside the Eternal Maze was both eternal and fixed, such that even he himself could not disobey or circumvent around it!

Take for example, in this Second region, the Grand Immortal has made it as such that their stamina would be dropped into the level of a mortal and that they won't be able to fly!

Yet, how can an unassuming, unimpressive fellow was able to use the function of the spatial ring?

By the looks of it, that spatial ring isn't even special!

Dugu Liubai continued to observe Duan Li with greater interest while making his own notes about the other party.
