Chapter 201: Meeting the chief!

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### Notice ###

"Ahahaha.. well, goodluck with that." Jing Zhianghu did not know whether to laugh or cry. But what he absolutely knew was that, Duan Li would definitely cause a scene somehow in the Second region!

"Where is he right now by the way? And how is his cultivation realm?" he asked.

Dugu Liubai replied, "He is currently with a pack of Molten Komodosaurus, and you won't believe this, but this fellow can actually talk with animals and monsters! Not to mention, each were talking with their respective language too as if it were natural!"

He still found the entire situation to be bizarre. After all, even if individuals whom can talk with animals and monsters without any language barriers existed, they could be counted on one hand, and Duan Li was one of them!

"His cultivation realm is currently at the Core Formation realm. And I think that this fellow is really interesting as you made him out to be, because barely a few moments after arriving, he had cultivated all the way from Pinnacle stage Foundation establishment realm to the Pinnacle stage Core formation realm.. without any sorts of tribulation descending upon him!" he continued.


The sounds of Jing Zhianghu spitting out his tea could be heard from the other side.

Again? Another jump from one Pinnacle stage straight to another Pinnacle?

Perhaps it has already been a few hundred years since I changed my wheels of fate to an immortal's, and my memories might have deteriorated for a bit due to my age and time too.. but was cultivation always that easy?

"The brat is impressive as always, it would be a shame if he were to fall midway on his journey. Do me a favor friend, if you see him in any sorts of danger, try to help him secretly.." Jing Zhianghu requested.

"Oh? The fabled cold-blooded, Red Emperor of the Thousand Swords is actually showing favor to a mere brat? You sure have gotten soft!" Dugu Liubai chuckled and found it to be amusing.

"I'll do just that in consideration of our friendship for so many years, but you have to remember, we Guardians are limited in our means and musn't intervene directly, so I could not guarentee anything, but I'll keep a proper lookout." he replied.

"That would be enough, although I'm quite sure that he could make it past the final trial in your region, it wouldn't hurt to at least have a final safety net in case things went South. Thank you." Jing Zhianghu said earnestly.

Dugu Liubai shook his head with a smile, "You've really gotten soft my friend. Very well, you can count on me!"


Their communication ended as Dugu Liubai stood up and look towards a certain direction.

"I guess standing at the peak of that volcano would provide me with a better vantage point.."



With a leap, Dugu Liubai bolted off to the sky and propelled through it by kicking and compressing air to mimic the ability of flying.


"The Chief is right inside there. Remember, don't blame him.. he also lost a daughter like you.. " Senior Komodo said as he reminded Bulu.

"I understand, sorry about the sudden outburst before senior!" Bulu apologized sincerely.

"It's fine, you are right to be angry. But I trust that if there is anyone whom can turn this whole situation around, it will be you and your companions here.. at least, that's what my gut instinct is telling me right now." Senior Komodo smiled gently.

Bulu then turned towards Duan Li as they both nodded, and then proceeded to enter the large cave in front of them.

This cave was damp and humid, although it does not reek and smells bad, it was a little bit hard for both Duan Li and Di Rou to breath in properly. This was due to the black ash below their feet that lets out some sort of mild putrid gasses to the air, which was not suitable to be breathed in by normal people.

Thankfully, they were both cultivators.

After they walked further in, they saw a huge silhouette of a Komodo laying flat on the floor.

Bulu that saw the current state of their chief was in, couldn't help but to feel quite saddened.

"Chief.." he called out emotionally.

The figure, seemingly to react to this voice that it hadn't heard for a very long time, opened its eyes weakly.

"This.. voice.. Bulu.. is that you?" the old Komodo said as it couldn't believe its ears, thinking that it was him just hearing things.

"Chief Zolak.. no, Father-in-law, I have returned.." Bulu replied as he approached.


The old Komodo lifted its massive body from the ground using its remaining three legs. But its huge body and immense weight was enough to cause tremors on the ground with each step it took as if it was from an earthquake!

Gradually, its figure started to become clear and Duan Li couldn't help but to gasp in surprise..

This was because, this old komodo was akin to a small, moving hill!

If it were not because Dilong and Zhulong already told Duan Li on what a real dragon actually looks like, he might even be convinced that this old komodo was a real dragon in itself!

"Bulu.. it's really you..!! I can't believe.. hmm?!!" the chief detected the presence of Duan Li along with the rest and turned its head over.


Due to its natural instinct, the chief immediately roared out to Duan Li as he identified the latter as a threat for trespassing his territory, and this roar caused some of the ceiling to collapse!


"Wait! We are Bulu's friends!" Duan Li hurriedly said.

"Woof! Woof!"


Daelius and Cucko also joined in and said the same thing as Duan Li.

"Bulu's friends? Is this true?" the old Komodo halted and turned his head as he asked this to Bulu.

"Yes, father-in-law! They are my friends that I brought along here.." Bulu replied.

"I see.. Bulu.. where have you been all these while? Both Lulu.. and Pegu.. they.. why were you not there to protect them when they need you?!" the chief roared out once more, its bottled emotions was finally uncapped, and it was very apparent that he was in a state of wrath right now.

Lulu was his daughter, and Bulu was the only one out of the twelve strongs that he believed and trusted whom could take care of his daughter. But who would have thought that, even in that critical moment, Bulu was nowhere to be found causing his dear daughter to lose her life?

Not to mention, he also lost a grandchild as well!

Thus, how could he not be angry?

With a single kick, Bulu's body was sent flying to the walls and crashed, creating a huge cloud of dust and cracks.

"Answer me!!" the old Komodo shouted.

Meanwhile, Di Rou whispered to to Duan Li, "Master, should we help Bulu?" of which Duan Li shook his head and replied, "It's fine.. let them settle this.. we are only outsiders when it came to their family matters.."

Cough! Cough!

Bulu spatted out a mouthful of blood, but didn't retaliate and just stood there. In his opinion, he deserved this.

While it was indeed outside his powers to protect them because he was not there, he had also already sworn to his father-in-law to protect Lulu with his life when he took her hand in marriage before.

Thus, he could not absolve the blame from his side too.
