Chapter 203: I will do it!

### Notice ###

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Ps: If it gets censored, those words are P.A.T.R.E.O.N without the dots.

### Notice ###

"What?" the Old Komodo could not believe what he was hearing and for a moment or so, he was in a loss for words.

After coming out of his stupor, his countenance turned into that of ridicule.

"Human, even if you are strong, you should stop giving us false hopes. Not to mention giving me back my lost limb and tail, even saying that you can increase our realm to the pinnacle? You can't be serious!"

Human's cultivation realm with monsters differs by a whole lot!

While humans needed to absorb spiritual Qi from the surrounding in order to ascend in their realm, a monster's realm was decided upon birth!

Along with their growth, their realm will increase naturally without the need to cultivate at all, up until their monster core reach their maximum potential.

Take for example him, his realm had long reached its saturated point and stopped growing at the Early stage of the Core formation realm, and there was no way to increase it any further as they do not have a way or method to cultivate.

Naturally, this might sound convenient at first, but a linear increase in realm was actually limited in so many ways that each of them became identical to one another in the end, separated by only who has the more higher realm!

When compared to human cultivators, humans could practice an almost infinite number of cultivation methods so long as they have access to it and their body constitution was compatible or suitable for practicing the said cultivation method!

Therefore, even if this human in front of him possessed the means to increase one's realm, towards humans it might work, but for monsters?

The old komodo sighed and shook its head.

At this moment, Dilong furrowed her brows feeling displeased with the latter, she thus said, "Do not look down on my master, back in the human world, he had beaten a full-grown Nascent Soul realm expert on his own. And if that does not convince you yet, just know that your entire tribe here would only amount to a small village in where we came from.

Zhulong butted in, "That's right! Our master here is the Imperial Overlord, and what that means.. is that he rules over the lives of tens of millions of people!" he said with a tone of disdain.

Both Dilong and Zhulong's revelation was so impactful that the countenance of the old komodo changed once more.

'A ruler of tens of millions of people?' his eyes widened.

Even he could not imagine what kind of power or influences that would hold!

In fact, that number was far too inconceivable for him to even process because he was just a chief for a few hundreds of his kin!

Realizing his mistake, the old komodo swiftly corrected his words, "If that is indeed true, then.. perhaps you really has a way to help us?" he said with an agitated voice.

"Hmph! Since I already said that I can help, so naturally.. of course I can!" Duan Li harrumphed to the obvious as he replied confidently.

He then continued, "Have all your tribe members to gather around a hot spring large enough to contain everyone at the same time.. you guys will need to temper your body first in order to be able to handle the increase in realm that I will induce on everyone later on!"

Hearing the confident tone used by the human in front of him, the old komodo no longer held any shred of doubt and decided to trust the other party thoroughly.

After all, they were already cornered to the point of near-extinction, so even if the other party turned out to lie to them in the end, what more could they lose?

"Alright, I will tell them right away!" the old komodo replied as he got up once more, but this time, his looks were far more energetic!

From this, it could be seen that his vigor had been resurrected along with his long-buried hopes!

He then started to move with a limp motion to head towards the exit of the cave one step at a time.

Seeing this, Duan Li shook his head and said, "Hold up, let me patch up that leg of your's and tail first!"

What can you even accomplish walking at such a snail's pace?

Then, with a wave of his hand, wooden boxes began to flew out from his spatial ring one by one!

With a single thought, these wooden boxes joined and morphed together as they started to fuse with the severed hind leg and tail of the old komodo!

Wooshh! Wooshh!

"Urghh!" the old komodo gritted his teeth as he could feel that the foreign object was integrating with all of his previously severed nerves!

Su su su!

Slowly, they formed to become a new wooden leg that was nearly-identical to the rest of his other limbs, including his tail!

Furthermore, he could even control both of these prosthetic parts as if it were his own since the beginning! There were no sense of unfamiliarity with them at all!

The only difference perhaps, was that both of his new limb and tail were made out of a unique hard wood instead of his normal flesh!

"T-This..!!" the old komodo was left dumbfounded and could only look at Duan Li with its mouth wide agaped.

This had really shocked him to a great degree!

Am I the monster here or are you the monster?

"T-Thank you for this, Lord Benefactor! I will never forget this graciousness of your's even after I die! Starting from today onwards, your wish is my command!" he hurriedly said as if swearing an oath of loyalty.

Duan Li only chuckled as he listened to this.

"It's only a small matter! Now, inform the rest on what I have just told you. I will give you guys the chance to turn this entire situation around and let you guys emerge as the winner by the end of it all!" he declared.


Shortly after the old komodo left excitedly to inform the rest of his tribe, Bulu approached Duan Li and bowed his head towards the latter in order to express his utmost gratitude.

"Thank you friend, after everything is settled today, I will be in your debt forever and would do as you wish!" he said.

Duan Li smiled, "Why so serious? Come and follow me, I will make you the new champion of your tribe!" Duan Li said as he beckoned for the other party to accompany him.

Walking a little bit further inside the cave, they soon found themselves to be in the middle of a fork and Duan Li head into one of them. Before long, Duan Li reached his desired destination.

It was a pool of hot magma!

"This.. what are we doing here?" Bulu inquiried, a little bit scared.

Duan Li turned around to face him.

"In order to become the champion of the tribe, you will need to undergo a body tempering that is even more vicious than the others!" he said to Bulu.


"I.. do you mean that I have to temper myself inside that pool of magma?" his body began to sweat.

What lunatic!

I know that my body looks rocky and as hard as it can be, but don't you know that magma pools are so hot that even rocks could get liquefied?

You must be trying to eat me instead!

"Fool! The resources used to temper your physical body will be the blood from the Hundred Thousand Graveyards in the middle of the Eternal Maze, where all beings that lived here will return one day!"

Duan Li then explained, "Due to the potency of the blood, every single drop would be like a toxic, eating at you straight away. However, by submerging yourself inside this magma bath, the heat will cause your blood flow to circulate in your body even faster than normal!"

"This way, when I add the blood droplet later on, it will enter inside your bloodstream much more easily through your acupoints, and merged with your body cells rapidly, saving you from having to deal with extended sufferings!"


Bulu stepped back involuntarily when he heard this as his body shivered.

"I-I know about that blood pool, I will die if you use that to temper my body!" he shouted in panic.

"Hmph! Don't tell me that you are already afraid of death before the fight even begins? How disappointing! This a waste of my time!" Duan Li snorted as he turned to exit the area.

"Urgh.. hold it right there!" Bulu gritted his teeth together.

"I will do it!"
