Chapter 205: Bulu's transformation!

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### Notice ###


Chief Zolak has just returned back to the cave to tell Duan Li that the deed was done, but when he arrived, he was horrified by the sight that he saw!

"Wha-What is this?!" he said with a pale face.

"Oh? You've returned! How was it? Did you managed to convince everyone?" Duan Li asked with a smile as he continued to drive his spiritual Qi into the magma pool to swirl it like it was a pot of hot soup with Bulu in the middle of it.

In fact, just a single whiff would be enough to tell that a part of Bulu's meat was already cooked into the medium-rare zone!

"Y-Yes Lord benefactor! B-But what are you doing to my son-in-law? Why are you cooking him alive?" he replied as he cast a look at that tragic face of Bulu's, seemingly resigned to its fate.

Could it be that his son-in-law had done a heinous crime?

"You mean this? We are currently in the body tempering process! The heat from the magma has forced all of his acupoints to open, and he is now absorbing a unique blood in order to strengthen both his physical and inner body!" Duan Li answered.

Hearing this, the old komodo heaved a huge sigh in relief.

So it was body tempering!

"Is this also the same process that we have to take later on? I don't think that.. everyone will agree on this.." he said to Duan Li with a concerned look to him.

After all, the process in front of him appeared to be no less than cooking in his eyes!

Who in the world would even want that?

Duan Li chuckled as he answered, "Don't worry, this level of body tempering is not something that others could withstand! Everyone else will have a less cruciating body tempering process later on. This here is meant specifically for Bulu, for he.. will become the Champion after this!"

"The Champion..!!" Chief Zolak widened his eyes in realization as his breath grew agitated.

No wonder that such a peculiar method was used!

A Champion was a title bestowed onto the strongest new generation of the monster's species, and if the method used was common, then how can they possibly become any different than others?

Those who strived to be different, must first chose a different path than everyone else!

"Watch! I will add the blood to the magma pool right now.." Duan Li gestured as he dropped 5 droplets of his blood into the magma pool.


"Ehh.. Ahh... AHHHHHHH!!"

As soon as the blood came into contact with the burning magma, they immediately saturated the whole pool and dyed it the color of crimson, turning the pool into a boiling pot of blood!

Bulu's agonized moans became increasingly unbearable to listen to, and the old komodo could not help but to turn his sight away.

"Persevere! You must survive this body tempering process if you want to avenge your wife and daughter!" Duan Li said as he saw the latter to be slowly losing consciousness.

As if those pair of words were like magic, Bulu gritted his teeth and forcefully opened his eyes wide, even to the extent of slapping his own face with his tail so as to remain awake!



After a few moment, Duan Li nodded.

"Good! You have managed to absorb it all! Come out of the pool and sit in front of me!" he instructed while feeling genuine amaze and respect towards the latter.

Just how potent was his blood?

One has to know that even Duan Li's followers had to dilute a single droplet of his blood thoroughly, not to mention 5 droplets!

Pant.. Pant..

Stepping out from the magma pool, Bulu's countenance was extremely pale, but his eyes was full of flames, as if it would burn for eternity!

"What resolve.." Chief Zolak's heart clenched, feeling emotional when he saw this.

If only I have even a shred of that resolve back then.. perhaps we would have won..

"Drink this, it will alleviate your condition back to its peak!" Duan Li waved his hand casually as a bottle of elixir appeared on his hand.

Di Rou that saw this immediately gasped in disbelief..

That's a grade-5 elixir and its incredibly rare in the Tian continent!

In fact, no present Alchemy masters could even concoct one out of a thousand batches!

If Grade-1 elixirs could revive non-cultivators from any condition whatsoever, then Grade-2 would help Qi condensation and Foundation establishment realm cultivators immensely.

Meanwhile, Grade-3 would recover most injuries for Core and Golden Core realm cultivators while Grade-4 was the only elixirs potent enough to be useful for Nascent Soul realm cultivators to mend their injuries and their price were astronomically expensive!

Therefore, what would be the effects of a grade-5 elixir that was said to be an elixir made for the immortals in the legends?

Even she did not know and could not help but to anticipate for this greatly!

But what she did know was that, her master was someone with an unfathomable means behind him!

To think that a legendary grade-5 elixir would be used to mend the condition of a mere monster like this, if the Emperors of the nine empires ever found out about this, they would spurt their old blood for seven days straight!

Gulu gulu gulu..

Swiftly after drinking down all the contents inside the elixir, Bulu's countenance no longer looked pale but rosy instead.

"Oohhhh! I can feel that my strength.. are returning back!"

Kacha kacha!

Like a grasshopper shedding its old skin away, Bulu shook his body rapidly before his old, crumpled skin exfoliated off of his body, revealing a new glistening, solid skin underneath!

"Excellent." Duan Li commented with a nod.

He then approached Bulu and put one of his palm onto the latter.

Sonar Qi!


'Good! Its not wasted after all!' he said to himself, feeling quite relieved.

While it pains him to use a grade-5 elixir like that, he still has a few of them inside his spatial ring and this was an occasion that requires him to use it.

After all, the effects from a grade-5 elixir was just too strong, and for a monster that was still in the Foundation establishment realm using it, there was still a good 80 percent of that elixir left coursing through his body, waiting to heal any new injuries that it encountered!

This would be extremely beneficial for the next step, which was the melting of the monster core!

Since meridians and pathways were connected directly to a monster's core, if the core was melted, so does their meridians and pathways!

But, with the help of the remaining elixir inside his body, it could continuously heal his internal body without touching the core at all!

This was because elixirs were only meant to heal both the physical and inner body state only, not to fix a crippled dantian or a broken monster core!

"The next step would be far more painful than before, are you ready?" Duan Li said with a serious voice.

Bulu gnashed his teeth as he replied with a savage look, "Bring it on!"

I've already endured such a pain, was there anymore more painful than that?

Duan Li then turned to Zhulong, "Zhulong, its your turn now."

"Alright master." Zhulong then closed his eyes as he meditated.

Then, when he opened his eyes back, the magma pool from before started to float on air one-by-one and coagulated to form a kind of formation seal using ancient texts undecipherable for everyone.


"This was actually a method for torture back in the past, so I hope that you are truly prepared." Zhulong warned and then waved his metallic wings, and the floating formation seal bolted straight into Bulu's body!



Again, another bout of agonizing cries resounded from within the cave.


At the summit of the volcanic mountain, Dugu Liubai was sitting cross-legged on top of a large boulder.

Since Duan Li had entered a cave, his eyesight no longer works, thus he amplified his hearing abilities to listen at Duan Li's conversation in order to continue to observe the latter.

But as fate would have it, Duan Li was not conversing with people but monsters. Thus, even if he were to listen to the numerous antonations sounds of different roars repeatedly, he would not be able to understand a single jacksh*t. Therefore, he could only understand the conversation from the mouth of Duan Li.

From what he had listened thus far, he knew that a war between the Molten Komodosaurus and Fiery Iguanasaurus was inevitable, what more with Duan Li helping one side to win.

Although what Duan Li did here was not a breach of any rules of conduct, he still found the whole matter to be quite bizarre.

A human taking part between the tribal war of monsters? He was sure that this was the first time he ever saw one!

Furthermore, the fellow even claimed to be able to increase the prowess of these komodos!

It was not as if they were a bunch of cultivators, so what was the other party even planning to do?

Then, the next thing he knew was that, sounds of tragic roars was being emanated out from the cave, similar to when one's testicle was being hammered by a powerful kick!

And since his sense of smell was particularly strong, he could smell an aromatic scent unique to a cooked meat waffing out from the cave!

Wasn't the other party trying to help them? Then why was he cooking them instead?

It couldn't be possible that the fellow had set up one elaborate trick just for having a grand feast?

Only lunatics would even think of doing that!


Dugu Liubai suppressed his complex rows of emotions and continued to listen to the sounds coming out from the cave patiently..
