Chapter 210: Komodo Vs Iguana (1)

"March!" Chief Zolak roared out.



The komodos began to march forward with an impressive momentum and headed to the southern direction. From the looks of it, their mortal enemies were located somewhere in the South.

"Eh.. these komodos, they are not moving in formation.." Duan Li commented as he then commanded the komodos to reposition themselves along the way, and since Duan Li had helped them immensely, they followed his instructions thoroughly without questioning him the slightest.

"That's more like it..!" Duan Li nodded to himself feeling satisfied now that the komodos has realigned themselves.

Back when he was still a mortal, he used to read some books regarding the usage of battle formations for soldiers in the army, and he knew some of the most basic ones to boost the collective effectiveness of their combined strength!


Now that their marching was in orderly manner, their might seemed to increased by two-folds and their auras torrential!

It was as if they were the flood that would engulf everything before them!



Far in the distance, two Fiery Iguanasaurus laid lazily on top of a tree. They were the scouts for the Iguanas tribe and were tasked to alert the tribe should they see any suspicious movements in their surroundings.

These Iguanas were relatively smaller when compared to the Komodos. The average size of a Komodo was usually 3 to 4 meters tall and has a length of about 10 meters from head to tail, but these Iguanas were only half of that size!

Right now, a loud reverberations in the distance ahead of them had jolted these two Iguanas awake from their laziness.

"Eh? What's happening?" one of them said.

"Look! Isn't that.. the Komodos? They are enroute to our position?" the other Iguana replied after he had identified the source of the disturbance.

Immediately, the previous Iguana broke out into a shrill laughter, "HAHAHA! Seems like they wanted to attack us! Good, very good! This is a great opportunity to exterminate them once and for all!"

"Yeah! Let's inform the tribe so that they can sharpen their claws and teeth early in preparations! Huehuehue!" replied the other.

"Huehuehue! Let's go!"

These two Iguanas then jumped off from the tree and bolted to where their tribe was located. Soon after, they reached their village and informed their chief.

"What? The Komodos are attacking us soon?" their chief, Nuhulak furrowed his brows, finding the situation to be weird.

Why did they suddenly have the balls to attack us with their meager leftover strength?

"Hmph! Let's just erradicate them all!" a younger Iguana that was bigger than the average Iguanas spoke out.

This was their champion, Valak!

"No, something is wrong.. inform the others and rally everyone. Let's see what they have up in their sleeves!" their chief commanded.

"Yes chief!"



"Hmm?" Chief Zolak gestured for the others to stop.

"What's wrong?" Duan Li asked.

"That's the sound of their war trumpet! They are calling everyone to rally together in that direction!" the chief said and narrowed his eyes, "Seems like they have already discovered our pending arrival!"

"Ahh I see.. well, no matter! Just continue to march! With the newfound powers you guys have, it should be an easy fight later on!" Duan Li said. "Besides, with me here, you don't have to worry for any mishaps to happen!"

Chief Zolak nodded to this. Indeed, with their Lord benefactor here who could even defy the Heavens themselves literally, what could mere Iguanas do to us when he has our back?

"Continue marching!"



Soon, the Komodos finally reached an open vast clearing as wide as the eye could see.

And in front of them, about a few hundred meters, was the Fiery Iguanasaurus!

Thousands of them!


The other komodos began to feel a little bit nervous as they recalled the tragedy that happened to them 3 years ago.

Seemingly to notice this, Bulu immediately said something to stop them from becoming demoralized and scared.

"Don't be nervous guys. Their numbers meant nothing with our current strength! We are now mostly impenetrable to their attacks!" Bulu said to his peers with both of his arms crossed on his chest, looking quite stoic that managed to attract the eyes of a few females.

The rest of the komodos nodded to this and their previous domineering aura returned as they cast a deadly stare towards the Iguanas in front of them.

Today, things will be different!

The Iguanas defeat and extermination was already set in stone!

At this moment, the chief of the Iguanas and their champion, Nuhulak and Valak, stepped forward from their tribe with a haughty look on their face.

"Zolak, you disabled animal! Have you come to meet your end so soon for you to bring everyone here?" Chief Nuhulak roared out in disdain.

He then continued, "I thought that there was a more fiersome trump card that you are bringing along here, but to think that it was only a single human and a few other exotic animals? What can you even accomplish with those lineups?" he said and laughed maniacally.

All of his previous worries were now washed away as his confidence skyrocketed.

In response to this, Chief Zolak and Bulu then stepped out from their tribe as well to confront the other party.

"Hmph! Nuhulak! Don't be too arrogant! Today, our goal is plain and simple! And that is to wash the shame on us that you've given to us before! We plan to return the favor to you a hundred fold today!" Chief Zolak roared out.

"HAHAHA! Insignificant lizard! Don't you dare to go overboard now! Lest I will come later on to chop off one more of your.. eh?" the Iguana's champion, Valak, replied before he stopped on his last sentence.

This cannot be.. I remembered that both me and the chief had personally severed one of his limb and his tail.. so how can he still have them on him?!

At this provocation, Bulu replied, "You shut up, you ugly animal! You think that today would be the same as it was back then where it was one sided? You want to chop off my father-in-law's limb? Why don't I chop off your balls instead?"

"You..!! Good, very good! I'll deal with you later on personally!" Valak gnashed his teeth.

He then crept up a smile as he found a certain matter in this amusing, "Judging from how you call the chief of the komodo as your father-in-law, you must be the son-in-law then. To think that the komodos has fallen far from grace and conducted a cross-breeding with other species, how abominable!"


Duan Li was about to throw up a laughter. After all, this was an inevitable misunderstanding with Bulu's new humanoid form.

"Cross-breeding your mother! Your entire family is made up from cross-breed species! I'm a bona-fide komodo! But what can I expect from a lower intelligence life-form? How can a simpleton pen*s like you understand this grand evolution of mine? Enough talk, I accept your challenge! Let us fight to the death later on!" Bulu bellowed out.

"You and your mouth! I will make sure to separate it from your head before I kill you later on!" Valak bellowed out as well in response.

"Hahahaha! Look Zolak, my champion here could no longer hold his thirst for blood! And from the looks of it, that cross-breed is your new champion? Even if he is a little bit stronger, in front of our insurmounting numbers, what could he even possibly do to make a difference in your tribe's inevitable doom?" Nuhulak laughed out.

"What can he possibly do? That's a good question! We shall see later on and witness it ourselves. Even I myself did not know and am really interested to use your tribe as the whetting stone to conduct the experiment on. Shall we?" Chief Zolak answered with a similar disdainful smile and laughter. In fact, his disdain towards the other party was even a notch higher!

Seeing this, Nuhulak felt that something was weird, because the chief of the komodos sounded extremely confident.

Are there any other trump card?

He then casted a glance towards Duan Li.

'Hmph! Even if that human is a little bit strong too, his stamina of a mortal's would be his downfall. He would not be able take out even a hundred of us!' he thought to himself as he sneered upon this realization.

Just as he was sneering, a loud 'pah!' could be heard resounding on his face. He didn't know how, but there was a human palm print on his left cheek!

This was a sign that he was slapped!

"Damn it! Courting death!" Nuhulak gnashed his teeth. Inhaling a huge mouthful of air, he then bellowed out;



Dugu Liubai that had finished collecting himself into a calm state once more was watching this scene from afar.




Listening to the constant roars between the two species, he could not help but to scratch his head awkwardly.

"It seemed like they were talking some grand stuffs with each other.. too bad I can't understand them.."

