Chapter 212: Komodo Vs Iguana! (3)

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"Damn you! Face me if you've got the guts!" Valak roared out angrily.

In response to this, Bulu chuckled, "Very well!" he said and threw out some serious punches which connected to the latter's face, stomach and both side of the ribs.


"Arghh!!" Valak wailed out in pain as he spurted out some blood.

'How is his punches so heavy?!' Valak gnashed his teeth and stared at the other party, full of killing intent!

Not only was the punches that he received from Bulu was like the rocks from a mountain that was crashing down on him, it was even swifter than what his eyes could follow!

To him, this was something that was absolutely incredulous!

One has to know that their species, the Fiery Iguanasaurus was known for their unparalleled speed compared to any other monsters on the island, thus, how did he, the champion of the Iguana, lose out to a mere cross-breed?

"Hmph! It seems that you can't accept the truth that.. I am stronger than you!" Bulu said mockingly towards him.

"Rubbish! I refuse to believe, that a cross-breed like you could supercede me!" Valak's attacks grew more disorganized as he now focuses on speed rather than accuracy.

"Die!!" he bellowed out.


On the otherside of the battlefield..


"Zolak! How did you still have your limb and tail? You're supposed to be a disabled monster now!" Nuhulak shouted out and laughed as he seemingly wanted the other party to recall the humiliation and get angry over it.

However, contrary to the respond that the latter was expecting, Zolak only shook his head while looking at the other party with a pitiful expression and replied, "How can an insignificant Iguana like you understand the vastness of this world? The depths of the ocean? Even if I were to explain it to you, you will not be able to comprehend it! Hais!"


Nuhulak choked on his own laughter when he heard this.

Damn you!

He was trying to berate the other party, yet why was it him the one that got berated instead?

In addition, the other party was treating him as if he was some animal without any sorts of intelligence!


"You! How dare you go overboard! Eat this!" Nuhulak bellowed out and whipped his tail. Similarly, Zolak lashed out his tail in retaliation as well.


The clash between their tails produced numerous deep reverberations to their surroundings, similar to an iron bell on a temple that was being knocked on repeatedly!

Furthermore, due to their massive body sizes, each step they took produced a lot of cracks on the ground from their sheer weight!

Thankfully, they were fighting separately away from the others, or else there would already be some collateral casualties around them!

'My new tail is even tougher than the one I had originally before! If only this new tail of mine was shaped into more like a spear, Nuhulak would have already paid a portion of the price to his previous dued deed!' Zolak thought this to himself subconsciously.

Suddenly, a weird feeling struck at him as he found his tail to be quickly morphing!

"Eh?" he let out a shocked exclamation.


His blocky tail had turned into a sharp spear.. just as what he had imagined it to be!

"What? How is that possible!" Nuhulak cried out in horror.

Hearing this, Zolak snapped out from his daze and made a quick statement, "Didn't I just told you? You wouldn't understand." while shaking his head again.

Even I myself don't understand it, how can you?


Zolak then made a quick strike making full use of the new spear-like tail of his and aimed at the other party's chest!

"Damn it!!" Nuhulak gritted his teeth and flexed his tail to quickly defend against such an unexpected attack and managed to deflect it to the side at the last moment!


"Could it be?" Zolak thought to himself as he came out with a theory. He then decided to try his hypothesis.


With a single thought, the shape of his tail changed once more, and this time, into the shape of a battle axe!

A grin could be seen on Zolak's face upon realizing this new ability of his!

You are a dead man Nuhulak!


Meanwhile, at another part of the battlefield, a figure on top of his mount was busy rummaging through the fallen Iguanas, this figure was none other than Duan Li whom was riding on top of his not-so-little Fenrir anymore.

Grab! Grab!

"Hahaha! This is really making my job easier! Let others do the hard work and we grab the rewards eh, Daelius?" Duan Li laughed out as he patted the latter's head.

"Arrff! Arrff!" Daelius responded with a contented expression on its face from being patted by Duan Li and wagged its tail excitedly.

This was Duan Li's plan all along. While he did agree that he would help the komodos in resolving their vengeance, he didn't do it out of the full generosity of his heart.

Although not being able to fly was inconvenient, the most troublesome was actually his limited stamina!

In fact, even using half of the full prowess of his Nine Fists Shattering Meteor had sapped out quite a few breaths out of him earlier!

Therefore, he had devised this plan the moment he knew about the komodo's predicament. By helping them beating the hell out of their enemy, he would get to fetch some free monster cores without any real effort!

Right now, the total amount of the Iguana's monster cores that he had already fetched amounts to almost two thousand already!

"Based on their numbers, there should be at least a few thousand more.. let's keep this up!"


"Scheming little fellow.." Dugu Liubai that watched all these from the top of the volcano couldn't help but had his mouth twitching constantly.

After abruptly waking up from his hundreds of years of isolation to strive for the second shackle, never had he expected to be struck by so many bizarre phenomena within a single day by the same person!

But what did he need so many of the monster cores for?


"It seems that the war between the two species is ending soon.." he said as he observed the fight between the two chiefs and champions.

By the looks of it, the previously disadvantaged Komodo was now having the upper hand in this final battle due to the help from Duan Li before.

"Well, this is good and all.. but as the Guardian of this second region.. I could not afford to get either side getting extinct.." he sighed and then slowly stood up from the ground.

"Time for me to enter the scene.."
