Chapter 234: The one and only unscalable mountain

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Stepping out from the silver vortex, Duan Li stared at the sight before him with astonishment!


The scene before him was a huge tall mountain that jutted up all the way to the sky! It was unlike anything that he had ever seen!

Humongous was a word that would be insufficient to describe it, as the mountain seemed to blot out the whole land as far as he could see!

In fact, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the base of the whole mountain was as big as the entire Jiu Empire!

A mountain as big as a whole empire.. if it were anyone else seeing this, they might just bow themselves down and prostrate to worship the mountain!

However, being experienced in dealing with Crafted Space before, Duan Li knew that the sight before him was unlikely to be real and was just a mere projection to set up the atmosphere for the third trial.

"Perhaps the size is still the same as the previous two Crafted Space.." he said as he looked around.

It was a weird feeling; he knew that a mountain that big would not be practical just for the sake to test someone, but this was the work of the Grand Immortal, so who knew what the latter might be thinking. Therefore, he was still unsure on how big the area was.

With this line of thought, he waved his hand and Daelius, Cucko, Bulu and Queen Levy appeared from his spatial ring. To his surprise though, these 4 different creatures immediately broke out into a ruckus right away.

"Woof! Woof!"


"Damned snake!"

Each of them were glaring at Queen Levy whose hands were both on her waist while looking at them with a disdainful and impatient glare in return.

"..." Seeing this, Duan Li didn't know what to say, but he had a good hunch of what the source of the problem was.

"Alright, what's the problem now?" he sighed out in one mouthful helplessly.

"Master! This snake, she is just unbelievable! We were just chatting up nicely together within the ring when she suddenly came up and called us her 'servants'!" Bulu quickly replied, trying to express their grievances.

"Not only that, when she took a look at your pile of treasures, Master, she was having some thoughts that we could not read and then tried to approach your belongings as if a sneaky thief!"

"Naturally, we went forward and tried to stop her! But she goes on and on about her being your 'wife' Master! She said what you own was her's as well, and that if we try to stop her, she will beat our a*s off!" he continued, his tone disgruntled.

"Woof! Woof!!" "CUCKO!"

The pair of young Fenrir and mutated chicken were also complaining and the gist of it were similar to what Bulu had said just now. Thus, after hearing them out, Duan Li turned towards the Queen with a frown.

"Levy, they are not your servants but companions, don't bully them! And second, you are not my wife and my belongings are not yours! If you do not behave, I will put you inside a prison! Do you want that?" Duan Li said to the Queen of the Parasitic Killerworms with a strict tone, as if a father reprimanding his naughty child.

"B-But husband, I..." she was obviously taken aback by this harsh scolding and was about to tear up, afraid that she would once again be imprisoned for life.

Duan Li however, swiftly noticed this and quickly followed up, "If you behave, I will build a place for you to call home inside the spatial ring later on and also give you some presents. However, if you are not, then don't blame me for treating you unjustly!"

Hearing this, the Queen's previous complexion immediately brightened up and her tears that were threatening to fall disappeared without a trace.

"Eh? You are going to build a home for us husband? And you will also give me some presents after that?"

Home and.. presents?


Her imaginations started to run wild like a horse on fire, thinking on what those home and presents from her husband could be, and she could not help but for her face to flush greatly!

'By presents, could he actually be talking about..'


It must be! If there is a home, then logically, there should be a 'family' living inside it as well!


"... what are you grinning like that for?" Duan Li felt all his body hair to stand on end as he saw that agitated and flushed look on the Queen's face and stepped back.

Why do I feel like I'm regretting my words?

Wiping off her saliva, she hastily replied, "I promise to behave my husband! Hello dear comrades, let's get along really well from now on! Hehe!"

She put on her most friendly expression towards the three creatures whom she previously called as her 'servants' with a smile, as if a doting mother looking at her children.

'This woman must be plotting something..!' the three of them simultaneously thought of this as they saw that hair raising grin of her's along with her 180 degrees turn of attitude towards them!

That grin is way too suspicious!


Seeing that his carrot and stick method worked on the Queen, Duan Li sighed yet again before giving out his instructions, "I want you four to each pick a different direction and walk towards it as far as you can. I want to see if this Crafted Space is the same as the previous two in size!"

Nodding their heads, they quickly select a direction without too much of a fuss and ran towards it, even the Queen herself seemed to be strangely proactive. In fact, she even turned her legs into that resembling of a leech as she slithered through the ground like a snake.

'I wonder why she is so energetic all of a sudden..'

And the way she moved, isn't that way too fast? This isn't a competition!

One thing that had also caught his attention was Cucko's speed and realm! The latter had already reached the pinnacle stage of the Qi condensation realm!

If one were to still realize, Cucko was just a chicken! A chicken of the poultry category! Not only that, it seems to be on the verge of breaking through to the next realm as well..

Duan Li had always prided himself in being exceptional with breaking through cultivation realms as if it were nothing, but he was still a cultivator, so such a thing was normal to say the least.

Cucko on the other hand, was just a chicken! Granted that it had mutated after coming into contact with his own blood, but isn't the rate of its cultivation speed was way too fast?

If other cultivators found out about this, they would puke out their blood and wished that their ancestors were from the bloodline of this chicken!

After all, a mere chicken was able to raise its cultivation level so swiftly when compared to the rest of the other human cultivators that levelled up like a bunch of snails!

Hais! What a tragedy to mankind!

Duan Li squinted his eyes as he stared right into their direction and couldn't help but to furrow his brows after confirming it twice.

"They had already went past the 500 meters mark? It seems that my initial thought is incorrect.. this Crafted Space is different from the other two.."

He continued to watch as their silhouette continued to move forward, becoming smaller by the distance.

600 meters..

800 meters..

1 kilometers..

'They are still not reaching the ends?'

"That's enough guys, return back to me.." Duan Li commanded. Any further and he would not be able to communicate with them.

"This place is quite odd.." Duan Li looked around once more.

Other than the colossal mountain in front of him, the rest were just flat lands with nothing in sight.

'Perhaps.. I need to climb up that mountain?'

At the thought of this, his mouth began to twitch.

How many days.. no, weeks would it take to scale a mountain that tall?

Seeing that there was no other choice, Duan Li began to walk towards the direction of the mountain, and soon found himself to be on a gentle slope, where the start of the climb would commence.


Channeling his spiritual Qi onto his two feet, Duan Li then activated his movement skill art.

'Impeccable Sky Footsteps!'

Dash! Dash!


Dugu Liubai's bald head was full of sweat as he opened his eyes and exhaled a mouthful of turbid air.

"I've finally managed to calm down my heart rate.. these continuous shocks the kid brought to me is not good for my health!"

At this rate, I might really get a heart attack..

"Oh? He is inside the third trial now? Let's see the size of the mountain that he had to scale...!!"

With his mouth opened wide agape, he then exclaimed in full astonishment mixed with horror, "H-How could the mountain.. be so colossal?!"

What a giant a*s mountain!!

The third trial requires one to ascend a mountain that was actually the depiction of their potential!

The Crafted Space of the third trial room was unique in such a way that it harnesses the power to assess the full capacity of one's spiritual Qi!

Next, by some unknown method of calculation that the Grand Immortal had came up with, that total would be multiplied by several times!

Finally, the result would be outputted into the form of a mountain, and the cultivator would have to climb this mountain and reach its peak in order to clear the third trial!

However, this trial wasn't just a simple scaling of the mountain. On specific heights, there would be mini trials that the cultivator would have to pass in order to continue climbing!

Specifically, the mini trials would consist of pop quizzes regarding the cultivation practices that the cultivator had learned thus far, while there would also be other new techniques that they would have to master in order to pass!

Normally, a cultivator of the Foundation Establishment realm, which the trial was meant to be for, would only depict small mountains that could be scaled within a few hours at most. At best, if the cultivator was exceptional, it would take a a day at most.

After all, cultivator that was still on the Foundation Establishment realm, no matter how formidable they were among their peers, was still nothing but an ant in the grand scheme of things!

However, this sight before him, even through his Heavenly Sense, he could not for the life of him, see the top of the mountain which had passed through several layers of clouds!

He even suspected that the peak had already reached out of bounds..

"The time it would take to climb that mountain.. months.. no, maybe years!!" he exclaimed in bated breaths.

For the centuries that he had lived, never once had he witnessed a mountain so huge, so colossal, that it blotted the whole land and pierced through the sky with no end in sight!

He tried to recall hard in his memories of the Lower Heaven realm if there was any mountain that huge, and he had to shook his head as he looked up again onto Duan Li's mountain, and at this moment, a sudden name flashed inside his mind, and he shivered!


Clutching his chest where his heart started to palpitate fiercely once more, threatening to almost explode, he could only think of one mountain in the legends that no one could ever hope to scale..

"M-Mount Tai..!!"
