Chapter 236: The frog in the well!

Dash! Dash!

Duan Li was repeating between ascending the mountain for a few kilometers and answering quizzes one after another after reaching every certain height.

In fact, he had already begun to lost count on how many cycles he had repeated them!

What the hell!

This is more quizzes than even the entrance exam to enter the Scholar's hall back in my village!

Is this a trial or an exam?!

Dash! Dash!

Gradually, the slope was starting to become steeper as he went higher up and the terrain was also slowly changing from soft soil ground to rocky hard surfaces, as if in sync with his increasing frustrations of the mountain.

"I must've climbed for at least hundreds of kilometers already, and I've even went through three layers of thick clouds but not a hint of its peak could be seen!"

Just how tall is this darned mountain?!

It took him hours to get this far, and he even upped his travelling speed a few times just to see if it would make a difference!

If any experts were around, they would be shocked to their death if they witness Duan Li's travelling speed!

After all, it was a speed that could rival those on the Nascent Soul realm!

But who could have thought that not even the slightest shadow of the peak could be seen from where he stood right now?

If this was the Tian continent, this mountain would have probably taken the number one spot of the tallest mountain just from the sheer number of kilometers that he had already ascended!


At this moment, the small red temple gate appeared before his eyes yet again, and Duan Li finally rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Therefore, before the elderly man could even speak after his figure coalesced together, Duan Li had already lashed out a piece of his mind.

"Shut up! No more quizzes or I'll slap you out! I'm in no mood to answer any of your quizzes anymore!"


For the first time ever since he held this profession, the elderly man almost spurted out blood even though he was only an apparition.

Slap your head!

Do you think that I enjoyed seeing you time and again, whatnot with your whiny questions every single time we met?

It's just that I am designed to function like this! You climb a certain height and I appear, that's all okay!

If there was someone to blame, its you instead! How did you even managed to summon out a mountain without a peak? Would we even still be here if your mountain is only an anthill?


"On to the next question!" he snorted out loud disdainfully and waved his hand for a question to appear on the red temple gate. However, he ended up choking himself once more instead when the next words that came out was totally out of his expectations.

'There are no more available questions left.'


Unable to believe what he just saw, he tried waving his hand once more, but the red temple gate still dished out the same statement!

Wave! Wave!

'Senile old fool, there are no more questions left!'


What the hell is this? Are you joking with me right now?

You ran out of questions? How can that even be?!

And what gal for you to call me a senile old fool! Courting death!


The elderly man was enraged and threw a flying kick at the red temple gate.


A loud sound similar to a metal rod being smashed onto a heavy iron door echoed out before the elderly man was repulsed and blasted off to the sky!

"Damn youuu!!"


"..." Duan Li.

He somehow felt sorry for the elderly man, but because the latter was so unhelpful, answering his questions in a roundabout way as if an expert in delivering a poetic speech, Duan Li felt that such a punishment was justified.

Still, to think that the red temple gate has run out of questions to ask..

Wouldn't that basically meant that there would be no more quizzes henceforth?

All the better then!

Duan Li then cupped his chin as he pondered.

'Thinking about it though, it was only natural for all the questions to soon be emptied out..'

After all, the questions prepared was only meant to be answered within the means of those in the Foundation establishment realm, but some of the topics were quite advanced as well.

Still, even the most difficult questions was tackled by him so easily, thus it was no wonder that this would be the eventual outcome.

'But if that is so, then..'

What the heck am I supposed to do now?

There were no more questions left for him to answer, so would it mean that he needed to just continue climbing until he reach the peak?

How long would that even take?


It was at this moment, that a familiar spectral figure that has a hint of majesty in it formed in front of him.

It was the will of the Grand Immortal that he just met during the second trial!

"It's you.."

This unexpected encounter had Duan Li caught off guard and he stepped back almost instinctively.

He hadn't really noticed it before, but now, he could feel that the Grand Immortal has truly earned its name!

"Such power..!!" he gasped in shock as his eyes narrowed.

The undulating pressure radiating out from the Grand Immortal was something that he hadn't seen before!

Specifically, the aura it was emitting was reeled in very closely to its body such that the width was only like the tip of a single needle!

If one did not pay any attention at all, one would definitely not be able to sense even an ounce of the latter's insurmountable power!

To think that a leak of the latter's aura which was only the size of a needle was already that unfathomable..

How scary would the latter's aura be if it was unleashed to the maximum?


Duan Li shuddered at that point in his thought.

He had battled Cao Tengfei of the Dark Sect before, a true expert at the Nascent Soul realm level that had lived for centuries, and he had felt the latter's tremendous pressure that could capped anyone's knees by just standing near!

If not for his rage and the help of his Super mode back then, while he could still evade the lethal attacks with the peculiar time-slowing down ability that he has, he would definitely not be able to suppress the pressure and retaliate even a single attack!

"Hmm? Martial True Instinct? Impressive.. and your sense of perception has already reached the level of a Nascent Soul realm as well.. this is truly unprecedented.." the spectral will of the Grand Immortal said approvingly after a short glance at Duan Li, seemingly amused.

One has to know that not just anyone could comprehend Martial True Instinct. Even for him, he only attained such a powerful ability when he stepped into the Immortal's realm.

But what had him surprised the most was Duan Li's sense of perception!

After all, the ability to sense how strong someone was, was an ability unique belonging to the Nascent Soul realm - Soul Sense!

This ability could never be attained in any alternate means other than successfully entering the Nascent Soul realm!

This was due to the qualitative leap in one's sense of perception due to being more in tuned towards the natural law as their dantian evolved from a Golden Core to a Soul Core!

Among the numerous things a Soul Sense could do, identifying the opponent's powers was one of its key function!

Even though what Duan Li had attained here was only that portion of the Soul Sense's ability, it was still the very definition of heaven defying!

"Martial True Instinct? Sense of perception? What do you mean?" Duan Li asked out after hearing these two strange terms that he was hearing for the first time.

The will of the Grand Immortal chuckled.

"Have you ever heard the phrase, 'frog at the bottom of a well?" it said in reply.

Duan Li nodded.

This was a phrase commonly used on someone who thinks that they have seen and knew everything.

"Well, in the realm of mortal cultivators, this phrase refered to those below the Nascent Soul realm!" the Will continued.

He then explained that mortal cultivators could never sense how strong someone actually was until they achieved the Nascent Soul realm due to the Soul Sense.

Duan Li nodded again in agreement. He had stumbled upon this fact numerous times when studying manual books for skills and techniques.

Each highlighted on how Soul Sense could analyze the skills and techniques that it saw the first time, and could quickly develop counter measures against it.

This was also one of the many reason why Nascent Soul realm experts were invincible.

"However, the phrase used in this context doesn't actually view those below the realm of Nascent Soul realm in disdain, in fact, it was quite the opposite." the Will said as it stared up into the mountain.

Hearing this, Duan Li could only furrowed his brows in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"When one already reached the Nascent Soul realm, they could sense how powerful an opponent was by just a simple glance through their Soul Sense."

"This is when most experts in this realm turned into a frog in the well! Not only do they think that they have seen and experienced everything being in the pinnacle of the mortal world, they began to judge others only through this small scope of their's!"
