Chapter 261: Special stage! (1)

After another 30 minutes had passed, the Middle stage platform finally finished their round robin battle. The three victors was Liu Shuiyui, Wu Jin and Dong Jinghai, with the latter being the Champion.

Swiftly after this second stage was wrapped up, the Emcee flew into the middle of the battle stadium and stood afloat with an extravagant pose!

"Ahem! Attention to everyone, since the first stage had gone in such an unexpected way, and we are left unfulfilled due to the many missing battles, the organizers have decided to make a change before we go on to the third stage! In other words, a 'Special' stage!" the Emcee said with his high-pitched voice.

The audience was excited to hear this and started to listen intently.

"For this special stage, it was decided that the victors from each platform would fight against each other regardless of their cultivation stages! The normal rules still applies however, and the final victor shall be.. the last man standing!" the Emcee declared with a grand wave of his hand, causing an outburst explosion of cheers from the crowd with their fists clenched tight in agitation!

Hearing this announcement, Duan Li was both surprised and excited at the same time.

"Ohh! Now I can finally fight them! Furthermore, by the looks of it, they are far more formidable opponents than the other participants before, especially some of them over there.." he said to himself as he cast a glance towards the other 9 participants.

"Hey junior! Long time no see!" an excited voice suddenly spoke out as a figure approached him from the distance. It was Dong Jinghai, with Wu Jin beside him!

These two were the seniors who took part in the competition back then to become part of his followers.

"Ahh! Senior Dong Jinghai and Senior Wu Jin! It's nice to see you two seniors again!" Duan Li replied as they both shook hands together with a big smile. He then continued, "Although it would be great if the circumstances were different but, it seems that we are going to fight again like last time today!" Duan Li said with excitement apparent in his voice.

"Heheheh! Don't be too happy just yet junior! While it is apparent that you have gotten more monstrous than before, we are only going to fight using our fists today!" Dong Jinghai laughed out loud.

"Indeed. In addition, those few over there are each in a class of their own, so we better keep our guard up and not be lax, you included Duan Li! Lest we dishonor the name our academy, the Jixue Knights Academy, and that cannot be allowed to happen!" Wu Jin said with his voice full of righteousness.

"En!" both Duan Li and Dong Jinghai nodded simultaneously in agreement, and this was especially the case for Duan Li.

While he himself was still but a mere junior in their academy, he was already a part of the family the moment he enrolled back then. Additionally, he would be crowned as the Imperial Overseer pretty soon to the public, and losing here would mean that people would mock over him thoroughly!

After all, how can the Imperial Overseer be so weak? Therefore, losing was not an option for him!

Furthermore, this wasn't just about maintaining his own dignity anymore, but the whole of Jiu Empire!

At the thought of this, Duan Li had finally become a little bit more serious.

"Those five will be a problem in my current state.. and as for that Wang Dong, it doesn't seem like he was using his all either in the previous stage.. eh, this will be interesting!"

Although it would be great if he wear some clothes now..

"Dear participants, please get ready and head over to the platform!" the Emcee waved his hand as the previous 4 round platforms sunk to the ground. Then, a single platform rose, and this one was half the size than the platforms from before!

The Emcee then continued, "Same rules; no skill arts but internal reinforcement techniques are allowed! As this is a special stage, the organizers have decided that, 5 High Quality spirit stones will be the first prize for the winning Champion!"

Hearing this, the crowd immediately became gasped and became restless!


"5 High quality spirit stones.. wow! I can drink endlessly with that amount of money!" one of the audience said out loud as he drooled.

"Hmph! How small-minded! If it was me, I would buy a whole plot of land and start my own clan!" another person beside him snorted in disdain.

"Your whole family is small-minded damn it!"

Similar discussions broke out among the masses and it took them quite a while before they settled down again. However, all the ten participants does not seem to be impressed or moved at all! While they too value money, that was only secondary for them. As real cultivators, they were more concerned about whether their strength was sufficient enough to beat down their opponents!

With indifferent expressions, all ten of them moved up onto the round platform and stared at each other intensely as they positioned themselves in a circle, gradually readying themselves with a unique stances each!

When the Emcee waved his hand downwards, as if a drop of pin that shattered the silence, everyone made a move at the same time!

"Eh?" To Duan Li's surprise, everyone was moving towards him!

"Damn it! Have they planned this all along?!"

Realizing his current predicament, his mind quickly stirred into action!


Duan Li smashed his right foot onto the platform, causing it to crack outwards and sent shock waves in all direction! This in effect destabilizes everyone's footings and stances, catching them off guard!

Using this opportunity, Duan Li dashed forward to break out of the encirclement and punched towards the person in front of him.


"Hmph!" this person was Lu Bu.

With a loud harrumph, Lu Bu blocked the punch by crossing his arms together in front of his face.


"Kuu!" the force of the punch was so great that Lu Bu was dragged backwards leaving trails below his feet, and this was after he had redirected the majority of the impact towards the ground!

"Strong.." Lu Bu muttered to himself as his countenance turned serious. Despite his efforts to neutralized Duan Li's punch, he could still feel the numbing sensation on both of his arms!

Next, after Duan Li successfully broke out of the encirclement, he made a U-turn and swiftly dashed onto the left, locking his sight onto Liu Shuiyui.

Seeing this, Liu Shuiyui was enraged, "Damn! You dare to set your sights on me? Have it your way then!" he shouted out and threw a roundhouse kick!


A piercing noise erupted from this kick, and the air was vividly sliced into two creating a small sonic boom!

"Die!" he sneered inwardly as he imagined Duan Li's chest to be sliced diagonally from top to bottom with this kick of his. While this might not kill a person, it would still leave them with a glaring injury, and they would start to bleed profusely, eventually succumbing to blood loss and faint.

This was why he was known as the 'Human Saber' as every one of his kicks was deadly for others!

Since you dare to target me, the Prince of the Liu Empire, then you can only blame yourself for being so foolish!

However, contrary to his expectation, as if a snake, Duan Li managed to slither through his kick with relative ease and slapped upwards with an outside block towards the back thigh. But through divine intervention, the tile below Duan Li's feet slipped a few inches forward!

"Eh?" Duan Li was momentarily dazed by this, and his outside block that was supposed to counter the kick from the other party ended up slapping the latter's b*ll sack instead.


Shortly after, a piercing scream blasted through the nine layers of the night sky. This scream was so tragic that even the Gods turned their eyes away!

Liu Shuiyui's eyes rolled to the back as he fainted with white foams flowing out of his mouth, his body twitching.

"..." Duan Li and the other participants.

"..." the Emcee and the audience.

"Bastard! Don't think that you could also put a fast one on me!" Ling Shin bellowed out as he retreated 8 steps to the back and deployed an internal reinforcement technique!

Indifferent Monk Stance!


Duan Li immediately choked himself the moment this stance was deployed, because it was apparent that the other party was thinking that he would target his b*lls next!

Hello! It was an accident okay?

Did you possibly think that I enjoy slapping a stranger's b*lls so casually?


Taking an advantage of this lapse in action, Bai Li, the student from the Huan Empire who practiced the Ninja arts, appeared abruptly behind Duan Li, his body rotating in mid air as he sent out an elbow attack right behind Duan Li's neck!

