Chapter 286: The day of coronation!

"I am sure that you've already heard some groups of people are trying to cause trouble for you tomorrow right?" the Principal asked as he stroked his beard slowly.

Duan Li nodded, "Yes. In fact, her Highness herself had took things into her own hands yesterday. Did she perhaps managed to catch those responsible already?"

"You've met with the Empress?" the Principal raised his brows, a bit surprised before continuing as he shook his head, "We did managed to catch some people that poked their noses on where they didn't belong last night.. but it doesn't seem like they were the ones who were spreading those false rumors about the Empire!"

Hearing this reply, Duan Li creased his brows together as he cupped his chin in contemplation, "Weird.. "

Could there be people so skillful enough that they managed to escape all detection?

The Principal sighed, "Don't think too much into it for now, just know that we have already prepared something for the worst case scenario. Furthermore, unless the Heavens are not watching over you tomorrow, I wonder which idiot would be daring enough to make an enemy out of you."

Duan Li's face reddened in embarrassment when he heard this.

Is he complimenting me?

"Anyway, now that you know that, I need you to listen and remember carefully what you need to do tomorrow! If you dare to mess up the ceremony, I don't care what your status are out there, I will still whip the hell out of you!" the Principal said as he changed his demeanor into that of a strict teacher and clasped his hands behind his back.

"Yes!" Duan Li nodded and straightened his back, his face serious like a naive boy that was about to learn the ropes of life.


The next day, the Capital city of the Jiu Empire, Nine Lotus city was filled with people to the brim. The streets were extremely crowded to the point that it makes it quite hard to walk and navigate properly. These were citizens of the Jiu Empire that came from all directions, be it from another city, town or villages.

At this moment, some people could be seen to be wearing happy expression and laughed as they celebrated like it was a festival and decorated the streets, while others were feeling confused and some were even silently infuriated by the whole fiasco!

How could the royal family suddenly declared to them that there will be an Imperial Overseer ruling above them starting today?

Even though not all of them were educated, everybody knows what it meant to be ruled by an Imperial Overseer was!

It meant that their Emperor was nothing but a decoration, a puppet while control was actually in the hands of another!

For someone that had been living long under the rule of the Emperor, how could they tolerate to the sudden changes? Moreover, why does the royal family seemed to agree with it without a fight? Where was their honor and dignity?

These dissatisfactions were even fueled further by the false rumors flying around about the instability of the Jiu Empire. After all, the common people were now scared that civil war might erupt and the Empire would split into factions! That would essentially means that their daily life would be disturbed and the economy would fluctuate unpredictably!

As for the influential nobles and clans, strangely enough, they don't seem to be too bothered with it which caused even more confusion for the people!

"Was this already set in stone beforehand? Otherwise, how could these big families and influential people stay calm like this?" a person said as he chugged down on his drink with a frustrated tone.

"Hush! Don't let them heard you! I think that this is only the calm before the storm!" his friend replied with a whispering voice.

Similar discussions broke out everywhere as people were trying to ascertain the current situation within the Jiu Empire.

However, there were also foreigners and envoys from the other empires, their face somehow wearing haughty expression, especially those that wore noble clothing that seemed to belong to some influential aristocrat or clan. In their opinion, the backwater Jiu Empire has fallen so low so as to accept others to rule over them, they felt that the royal family of the Jiu Empire has brought shame to the name 'royalty', and sullied the long held traditional hierarchical system of the Tian continent!

Right now, the situation was slowly turning volatile and people had already started to argue with one another. Fortunately, the presence of Knights dispatched all over the city managed to suppress those that were acting violent!

Under the decree of the Emperor, the Knights were to exercise temporary elevation in their authority and arrest anyone that dared to cause trouble, regardless if they were citizens of the Jiu Empire or the foreigners.

At this moment, countless people stood at the massive square that measured about 250,000 meters square in front of the Imperial Royal Palace, a tall platform with long stairs leading up to three thrones could be seen at the very top. Two of the thrones were located next to each other while another throne located slightly above them, higher than the previous two!

It was obvious that the highest throne would belong to the soon-to-be crowned Imperial Overseer!

Along the elevated platform leading to the three thrones were Titled Knights that wore golden armors with red flowing capes, the insignia of the royal family were imprinted clealry onto them, signifying that they would battle to death in order to protect the royal family against all threats! They stood still as if a sharp sword that was sheathed into their scabbard, suppressing their indomitable might that would seep out every so often!

In addition, a figure that wore black armor with similar red cape stood mightily at the very top of the stairs, just before the throne. This figure was like that impenetrable fortress that none could hope to scale against, holding immeasurable power such that his presence overpowered all the Titled Knights below him, akin to an elephant standing amongst the tigers!

This person was Fei Jin Fang, the Supreme Knight that served as the right hand of the Emperor!

Everyone that witnessed this could not help but to be at their best attitude, afraid that a single act of disrespect before the throne would have their heads rolling over, and they could only whisper silently between them.

The previous haughty foreigners were quite surprised with the showcase of power by the Royal family of the Jiu Empire right now. They previously thought that since the Jiu Empire was such a small empire, the top tier experts would also be not that strong either. However, unless one was blind, they could see that this was definitely not the case!

"To think that a small empire like this would possess so many experts guarding the Royal family.. those Titled Knights has to be at the Golden Core realm at least!" a foreign envoy spoke with an astonished look on his face.

"Yeah.. and that guy wearing the black armor, I can't even see his cultivation realm! That means that he must be a Nascent Soul realm expert!" another foreign envoy replied with gritted teeth.

Most of the foreign envoys that came today has never bothered to visit the Jiu Empire before, thinking that it was a late-bloomer in terms of civilization and society. But when they came over, they were surprised to see that the society was properly ordered, even the buildings and technology was not that vastly inferior when compared to where they came from!

And now that they witnessed the private might of the royal family, they were deeply unsettled! Many thoughts came into their mind one after another.

Was this power limited only to the royal family? Or their military might is equally formidable as well?


"Kneel before his Majesty, Emperor Jiu Xian Ping!!!" Fei Jin Fang shouted with his deep voice, reverberating throughout the square, his voice heard all the way beyond.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Everyone kneeled to the ground without exception, their hearts palpitating nervously!
