Chapter 295: Where is she?

"Paying respects to the Imperial Overseer!"

Such emotional shouts could be heard all over like thunder coiling through the square, spreading contagiously to the very corner of the city! Their voices were filled with deep emotions in them and felt like the cries of people that were willing to die in a battlefield, sending shivers to the foreign envoys that were part of the agitated crowd!

After witnessing his epic battle with the enemy to protect them, they had hoped that Duan Li could be the Imperial Overseer, but thought that such matter was impossible as the latter was too young. Who would have thought then that Duan Li was actually the Imperial Overseer all along?

They were shocked down to their very soul, but felt lucky and blessed at the same time, to the point that they prostrated to the ground towards Duan Li's direction, as if they were members of a dedicated secular cult to worship the legendary gods!

At this sight, the Emperor could not help but to have his brows twitching a little.

"These people... how are they so shamelessly willingly to prostrate like that as if they had no honor left?" he said inwardly feeling a bit exasperated.

To think that they would went so far as to prostrate, when they only kneeled for me out of tradition before..


He raised his head to look at the sky with a complex expression.

By the looks of it, Duan Li had completely won over the masses!

"Wha-what? He.. is the one?" Wang Dong clutched at his head in disbelief.

"No wonder... it all made sense now.." Zhang Liao and Lu Bu swallowed the bulging saliva in their mouth in realization as they watched Duan Li sitting on the throne with Queen Levy behind him.

Each of them had fought against Duan Li before, and they were puzzled on how did a person as such could possess tremendous power not normal on their realm. It turns out that the other party was actually the Imperial Overseer!

Still, they could not help but to have some doubts in their mind.

Although they were only in the Core Formation realm, they knew full well on how powerful Nascent Soul realm experts in the Pinnacle stage really were. After all, each of their masters were top notch experts on that very same level!

However, the events that occured just now was beyond their comprehension. Even the experts that were tasked to protect them from the shadow was not able to do anything in the presence of the enemies and was pressed to the ground like everyone else, this was despite them in the Nascent Soul realm!

Therefore, it made sense to think that the two enemies from before was clearly beyond the Nascent Soul realm, possibly the legendary Immortal Ascension realm that they only heard so much about in the myths! But what had them most surprised was that Duan Li was able to stand up and fight on equal grounds with the enemy!

If the enemy was truly an Immortal beyond the Nascent Soul realm, didn't that meant that Duan Li's fighting prowess was actually equal to that of an Immortal?

But this was not correct either, they have confirmed it that Duan Li was only a Core Formation realm Pinnacle stage!

Could it be that because he cultivated all three dantians that he was able to possess such an unfathomable level of power?

They widened their eyes in realization.

It has to be!

"No matter what, we must learn the method to cultivate our other dantians as well!" they said to themselves after pondering deeply!

At this moment, several experts also seemed to realized this as well, albeit they do not know how Duan Li was that powerful to begin with. In their mind, Duan Li must be practicing some form of a long-lost cultivation method or using a peerless artifact to augment his power!

This in turns created greed among them and they wanted to possess what Duan Li used to be that formidable! Later on, they decided to send messages back to their individual Empire, Sects and Clans containing this information!

Wealth, influence, power, women, they would use and give Duan Li everything in exchange for at least a piece of the power that he currently held! In fact, they even considered using violence, subterfuge and wars if things came down to it!

They were extremely determined!

After all, in the world of cultivation, there was nothing scarier and heartbreaking than realizing that one was not able to improve their cultivation realm anymore! One might think that they were crazy to do this despite witnessing Duan Li's strength, and it would be like ants trying to steal the fruit belonging to an elephant, where they could be stomped to death anytime!

However, for those that were already on the verge of their lifespan, it makes no different if they fail in their attempt, as they would die anyway. Thus, what was the problem of giving it a try?

Who knows that they might be lucky and succeed!

The Emperor and Empress, as well as Advisor Chen also seemed to realize this issue as well. If this was not settled correctly, they might find themselves being surrounded by enemies outside the border!

Except for the Emperor, the both of them did not know the secret to Duan Li's powerful strength and panicked at the possible outcome of today's events, but the Emperor was sure that at least half of Duan Li's prowess came from cultivating all three dantians which no one would even dare to try and replicate unless one were insane!

He could not help but to chuckle upon imagining the dreams of countless of the shrewd and calculative experts to be shattered by Duan Li's mouth. In his opinion, there was nothing more entertaining than seeing the demise of those crooks with a tragic end in their hopes and dreams!


The ceremony then continued until the end as Duan Li was finally officially coronated as the Imperial Overseer of the Jiu Empire without further disruption. His image was now burned deeply inside the people's mind, and they viewed him as their idol that looked extremely dashing and valiant!

Boom! Boom!

Fireworks were shot up into the sky and people soon forgot the prior incident as they chat among themselves energetically.

"Hais! If only they were here... those ungrateful people!" Duan Li sighed deeply upon recalling that all of his followers had left him alone to venture inside the Eternal Maze themselves in pursuit of higher power.

After the ceremony was finished, people began to return to their homes and exit the square of the Imperial Palace with high spirits. Having a powerful figure protecting them made them feeling more relaxed and their worries to disappear. The economy of the Jiu Empire began to increase rapidly as festivals and events was celebrated everywhere.

Towns and villages was no exception to this, and practically everyone had heard of Duan Li's name by now. Those who weren't able to witness the entire historical proceedings felt envious when they heard the stories spread by the people that returned from the Capital City of Nine Lotus.

However, there were also others who thought that the stories were all exaggerations and that these people were telling lies and was actually paid actors. This was because there was not a single evidence that was recorded on a jade slip for the people to see.

For some unknown reasons, the recording jade slips was not able to record the events at all!

This made the foreign envoys frustrated as they could not submit the evidence back home. In fact, shortly after they returned, they found themselves becoming the laughingstock of others, and there were even cases where they were beaten harshly for using emergency channels to spread pranks!

Hardly anyone believed them when they returned home.

After all, who would believe that an Immortal from the legends fought against a young brat that became the Imperial Overseer in the end?

Unless one was retarded, even if their entire family was kicked from behind, they would refuse to believe such blatant lies!

In their opinion, the envoys that returned were either affected by some kind of a powerful illusion, or that what they had witnessed was actually a carefully planned and orchestrated setup to fool them. Even worse, some were suspected to be bought by the Jiu Empire while some were even under the suspicion of consuming controlled and illegal substances, and they were thrown into jails and labyrinths to reflect on their mistakes.

The fate of the returning envoys could only be described as tragic.

Jiu Empire was but a small countryside village in the eyes of these powerful empires, sects and clans. Therefore, how could such an outlandish story happen on a mere backwater nation? There was nothing of worth for an Immortal to even appear there!

Because of this, the repercussions were actually minimal than what the Empress and Advisor Chen had previously predicted, and they sighed in relief. Right now, they focused their efforts to exaggerate the story even more, so that people that didn't witness the events back then would continue to not believe the outlandish story that has many versions like the fairytale of an old widow!

In the end, the majority of people in the Tian continent did not believe in the story, and they vehemently rejected any information that stated a young man of the Core Formation realm was the Imperial Overseer!

However, this was but the mindset of the general public. As for the influential families such as the royal families of the other empires, powerful clans and Sects across the continent, although they were still harboring some doubts regarding the authenticity of the information, they still at least believed most of it.

After all, the information came from their loyal subordinates, and some were even Prince and Princess!

Therefore, it would be weird that even experts could be beguiled by cheap illusion tricks or plays by some small empire!

Thus, the people that accepted this information as the truth chose to keep their lips sealed and only discussed it among themselves. When the public asked their opinion about it, they would swiftly act like they did not believe it.

This way, the number of competitors to gain Duan Li's secret method of supreme power could be reduced drastically.

It was like the saying that no hundred man could possibly share a single apple!


3 days had passed by now and Duan Li that was currently cultivating in the gazebo inside his residence court has already recovered half of his full strength!

Still, he found that the rate of healing was becoming slower the more he recovered. This was because of the modification he made onto his meridian channels and pathways that was not natural for the body. By his estimate, he would need at least a month to recover to his full strength!

Although it was slow, at least it was much better than his previous estimate of 3 months recovery!

In his free time, he decided to read the various books inside the Wisdom Stone that he got from the Principal. To his surprise, he was able to assimilate the knowledge inside each book as if eating and drinking water!

Right now, his comprehension of skill arts evolved into another level, and he integrated all the knowledge that he learned into his Nine Legends edition skill arts!

At this moment, he felt that the current him could take on Cao Tengfei even without the help of the mysterious pearl to slow down time! He even refined the Doomsday Calamity fist to become even more potent. However, he dared not to use it ever again until he was in the Golden Core realm at least.

Just as Duan Li was about to go to the restroom to relieve himself, Liu Sheng Juan suddenly appeared in front of him by tearing open space. This Director of the Jiu Bank company had become a bit more casual with him, although his arrogant and frosty expression was never-changing, despite knowing that Duan Li was now their Imperial Overseer.

"I have news about your mother." he said.

After the coronation ceremony ended a few days ago, Duan Li inquired on why his mother was not present, and the Emperor told him that she was nowhere to be found when he sent someone to invite her over. This caused Duan Li to become worried and tasked them find her whereabouts.

"She was last seen by someone called Grandma Ying, and her expression at that time was grave." Liu Sheng Juan paused for a moment before continuing on, "She mentioned that her sister was in trouble, and after buying some travelling supplies, she disappeared the day after!"

Hearing this, Duan Li was surprised.

Mother had a sister? That's the first time I ever heard of this!

"Did Grandma Ying said anything on where my mother could be heading to?" he asked curiously.

Liu Sheng Juan paused again before answering,

"One of the forbidden regions in the Tian continent... Forest of Slumber!"
