Chapter 307: I have come!

"Give back my money! I need those!" Guo He shouted with his face swollen, evident that he had just lost a brawl.

He didn't really care about the spatial ring that was taken from him, as it was mostly empty but as for the several High quality spirit stones in it, even if someone were to beat him to death, he would still refuse to give his entire wealth to them!

"Hah! Your money? How could someone poor like you have this much money? I reckon that you must be a thief! I'm only keeping it until I find the real owner of this money!" replied a young man that looked no more than 16 years old with a short and grey curly hair, his expression looking at Guo He in contempt.

"You are the one who is a thief! Your whole family is a thief! That money is given to me by my Lord! How dare a hoodlum like you that does not even belong here act as you please! Do you think that you are above the law?!" Guo He retorted with clenched fists.

He wanted to dash forward and pummel this young man to death, but the other party was protected by his four formidable bodyguards!

"Damn it!" Guo He cursed inwardly.

It was just another usual day for him to buy the herbs he wanted in order to concoct some new pills that he had in mind. However, because he wanted to experiment a little in order to create some special variants of it later on, he decided to buy in bulk.

Unfortunately for him, this young master that was strolling in the market along with his bodyguards, happened to saw him handing out a High quality spirit stone.

Without even saying anything, Guo He then found himself suddenly being slapped by the other party and cursed as a dirty peasant!

As a proud cultivator himself, how could Guo He tolerated being suddenly assaulted and humiliated by a little brat?

From there on, the matter snowballed into a fight between him and the bodyguards of the young master.

Alarmed and outnumbered, he called out Shen Lu to assist him, but it turns out that the bodyguards was extremely good in martial arts! After that, it didn't take long for both him and Shen Lu to be beaten black and blue to eat the dust on the ground!

To make matters even more infuriating, they even proclaimed themselves as practicing superior form of martial arts and that people in the Jiu Empire couldn't possibly compare to them as someone that came from the Doulou Empire!

This blatant disdain and disregard towards the local populace had everyone in the market place riled up and called for the street patrols. But alas, even the street patrols were forced to enter the dust bins by the sidewalk!

"Law? Hahahaha!" the young man laughed at the top of his lungs as he looked at Guo He with derision on his face. "You think laws from this puny empire applies to me? Not to mention that I am a citizen of the Doulou Empire that is not subjected to the rules of another, I am also the son of the famous clan of aristocrat, the Cheng Clan, and my name is Cheng Mao!" he said with a proud look, as if his name was something that could move even the mountains.

"If I were to be imprisoned in this filthy lands, my father will eventually found me. By that time, if the trade supplies between our empire were to suddenly be ceased, will you be able to bear the consequences?"

Who cares if this is your money or not? I just want to make trouble in this boring place!

As if this backwater nation would even dare make a move against me! Hmph!

"You smelly-mouth brat! Who cares about your father! I don't even care if your uncle is the Emperor of the Doulou Empire, they mean jack-sh*t to me! Now hand over my money, or else you will regret it!" Guo He harshly reprimanded.

In his opinion, since the other party dared to be brazen and look down on the people of the Jiu Empire, then all he have to do was to be even more savage in his words than the other party!

What trade being ceased? Just because of you?

You surely are overestimating your importance you damn brat!

You think people travelled far and wide to trade despite having to brave the many dangers in between would suddenly stop wanting to earn the profit in their business just because you said so?



The young man choked on himself upon hearing this. No one would dare claim their uncle to be the Doulou Emperor, that would truly be a heinous crime and warrants death by public execution!

"You! Are you deaf to what I just said?! Fine, it seems that you still didn't get enough of the pummeling from before! Guards, strike him again!" Cheng Mao instructed his bodyguards behind him as they stepped forward to approach Guo He with a menacing look.

"You guys think I am afraid? Come on then!" Guo He raised his fists once more, preparing for another round of fist fight.


High up in the sky above the marketplace, Duan Li was observing the situation with Shen Lu, his brows furrowed together in displeasure.

"Did you see how cocky that brat was just now Brother? Let's teach him a lesson!" Shen Lu was now thoroughly incensed and wanted no more but to trash the little brat!

Even fools could instantly understand that the young man called Cheng Mao was purposely making a ruckus here!

"Hmph! Say no more!" Duan Li waved his hands before a wooden box appeared, floating on his index finger. It then swiftly transformed into a mask before wearing it.

This mask only has two holes for Duan Li's eyes to see, but enough for him to cover his face so that his identity would not be known.

Otherwise, if the people were to suddenly scream 'Paying respects to the Imperial Overseer!', the other party might chicken out immediately, causing him to be unable teach the brat a lesson!

"Halt!" Duan Li bellowed out as he descended down from the sky with his hands clasped behind his back, with Shen Lu tagging along behind him.

Tap! Tap!

"Ah? Who the hell are you?" Cheng Mao frowned and shouted out.

"Your grandfather! Come here so that I can give you a thorough bottom-lashing!" Duan Li quickly replied with a non-chalant voice.


"Impudent barbarian! How dare you! Guards, beat him up first!" the incensed Cheng Mao commanded.

"Yes young master!" the four bodyguards replied in unison as they changed target from Guo He to Duan Li!

"Eat the ground!" the first guard threw a fist with a crooked arc, aiming to break Duan Li's nose.


"It seems that they are really a cut above the usual people." Duan Li remarked inwardly.

There are plenty of ways in order to determine one's opponent was an amateur or not.

Firstly, rarely do those with experience in fighting would throw a full force punch at the get-go.

In fact, professionals would first jab in their fists slightly in order to 'feel' their opponent. This results in a slightly crooked elbow as the fist was not pushed all the way forward.

Although the force of the punch will not be strong, the form could easily be changed halfway or when it was received, either defended or counter-attacked!

Simply put, the next move will definitely come from the elbow to his cheeks.

Knowing this, Duan Li let out a soft chuckle.

Instead of defending or counter-attacking, to the crowd's surprise, Duan Li went in to go for the attack instead!


After stepping forward, the guard was taken aback by Duan Li's sudden move and wanted to retreat by taking a step back so that he could keep their distance and not overlapping with each other.

"You already lost." Duan Li said, a single index finger poking at the other party's throat, threatening to penetrate it!


The crowd could only suck in cold breath at this moment.
