Chapter 317: Why don't you give it a try?

"What? You are forging a weapon?" Shen Murong was taken aback when he heard this.

In his view, Duan Li was an uncontested and a formidable cultivator with unparalleled fighting prowess, such that he thought that Duan Li did nothing else other than train himself day and night in secret somewhere like a crazy person.

Who could have thought that the other party was also able to forge a weapon?

However, he quickly calmed himself down as he thought of something.

Given that this Lord of his was mainly training, even if he could really forge some weapons, so what? It's probably nothing too impressive!

With such thoughts, he looked around but saw no weapon anywhere, thus he asked Duan Li, "Where is the forged weapon? I want to take a look!" he said, a little interested in Duan Li's side hobby.

"Oh? I tossed it into the pond over there for the final quenching process a few moments ago, so it should be almost time... fetch it up for me!" Duan Li instructed as he wiped the sweat off his forehead. He had truly underestimated the difficulty in using the All-Father forge!

After all, the prerequisite to forge an Ultimate-graded weapon was only to use existing weapon as a base and not forging them from the scratch. But it felt like he had used tremendous effort just by hammering the weapon on the anvil with the God hammer, to the point that he thought forging a completely new weapon would probably be less tedious!

Hearing that Duan Li had casually tossed the weapon he just forged into the lake like that, Shen Murong chuckled as he shook his head.

"Indeed! My guess was right on the mark! The weapon is probably below common grade, and he was ashamed by it, throwing it into the lake in a fit of rage!" he thought to himself as he went over by the lake to look for the said weapon.


But when he got over to the side of the lake, his eyes burgeoned and almost popped out from their sockets to become food for the golden fish inside the lake.

What he saw was a Katana that looked extremely antique, and he could deduce it to probably originated from the past era with a single glance. While this was impressive and probably a Rare-graded weapon in itself, if it was just this, raising his brows would probably be the limit to his reaction when he saw it.

However, what made him this stumped was that, the Katana was laying gently on the bed of the lake... with the water being pushed around by it such that not a single droplet could be seen on its surface!

This created a peculiar scene as if the katana was a hydrophobic material!

"This... no, it cannot be!"

Even for someone of Shen Murong's caliber, whom would rarely be astonished by something, was thoroughly agitated when he saw this.

Unable to curb his thirst for answer, he immediately jumped into the lake, creating a huge splash before snatching the katana into his hand!


Almost immediately, the downpour of power infected him; transforming his aura to become as sharp as the katana that he was holding himself!

This was completely opposite to his character and aura signature. After all, he was an unruly man when it comes to fighting, no trickeries and fancy techniques, but raw power!

As a result, his aura signature was relentless and felt like an impending tsunami to his opponents, not like what he was currently radiating out - the sharp aura of a calculative and efficient person..

Akin to an assassin!

"Elemental rejection and the molding of my aura... I'm not mistaken at all... this..." Shen Murong swallowed his saliva.

"This is an Ultimate-graded katana!" he finally said with a grim look on his face!

"What?!" Wang Dong by the side was surprised and could not believe what he just heard, his previous playful expression was gone and replaced with a face full of trepidation!

"You... how did you do this?!" Shen Murong swerved his head to look at the resting Duan Li by the forge with utter disbelief!

Seeing their shocked expression as if they had just seen their ancestor's ghost standing in front of them, Duan Li chuckled.

"What? It's just an Ultimate-graded weapon... why are you guys making such a fuss?" Duan Li casually replied, making it look like the katana in Shen Murong's hand was something ordinary that could be bought at any weapons store.


Shen Murong felt that his blood was welling inside his throat, threatening to burst out from his mouth at any moment now after hearing this.

Brother! Do you know that an Ultimate-graded weapon was not something you could see and touch, but only hear about in myths and legends?

This is an even higher tier when compared to a Legendary-graded weapon damn it!

How many cultivators in the entire world dreamed of owning an Ultimate-graded weapon to accompany them in this lonely world?

In fact, even if one lived for hundreds of years, the chances of being able to see, not to mention owning one, was still incredibly slim!

But you...

"Brother Duan Li my Lord, did you really... forge this weapon?" Wang Dong on the other hand, was still holding some doubts as to the authenticity of Duan Li's words. While he respects the latter to the bottom of his heart, there was a chance that the other party was only playing jokes with them!

In his view, a grand master of the forge that was able to produce a weapon of such caliber should be ancient and wrinkled from head to toe, but Duan Li was still like a pubescent youth that did not even know the touch of any women yet!

Additionally, the design on the hilt of the katana was obviously ancient! Knowing so, how could it be forged recently?

"Well..." Duan Li thought for a moment before replying, "I did not forge the weapon, but I upgraded it!" Then, turning over to Shen Murong, he beckoned "Now hand it over, that's not meant for you!"

"What? But I'm the one who fetched it for you! By logic, shouldn't this belong to me now?" Shen Murong replied a bit indignantly, like a child whose favorite toy was about to be confiscated.

"Fool, are you blind? Do you think that someone like you is suitable for that kind of weapon? Calm yourself!" Duan Li reprimanded. Against Shen Murong who was thickheaded and a bit dumb, he had to be a little harsh in his word for the other party to take him seriously.

Furthermore, what is with that logic? Just because you picked it up for me, it belongs to you now?

"This... hais!" Shen Murong gave out a deep sigh and handed the katana over to Duan Li while feeling a little unwilling.

Meanwhile, Wang Dong cupped his chin as he struggled to understand the meaning behind Duan Li's words.

"He upgraded it? How can a weapon be upgraded to an Ultimate? Did he whet the katana ever since he was a toddler?" he thought to himself, feeling befuddled.

To the best of his knowledge, there were only some weapons that were upgradable, and a katana definitely belongs to the opposite category!

Now that the katana was in Duan Li's hands, he observed it from top to bottom before nodding in satisfaction, "Mmm! So it turned out well in the end! Who could have thought that just by hammering the weapon down like that would really produce such a result?" he remarked.

Shen Murong heard this and once again raised his dejected head to look at Duan Li.

"What? All you did was just hammer it?"

Brother, you must be taking my intelligence to be a little too low!

"Ah? You don't believe me? Why don't you give it a try then?" Duan Li sniggered as he pointed to the God hammer resting in the anvil.
