Chapter 328: Assassins, Monsters and Evildoers!

"Kill all the men and capture the women and children! They can be sold for a hefty sum each at the black market!" a bruly bandit squad leader instructed his minions while laughing like a maniac as they wreaked havoc to their surroundings.


However, barely after he said this, his throat was suddenly pierced by a flash of black rod that appeared out of nowhere, leaving an ugly gaping hole!


With the bandit squad leader suddenly killed like that, his minions were enraged!

"Enemy attack!"

"Careful! It's an ambush!"

Huddling together in one spot, each of them perked up their attention to their surroundings to the maximum level.

For bandits, quantity or numbers of manpower means everything, but so was their leader. If they were to lose any of these two advantages, they would immediately scatter and escape!

However, right now, there were more than a few dozens of them, still maintaining their morale even when their squad leader has just been slained!

"Damn it! They still have not yet dispersed?" Wei Shang cursed in his mind as he observed the situation from a dark corner.

The black rod was actually an attack made by Fei Longwei. By concentrating dark energy onto small metal, he could change its mass freely on the fly! Through this method, his main choice of weapon was black needles as they were light and easier to carry in vast quantities!

This was also how he was able to surprise attack the bandit squad leader without the latter knowing!

"It seems like these bandits are not the usual ones.." Fei Longwei remarked inwardly with furrowed brows as he stood on a rooftop far away from the scene.

Their initial plan was for Fei Longwei to assassinate the bandit squad leader while Wei Shang would then hunt them down one by one in their panic while escaping. Clearly, this development was something that they had not expected!

"Just what is going on?" the both of them continued to observe the situation before making their next move.

While Wei Shang and Fei Longwei has the capabilities to go on a direct skirmish with the bandits, their stamina and spiritual qi reserves were far too insufficient for a prolonged battle. This was even after the consideration that most of the bandits were only in the Qi Condensation realm while some were in the Foundation Establishment realm.

In addition, the area they were in right now was only one part of the village surrounding an inn. Currently, there were many more areas under attack by the bandits at the same time, with the greatest being the village square!

Through Wei Shang's assessment, the number of bandits in the village square was almost a hundred! This was because they were currently fighting off the village's patrols and reserve security force protecting most of the villagefolk that had seek their refuge there.

Since the bandits were preoccupied of trying to defeat the remaining defending force of the village, Wei Shang and Fei Longwei decided to help the other areas that were the least protected first.


Fei Longwei appeared next to Wei Shang in the next instant.

"Why didn't you just drop all the black needles in the sky and let it rain?" Wei Shang asked curiously as he was perplexed that the other party only aimed at the bandit squad leader without taking another two or three bandits at the same time despite the perfect opportunity to do so.

Fei Longwei stared at Wei Shang as if looking at a fool.

"If I could do that, I would already be a one man army. Do you think that precision control of something that was infused with dark energy are something so simple?" he said.

For the previous ambush to work, he had to chose his angle and distance of attack carefully. With his method, the more precise his control was, the less object he could manipulate.

Even the usage of spiritual qi would increase significantly overtime when more variables are added!


It was at this time that Cucko appeared in between their feet, its chest puffed up wide.

"Huh? What is this chicken trying to do?" Wei Shang was a bit surprised that he was unable to notice the presence of this chicken, so was Fei Longwei.

Well, it did learn the art of stealth from young lady Di Rou, but still...


This sudden outburst of clucking had Wei Shang and Fei Longwei shocked to death to the point that they jumped on their feet, their hairs standing on end!

"Over there! Attack!!"

The bandits that heard this loud clucking noise immediately scrambled to the destination while brandishing their weapon, intent on making mincemeat out of the perpetrators that killed their squad leader.

"Sh*t! Retreat!" the both of them immediately sprawled on their feet to escape while cursing the chicken. After all, they were perfectly hidden before Cucko ratted them out, so they wanted to kick the chicken as a scapegoat to buy them some time while escaping.

However, the next moment, something bizarre happened.


"Ahhh!" one of the bandits suddenly found the artery on his neck being cut by something sharp. The profused bleeding caused him to immediately black out and die on the spot!

This sudden attack once again caused the bandit to become alarmed, "Who is it? Come out!" they bellowed.


"Ahhh!" another bandit got taken down by the same method but from another direction.



Gradually, the bandits were eliminated one by one as soon as they turned their backs to look for the hidden enemies.

"Dammit! They have us surrounded!" the bandit's morale began to plummet as the frustration to locate their enemies kicked in and that their numbers were thinning out fast.

"Assassins! The enemies are assassins!"



In just a few instance, there was only a few bandits left standing and they huddled very closely with each other, trembling and their face pale, thoroughly frightened by the invisible enemies around them. But it was at this moment that one of them suddenly realized something bizarre about the whole situation.

"H-Hey guys! Since when are there so many chickens around us?"

"S-Shut up! Why are you looking at the chickens? Look out for the enemies you fool!"

"N-No! I'm telling you, this is weird! Look, there are tens of them!"

The bandits finally looked around and realized that he was right! Due to their mindset thinking that the enemy was human, they did not realize that the chickens around them began to increase in number!

"C-Could it be? That the enemy was actually... c-chickens?!" this realization had their face turning purple!

"Cuck cuck cuck... cuckooo cucckooo cuckoo!" a single chicken suddenly appeared from the darkness and trodded slowly towards the bandits while clucking in a very peculiar way.

This chicken appeared to be ordinary like the others, although a tad smaller. However, this chicken seems to be even more menacing in its presence! It was a very disturbing feeling for them to be threatened by a chicken!

"T-That chicken! Is.. is it cackling on us?"

The moment Cucko came out, all the other chickens around them suddenly faced the bandits at the same time and surrounded them!

A small pebble could be seen in each of their beak.

"We are being assassinated... by a pack of chickens... using small pebbles? Hehehe... HAHAHAHA!" a bandit could not accept the reality that they were being slaughtered by livestocks that they eat on a daily basis and laughed while crying as he lost his sanity. The reality was far too much for him to bear.



Wei Shang and Fei Longwei that was observing at this situation from the dark corner could not help but for their jaw to drop to the ground and their eyes popping from their socket.


"D-Damn you! Do you think that you will get out of here alive after attacking the Shen Clan like this?!" the guardsman bellowed while pointing his trembling spear towards Duan Li.

He thought that the troublemaker was only an ordinary person, but he was wrong! Even with 80 of them here, each at the Foundation Establishment realm could not overpower this single Core Formation realm cultivator!

This made him really scared as the other party only seemed to use a single move to knock each of them out as if it was nothing!

"Is this person actually a Nascent Soul realm cultivator on disguise?!" he could not help but speculate this in his mind and found it to be logical. After all, only Nascent Soul realm cultivator could take them out like this without breaking a sweat!

Not to mention 80, even hundreds of them together would be useless when facing a Nascent Soul realm cultivator!

The Shen clan occupied a large territory and the gate he was guarding was only the entrance to the outskirts of the main residence where the disciples of the Shen clan lived. This ruckus finally attracted their attention as they came out to see just what was going on.

"Guys look! The guardsmen was defeated! We are under attack! Inform the brothers!" the disciples gathered together and in the next moment, their numbers was already in the several hundreds!

Looking at this situation, the guardsman finally breath out a huge relief. Compared to him, even though he had a decent cultivation realm which was at the Pinnacle stage of the Foundation Establishment realm, and most of the disciples here were a bit weaker, several of them was actually in the Core Formation realm and there were even some that was at the Golden Core realm!

If the other party was truly at the Nascent Soul realm, there was still some chance that they would all be defeated, but by then, the elders of the Shen clan, which were mostly in the Pinnacle stage Golden Core realm and some in the Nascent Soul realm would definitely come out to deal with this troublemaker!

Duan Li shook his head after seeing the mob slowly getting larger by the second surrounding him. Since the Shen Clan was a great clan, their total disciples should amount to a few thousands at least. Even if he could defeat them all, that would take a bit more time than he was willing to spend before finally facing the Patriarch of the clan.

Additionally, he still has a few Great clans to visit.

Thus, placing his hands behind his back, Duan Li began to cycle his spiritual qi furiously in his body!


As a result, his aura began to surge and in an instant, he flooded the entire outskirts with his aura!

"Aahhh!!" the gathered disciples suddenly found a tremendous pressure being pressed onto their very being; Soul, mental and physical, everything was suppressed!

Crack! Crack!

The ground began to tremble due to Duan Li's sheer aura and cracked like many cobwebs. Even the walls and gate started to shatter!

"Insane.. power..." the guardsman felt suffocated as if being submerged under the ocean, beads of sweat drenching his body!

This was his first time being subjected to such a radical aura! He once experienced the wrath of an elder at the Nascent Soul realm before, and it was never this intense!

Just who is this guy?!

Almost immediately, the disciples surrounding Duan Li began to black out and fainted one by one. Against Duan Li's aura who could match even the immortals, there was zero chance for them to withstand this!

Furthermore, Duan Li was only using thirty percent of his power! And this was when considering the fact that he only recovered eighty percent of his true strength! Any more than this and they would start to cough out blood. Some might even die.

Of course, with Duan Li's aura engulfing the entire outskirts of the main residence, it would be impossible for the elders to not be able to detect this!

Most of them were currently in deep meditation and cultivating, and upon detecting this huge amount of repressing aura, they began to open their eyes one by one and stood up from their seat.

With furrowed brows, each of them has similar thoughts in their mind;

"Where did such a monster pop out from?"


At the Red desert, Wei Wang was tiptoeing slowly from one dark corner to the next with his camouflage ability on. Right now, he was already inside the tent where the army kept their rations and there was some soldier patrolling inside this tent!

Seeing the huge amount of supplies here, it was obvious why most armies never bothered to store them inside spatial ring. Most standard issue spatial ring which was already extremely expensive for the common people has a very limited space, about a few cubic meters only. As for spatial rings that has higher capacity, it was extremely rare to the point that only the elders or highly influential people could afford it.

Even for the Doulou Empire, no matter how rich they were, squandering wealth just to store rations would be too ludicrous.

Tap! Tap!

After determining the pattern and the route each soldier patrolled, Wei Wang counted the time interval in their blindspot before he approached a certain wooden crate and opened it slowly, making sure that there was no noise.

He could not afford to be detected nor engage the patrols here as it would defeat his purpose of sneaking there in the first place.

Analyzing the contents, he finally determined that the wooden crates there was storing raw food. Taking out a pouch from his spatial ring, he sprinkled white powder onto their contents. These were mixtures of aphrodisiac, laxatives and numerous other herbs grounded together.

He didn't know why Wang Dong and Shen Murong have these in their spatial ring and he shuddered at the thought of imagining what they used it for, but in this current situation, these white powders would cause a total collapse to the enemy if ingested!

Tap! Tap!

Wei Wang slithered through numerous wooden crates and sprinkled the white powder everywhere. When he was finally done, only a few of the wooden crates was untouched as it was impossible with the patrols constantly checking every corner in their route!

"This is probably enough... time to return.."

Thankfully, no mishaps happened during this operation of his, and he managed to exit the enemy camp undetected and returned to Wang Dong and Shen Murong.

"The deed is done." Wei Wang scribbled on the ground.

Seeing this, the smiles of both Wang Dong and Shen Murong widened.

"Huehuehu! You have done well junior brother! Now, let's just wait for tomorrow..."

As the sun sets and the night went by silently, the princess's private army was enjoying their sleep with smiles, not knowing that tomorrow would be the day of their reckoning.

Historians would later on record that if there was a more wretched dark history that should not be mentioned in the history of the Doulou Empire, it would be the day where the Princess's army was being douxed to the point that there were many 'mysterious' holes being poked on the ground that very day.
