Chapter 330: Return to the Seven Saints Culinary restaurant!

"Sister Yu, why do you think he needs all these items for?" Xu Rong asked curiously while reading the long list of ingredients and herbs that Duan Li instructed for them to procure as they headed out into the Red light district at night.

"I'm not really sure.. maybe he wants to concoct something powerful?" Xiahou Yu replied with a shake of her head. In her mind, what's important was that she will get to order one of the most delicious fried chicken ever later.

She was pondering seriously on whether to eat the skin first or savor them the last.

The list of ingredients that was given to them was not only long, most of it were unfamiliar too. Even if they had heard of some of the ingredients before, it was extremely rare, such that unless one was a 6-Star Alchemist and above, or has extensive connection with the upper echelons of the Alchemy guild will they be able to get their hands on something so rare!

Tap! Tap!

After a few turn around the streets, they finally arrived at their destination, Seven Saints Culinary!

This was a restaurant where only the filthy rich could go to, but for someone like them that was given a hefty sum of money to spend right now, this infamous restaurant where others would have to sell their entire clan's fortune and heirloom to dine in at, was currently no different to a fast food booth for Xiahou Yu and the gang!

After all, Duan Li had made sure to entrust sufficient funds to Di Rou in order to purchase all the required ingredients and herbs in the list by giving her a Superior quality spirit stone!

This was enough money to buy even a portion of the land in the capital city including all its assets and still has some remainder for them to start their own clan! Against unprecedented amount of money like this, Duan Li even instructed Di Rou to purchase the entire restaurant with all their stocks if need to!

"Let's enter..." Di Rou, the eldest of them three led the group to enter the Seven Saints Culinary restaurant.


Seeing their young faces, the security at the entrance was just about to bar them from entry when Di Rou flashed onto him a certain token.

"Ah? Who is this Meng Yue? Scram you lost puppies!" the security shouted in disdain.

What Meng Yue? Do you think that by just producing an identity token you can enter and dine in here as you wish?

Where do you think this is?


A stronger looking security guard slapped the back of the man's head and reprimanded him harshly. This person was the head of security.

"You fool, what do you think you are doing to the Esteemed customers?!" he said, before quickly turning to face Di Rou, Xiahou Yu and Xu Rong with an apologetic face while rubbing his hands together, looking like the most amiable uncle ever.

"Please forgive our rudeness! This guy is new around here so he made such a foolish mistake! I'll punish him later on so in the meantime, let this lowly one escort Esteemed customers inside instead..." said the head of security as he threw dagger stares towards the rookie security who was now sweating buckets.

As they were then escorted by the head of security as they went inside, their presence then managed to attract the attention of the customers eating on the ground floor.

"Huh, who are those young ladies? To be escorted by the head of security himself... they must have an astonishing background!"

"Hey look! They are going straight to the first floor! I wonder how many cumulative eating points they have to be able to directly go up a floor like that..."

While almost all of the customers there were clueless, the veteran chefs felt their hearts to palpitate as they recognized the party that just entered.

It was the ladies that came over to their restaurant a month ago along with the tyrant Meng Yue!

However, when they realized that the person in question wasn't there, they let out a breath of relief in unison;

"Thankfully the tyrant is not here..."

Unbeknownst to the crowd, Di Rou, Xiahou Yu and Xu Rong was not only escorted towards the 1st floor, but all the way to the 3rd floor! This was known to be a VVIP area only, where only those with high status like the Clan leaders and Patriarchs could enter, provided if they have the sufficient eating points that is.

Upon reaching the third floor, a familiar old butler came forward to greet them as he dismissed the head of security with a nod after a brief exchange of glance between them.

"Welcome back to the Seven Saints Culinary! I always knew that some of you might return back for more delicacies! Come and sit over here!" Heng Wu chuckled as he gestured for them to sit around the round table with a calm and amiable smile.

Deep in his mind however, he was cursing his luck, "F*ck! Is the sales going to plummet again tonight?"

He already received the information from the head security via their exchange of glance previously.. to think that they had the identity token of Meng Yue the tyrant, he wondered what sort of evil tricks they have up their sleeves tonight, earnestly praying that the Seven Saints Culinary will be able to avoid bankruptcy!

Flip! Flip!

"I want to order ten of these Heavenly Golden Drumsticks!" Xiahou Yu made the first order, the total amounting to 3 High quality spirit stones.


Heng Wu nodded and took note of her orders, his forehead beginning to sweat.

Xu Rong was next, "I want to try this Trailblazer Of the Moon Dish! As for the dessert, give me the Thousand years Fermented Ice-cream!"

Heng Wu gave a slight nervous chuckle as he counted the total amount to be reaching 7 High quality spirit stones now. He couldn't help but to wonder if these three ladies were going to pay with installments. He may need to call the accountant for that.

Finally, it was Di Rou's turn to order, "Give us this Star Juice that you have here for drinks please, and as for my order... I'll pick this Dominion King Lobster, Flashborn Tunasun Fish and some Yokma's Scrambled eggs!"


Heng Wu's brain almost exploded with the three combos that Di Rou just ordered as it was extremely expensive. All in all, the total now suddenly reached 20 High Quality spirit stones!

"F*ck my life! I should have skipped work today!"

A whoopping total of 20 High Quality spirit stones for dinner! Even for the VVIPs that frequently came here, this total was just too unprecedented!

With a stutter in his voice, he asked slowly, "T-The total is.. is 20 High Quality spirit stones... will Esteemed customers here pay by monthly? That will be fine as well..."

The unwillingness in his voice on the last sentence was apparent even though he tried his best to hide it. Contrary to his expectations however, Di Rou only casually answered, "That will not be necessary, we will be paying in full after we eat later on."


This caught him totally off-guard!

Are my ears playing tricks on me?

"Esteemed customer, you said that... you will pay in full?" he replied while swallowing a mouthful of saliva, his face in disbelief as he was trying to confirm what he just heard.

"En!" Di Rou nodded.


In a certain cave outside the capital city of the Jiu Empire, a group of old men had gathered around a campfire. On a first glance, these old men looked frail and out of time, but make no mistake, as if one were to observe their faces carefully, then one would be able to realize that all these old men were actually veterans from the old pugilistic world!

"Why did you use the hidden signal to summon us, Oo Left hand of the Treasure Hunt?" asked one of the old men whose eyes drooped low enough to be mistaken that he was in an eternal sleep.

"Sacrosanct Elder..." the person whom was referred to as the left hand of the Treasure Hunt single-kneeled on the ground.

"As the incumbent head in place of the Eternal Patriarch of the Treasure Hunt, I, the Sacrosanct Elder demands an explanation from you.. Na Zem, the son of Na Xi... Or do you perhaps prefer us to call you by your current alias... Na Zem Xi?"
