Chapter 339: Limitless! (3)

"A collaborative attack on my visual and hearing senses, this is surprisingly quite effective.." Duan Li was taken aback by this method of assault and found his defensive posture slightly slackened as a result.

After all, no matter how tough he was, there was just no way to temper one's visual and hearing senses to be able to react to such an unsuspecting move!

Seeing this opening, the eight patriarchs moved onto their next phase;

Fifth Transformation of the Nine Deadlock!

Patriarch Xu, Patriarch Ding, Patriarch Shi and Patriarch Fei each retracted their right fists from launching the previous assault and then drove the remaining momentum to channel the force on their left hand!

(A.N: Image below is for illustration purpose only. If it works on WN though..)


Four palm attack was projected out from their left hand by pure strength, compressing the air which pressed against Duan Li's body, further agitating the previous effect while subduing Duan Li's ability to prepare for their next move!


Patriarch Jiu, Patriarch Shen, Patriarch Wang and Patriarch Wei moved in to deliver a meridian and Qi pathway sealing attack by performing numerous finger jab techniques on some of Duan Li's acupoints along his body!

(A.N: Image below is for illustration purpose only.)

Peng! Peng! Peng!


While Duan Li's physical body was as tough as the seabed, not even that could protect his acupoints from being affected by these multiple finger jabs!

Swiftly, he found a portion of his meridians and Qi pathways running amok, forcing his defense to become lowered as his muscles involuntarily relaxed.

However, how could dealing with Duan Li be that simple?

Naturally, as soon as he felt this, Duan Li quickly sealed his remaining acupoints and redirected the affected meridians and Qi pathways elsewhere via his modified Qi pathways. As for his defenses, he did not bother with reinforcing them back, but instead instantly adapted his form to another variation of the defensive stance that he previously used!

"This kid is a tough nut to crack!" Patriarch Shen narrowed his eyes after seeing Duan Li's quick responses to their every attack!

Still, it was not to say that their previous efforts were in vain, as now they could chain their combo from whatever opening on Duan Li's body they had left!

Sixth Transformation of the Nine Deadlock!

"Attack!" Patriarch Jiu raised his voice, but then he saw a glimpse of smile on Duan Li's lips!

"!!!" the Jiu Patriarch immediately realized that something was wrong before widening his eyes!

"Sh*t! It's a trap!" he said, alerting the others as they immediately halted their footsteps and wanted to retreat.

"Too late." Duan Li chuckled behind his mask.


He side-stepped to the left and slipped past their encirclement as he went between Patriarch Ding and Patriarch Xu, delivering a finger jab of his own to both of their side ribs while he was at it, which penetrated their acupoints and affected their Qi circulation, causing their legs to move in the opposite direction from what they intended like a drunk person, effectively unravelling their collaborative attack formation as a whole!


Patriarch Wang cursed in his mind as he can't help but to become really serious.

It seems that we need to do it after all..

Seventh Transformation of the Nine Deadlock!

With a single step of their foot pressed firmly onto the ground, they shattered into large pieces and splintered the area, creating a random area of attack, both obscuring their next move while making Duan Li's footing unstable!

Taking this opportunity, Patriarch Ding and Patriarch Xu re-entered the attack formation and launched numerous form of assault by transferring the weight of their attacks onto the debris and pebbles in the area, making them fly towards Duan Li at extreme speed. This was lethal to any defensive stance as they whittle them down until the opponent could no longer take it and retreat!

Such was the case with Duan Li right now, and he had to change his position.

Furthermore, even if this was another feint of his, the next final phase would be unavoidable, even for Duan Li's caliber!

Eight Transformation of the Nine Deadlock!

Shaaa!! Shaaa!!

Vertical and horizontal hand chops, interlocking to become razor sharp net that was closing in on him!

"Holy-Moly!" Duan Li became slightly panic when he saw this final attack of their's!

Indeed, this was a nigh-impossible move to be dodged or defended!

While it may seem simple, this move harnesses eight hand chops from different directions and angles, and Duan Li only have four limbs to deflect them. Furthermore, even if he could, his upper and lower body would then become defenseless, a free food zone for them to perform their combo on!

But Duan Li was still Duan Li after all, even when panic, he was still able to react appropriately, courtesy of the Martial True Instinct!


Duan Li Leaped forward while doing a spinning kick like a tabletop!

While this move was not enough to stop the hand chops, it had significantly reduced the damage they could do on his body by altering their trajectory!


As a result, when all eight hand chops landed on Duan Li's body, instead of feeling pain, it was as if he had just been given a perfect body massage top and bottom, the feeling of relaxation caused him to breathe out a mouthful of turbid air!

"...." the eight patriarchs.

What the hell is this?

Why aren't our Nine Deadlock techniques working on him at all?

And what is with these loosening muscles of yours as if you had just finished a body massage?

Damn it! Do you think that we are your personal masseur?

Show us some face damn it!

They instantly became speechless and was silent for a long moment before a helpless sigh escaped from their mouth.

"It seems that the rumors are not exagerated at all, with how non-chalant he was in dealing with us, I reckon that even immortals would have a split headache when fighting him!" Patriarch Jiu nodded in satisfaction.

It seems that their worries was needless. At least for the time being.

"Why didn't you go all out in that final attack?" Patriarch Wang confronted Duan Li with a displeased look. He had told Duan Li to not underestimate them before, and they even went out of their way to use their collaborative attack formation on him!

There was no greater disrespect than not using one's full strength as a gesture of reciprocal between two parties!


Somewhere in the Red desert...

"I think its safe to enter... let's just jump in!" Wang Dong suggested.

"En! That's a good idea Brother Wang Dong!" Shen Murong replied and liked the simple idea.

Meanwhile, Wei Wang wanted to pull his hair out and curse the deities.

"Good idea my a*s!!" he screamed in his heart.

Are these two blind to see the huge tracks around this area?

Obviously there was some kind of monster lurking inside the hole!

Just as he was about to debate the two brothers in front of him and wanted to scribble something on the ground to show his objections, he was pulled by Shen Murong and thrown into the hole.
