Chapter 351: Unleash your true power!

"Wha-What in the world is that?!" one of the soldier screamed in horror.

As soon as the expedition party exitted the tunnel, they were greeted with a huge silhouette of an enormous centipede!

"Desert Centipede King!" Elder Cheng Chao widened her eyes as she sensed some bad premonition.

The Desert Centipede King, although was only at the Pinnacle stage of the Golden Core realm, possessed an absolute fortress-like defenses! Its exoskeleton was indented with many natural forming defensive runic formation from the symbols on its carapace!

In addition, the thousands of legs it has as well as its extremely long body made it difficult for anyone to defend against its attacks that could come from any direction, especially lethal as the monster itself will exploit its enemies blind spot!

Both its offense and defensive traits combined made it difficult for even Nascent Soul realm cultivator to deal with. Unless one was at the Middle or Late stage of the Nascent Soul realm!

It was for this very reason that the Desert Centipede King was categorized as a 3-Star Monster and for the princess's personal maid, she was only at the Early stage of the Nascent Soul realm!

"Is it... asleep?" she said in confusion when she realized that the monster was not moving.

But that couldn't be.. with its cultivation realm and senses, it would have immediately woken up the moment we came here..

What's going on?

"This is our chance! Let's escape over-" she was just about to suggest that they escape with haste when the body of the Desert Centipede King suddenly twitched before opening its eyes and screamed out with rage!


Its eyes were jet crimson and the many symbols on its carapace glowed brightly as its aura shot through the roof!

"Aahhh!! Its awake!!"

"Runn!! Runn!!!!!"

The expedition party quickly became chaotic as some of them crashed against one another.

"It's too late!" Elder Cheng Chao gritted her teeth while also feeling furious looking at the stupid soldiers panicking and hitting each other.

"Something is wrong! Why is it angry?" Princess Meixiu said warily as she instructed her expedition party to scatter out and escape in small groups to prevent instant annihilation.

They were baffled that the monster was suddenly so enraged after waking up when they had only just appeared, as if they had murdered its entire kin in cold blood for seven generations!

"Elder, protect the soldier!" Princess Meixiu commanded with a wave of her hand.


Spherical Qi barrier that were visible to the naked eye appeared and encompassed each of the soldiers within a split second, protecting them from the barrage of assault that came a second later from the centipede's thousand sharp and needle-like legs!

Peng! Peng! Peng!


Although the Qi barrier managed to protect the soldiers and no one was seriously harmed, it took quite a bit of spiritual Qi that Elder Cheng Chao has.

"Princess, I can't keep doing that.. or else we might really be in trouble!" she said worriedly.

As of now, she was probably the only person who could contend with the Desert Centipede King and hold it out for the rest of them to escape, and if she keeps on wasting her powers, the chances to defeat the monster would plummet as well!

"But..." the Princess hesitated.

She understood the intention behind her maid's words but that would meant leaving her behind alone and such an action would be extremely dangerous!

After all, Early stage Nascent Soul realm cultivators would already have difficulties facing the Desert Centipede King in its normal state, not to mention its berserk state!

"It's fine princess. I still have a few tricks up my sleeve!" Elder Cheng Chao said confidently.


"Let's go! Follow me everyone!" the Princess clenched her fists tight and turned around as her expedition party rallied around her.

"Please don't force yourself Elder!"

Just like that, they retreated into the opposite tunnel from where they came from, leaving behind Elder Cheng Chao alone as she summoned four floating swords around her that looked ancient and mysterious, each with their own unique colors while radiating out sharp and oppressing presence!

"Hmm.. now that I look closely, why are there several bumps on its head? Did it knock itself onto something repeatedly?"

Isn't it supposed to be an intelligent creature?

Elder Cheng Chao could not help but to cup her chin as she pondered on this mystery.


"Please Your Majesty, I implore you to reconsider your decision.." Liu Sheng Duhai said to their Emperor.

"Silence!" Liu Gongsun Xiaojian bellowed in displeasure.

"I have to see for myself the peak of power that he has reached to even be able defeating an immortal!"


Liu Sheng Duhai sighed as he shook his head helplessly.

It would be good for her if Duan Li would only show her the peak of power so that she could aspire to become even stronger..

The only problem here is that he already went past beyond that and I am afraid that you would not be able to come into terms with it!

After all, we are talking about someone who cultivated all three of his f*cking dantian here!

Are you so looking forward to have your cultivation going berserk from your state of mind breaking apart?

Prideful experts was especially vulnerable to these sorts of things ya know?

And you happened to be one of them!

"It's fine, I'll do it gently, so there is no need to worry of me harming her.." Duan Li said, trying to reassure the worried Imperial Advisor beside him.


Liu Sheng Duhai choked on his throat.

You'll do it gently to not harm her?

Why does that phrase sounded so wrong to me?

What are you trying to do to her?!

Liu Sheng Duhai almost had the urge to scream for the guards to apprehend Duan Li, but thankfully, he managed to suppress himself.

On the other hand, the Liu Emperor furrowed her brows, "Don't have so little faith on me like that." she said, a little disappointed in the lack of trust from her close aide.

Again, Liu Sheng Duhai sighed.

"It's not a matter of faith.. but nevermind, you will understand later Your Majesty.."


The Liu Emperor harrumphed, "Show me!"

"Very well!" Duan Li answered as he closed his eyes.



The moment Duan Li unleashed a portion of his true aura, the entire Imperial Palace began to tremble!

"This..." Liu Gongsun Xiaojian showed a visible expression of shock.

However, it only lasted for a moment before she soon shook her head.

"It's comparable to an Early stage Nascent Soul realm, which is quite weird seeing that you are only at the Core Formation realm.. but this isn't even enough to move me, let alone an immortal!" she said.

Hearing this, Duan Li answered honestly, "I'm afraid that anymore than this and your Imperial Palace might crumble.. should I go beyond 20%?"


What do you think my palace is made from? Straws?

We have hundreds of runic formations planted within the walls to support the entire structure, such that not even the assault of ten Nascent Soul realm experts would be able to destroy them easily, so what can the Qi aura of a single cultivator possibly even do to it?

And you are only using 20% of your power you said?

How boastful! Shameless bragging!

Feeling quite exasperated with Duan Li as she thought that Duan Li was looking down on her, she snapped and said harshly, "There is no need to stand on ceremony! Just use your full power! Even if the entire capital city were to crumble down, it will be my responsibility, not yours!"

"Your Majesty!" Liu Sheng Duhai's face was immediately drained of color when the emperor said that.

"That's quite reassuring! Okay then, let me give it a try! It's been quite a while since I've recovered to 100% of my power! Time to stretch myself!" Duan Li said while cupping his chin before nodding.

"Welp.. this place is now history.." Shen Lu by Duan Li's side chuckled.

He knew full well on how monstrous the person beside him was, and even that will still be an understatement!




A sudden phenomena occured that day as the entirety of the citizens in the Liu Empire's capital city witnessed something that would be eternally carved inside their mind!

Even historians would later wrote it inside their record with shaky handwritings from the sheer disbelief they had!

The impenetrable Imperial Palace of the Liu Emperor, the pride and joy of the Liu Empire..

Had just exploded!
