Chapter 354: The bad egg among them!

"Two bloodline cultivators.." Princess Meixiu was a little surprised to see Wang Dong and Shen Murong transforming and raised her brows.

One has to know that bloodline cultivators were quite rare, and those that can activate their bloodline potential to transform close to their ancestral's form were even more so uncommon!

Yet, to think that she stumbled upon two of them here at the same time! Was it a coincidence?

"Wang Dong is from the mountain clan, the Wang Clan. As for that guy.. based on that physique and those two jutting horns on his temple, he must be from the rumored Great clan in the Jiu Empire.. the Shen Clan!" Ling Shin said. He had studied some background of the Jiu Empire before they came, so he knew quite a fair bit when it was related to the numerous clans in the Jiu Empire, especially the predominant ones!

The most starking feature of the Wang's bloodline was their ability to increase their recovery rate and battle prowess over time. The longer they persisted in their transformed state, the powerful they became. Additionally, markings will start to appear all over their body in that state!

As for the Shen's bloodline, when activated, one's aura will become as barbaric as a feral's, inducing great intimidation against their opponents, especially when combined with their transformed facial appearance!

"I see.. well, its no different to me whether they are bloodline cultivators that could transform into their ancestral form or not." Princess Meixiu stretched her hands together before clenching them into fists.

"Against the might of our Doulou's Martial Arts lineage, it will all be but useless! Surrender the Ten Commandment sword to me now!"

Tap! Tap!

Spreading her stance by a shoulder width apart, she closed her eyes and controlled her breathing before abruptly opening them, releasing an outburst of unique aura that came from the depths of her bloodline!


Doulou's Royal Bloodline activate!

"Eight Undulating Qi technique!" visible steam came out from inside her robes, causing it to flutter mysteriously!

This was the infamous battle technique that many from the Doulou Empire had cultivated and practiced in their lifetime. However, not everyone managed to reach the same level of mastery in it. Take Ruo Hen for example, his mastery in it was only at the Beginner's level, which he displayed during the Battle Royale that incurred Duan Li's disgust.

As for the princess, her mastery in it has long been at the Pinnacle level! After all, with the unlimited resources of the Doulou's royal family as well as innumerable experts to guide her, its simply impossible for her to not be able to grasp the battle technique at its highest state!

"I do not need to transform into my ancestral form to beat you three. Just a hint of the Doulou's bloodline would be enought to turn a clear river into crimson red!" the princess said with an unwavering stare towards the three of them.

"This is bad.." Shen Murong, Wang Dong and Wei Wang could feel the unshakeable ripples of power oozing out from the princess's body!

By their estimate, using the Eight Undulating Qi battle technique had raised her battle prowess to the highest level! It was a pressure that usually only came from those in the Golden Core realm state!

As for them, they were only in the Middle stage of the Core Formation realm, a far cry from rivalling a Pinnacle stage Core Formation realm that the other party has, not to mention that she had boosted it even further now!

Still, since the other party had mocked the Jiu Empire, it was not as if they were going to back down just because the enemy was far stronger than them!

"Ruo Hen, Ling Shin and the rest of you stand down. I'll take care of them on my own!" Princess Meixiu commanded.

"Yes, Princess!" they replied, heeding to her words as they threw a face of contempt towards the princess's opponents.

Even though they knew how lazy the princess were usually, especially towards cultivation, this does not mean that she was weak. On the contrary, she had never lost a fight before!

"Hahahaha! Quite arrogant eh? That just might be the end for you!"


Shen Murong, Wang Dong and Wei Wang moved to dash from different directions at the same time, looking to attack on her blind spot and openings!


The sun was gradually setting as the people in the Spring Blossom village continued their repairs on the structures that got damaged and razed by the bandits the night before.

They had just finished repairing the village walls and gates when Cucko that was perching on top of the highest building, the bell tower, suddenly opened its eyes and stood up.


Everyone looked towards the direction of Cucko and their faces quickly sank and became pale!

"I knew it! There are more bandits coming!"

"We just finished repairing some of the buildings, are they going to get destroyed yet again?"

"We should've just left! What did I told you guys before?!"

Commotion immediately broke between the villagers as they panicked and argued. Seeing this, Wei Shang stepped forward, "Calm down everyone! We are still here! Let's assess the situation first before-"

"Calm down? You are asking us to calm down?!"

A skinny and scruffy looking man came out from the crowd and pointed his fingers towards Wei Shang.

"Our lives are at stake here! You people can fight and flee anytime you want! Do you expect us to believe that you will stay here and protect us when the situation turns bad?" he shouted with a clear indignation in his eyes.

He was just a peasant on the streets, living his life contentedly from the donations of the passersby and could eat and roam about lazily without doing any work. He thought that after people became used to his mode of operation and refused to donate to him any further, he would just move on to the next village.

Yet, before he could even live freely, this situation had already happened to him! He regretted ever coming to the Spring Blossom village!

"Calm down, we have orders to stay in this village and protect everyone until help arrives!" Wei Shang knitted his brows but still replied to the man with a calm tone.

"Hah! As if I believe that! In your eyes, we mere commoners are nothing but ants! You said that right now, but you will definitely escape when hell breaks loose! I've seen numerous cultivators like you, and they all viewed all lifeforms other than them in disdain!" the man continued to scream at the tip of his throat.


His face was then suddenly slapped from afar. It was Fei Longwei!

"You have a point there. Cultivators like us might really view you lower lifeforms in disdain. So what makes you think that you can say all these words with your whole limbs still attach after this? Hmm?" Fei Longwei said with a monotone voice as he stood in front of the man.

"Y-You! Are you trying to commit murder?!" the man staggered backwards as he shouted at Fei Longwei with a shaky voice. He was surprised that the other party would dare to hurt him in front of everyone, not worrying about other's opinions about him at all!

"So what if I want to kill you? What can you do about it? What can anyone do about it? Tell me?" Fei Longwei replied with a sinister smile.

The man was further shaken from Fei Longwei's intimidation as sweat began to drench his back!

"No! You can't kill me! That's wrong! You are supposed to protect us!" he said with gritted teeth.

He must be bluffing! There is no way he will dare to kill me in front of everyone! I'll involve everyone in this so you can't do anything about me!

Then, Fei Longwei immediately broke into laughter.

"Hahahaha! Didn't you just said so yourself? That we view you as ants? Why should I protect you?" he said, before sweeping his gaze towards everyone, "Tell me, why should I protect you all? Do I have any reason to? So what if I were to disobey the orders and let you all be killed by the bandits? I can just say that we can't do anything and nothing will happen to me."

Everyone also realized this fact as well, and they couldn't find any words to rebuke him at all, so they stared at the ground helplessly.

This is the end for us!

"No! No! No! You can't kill me! You can't kill me! You don't have any rights taking my life away from me!" the man continued to scream like a retarded person and uttered the same sentence over and over again.

"Hais!" Wei Shang sighed and shook his head.

Fei Longwei had just broke his mental barrier!

Even a person without many words like him could be vicious when angered. You have messed with the wrong person man!


"Hmph! You think that I will dirty my hands to kill a scummy bastard like you?" Fei Longwei spitted on the ground in front of that man before he turned around becoming disinterested as the deed was done. Without turning his back, he then continued with a voice not too loud, but could be heard by everyone, "As long as there are no bad ants among you, I will still help to protect village no matter the cost."


Just like that, Fei Longwei disappeared from everyone's view and there was a moment of silence when they heard that final sentence.

Everyone understood what it meant.

They turned around to look at the man who was now crying and scared sh*tless, their face devoid of emotion as they stared at him.


Not too long later, the sound of someone uttering his final breath full of indignant could be heard behind a house, away from the views of children as his neck was snapped into two.


"Hey, why did you do that?" Wei Shang said as he stood beside Fei Longwei atop of a roof along with Cucko.

Fei Longwei was silent for a while before replying, "I'm familiar with the scent of a schemer. He was planning to use the rest of the villagers to leave with him so that they could act as a bait, and that he could escape towards another direction."

Wei Shang raised his brows in comprehension, "I see.. what a bastard."

It was a common strategy where the bandits would be more attracted to a group of people rather than a single individual. But if this was really the case or not with what the man was really planning, they have no way of knowing. The only fact they have was that the man was really a bad egg that wanted to stir up problems, and they couldn't afford to risk the other villages of being persuaded by him.

Fei Longwei made the correct decision!

"Cuck! Cuccko!"

Cucko then finished relaying the information towards his minions that was spread out ahead of the village before.

"They will arrive in one hour. Let us prepare."
