Chapter 360: Bloodline unleashed! (1)

Wang Dong, Shen Murong and Princess Meixiu were all soaked in their own blood from top to bottom, and it was barely ten minutes or so since they first started fighting with the Skull Centipede Emperor, but they were already injured!

Strong! This enemy was far too powerful!

"Are we even damaging it at all?!" Princess Meixiu panted with heavy breaths as she finished up her strike!

Boomm!! BAM!!

A series of shocking images of numerous mini stars exploding on the skeletal frame of the Skull Centipede Emperor resounded and blinded the area they were in, causing deep vibrations in the ground and dust to fly all over, creating an extremely hectic scene!

This was the Collapsing Star Kick, perhaps her most powerful offensive skill arts in her disposal right now. Not to mention Golden Core realm, even Nascent Soul realm would be slightly injured if they took a direct hit from this skill! Such was the formidable heritage of the Doulou's royal family!

However, this was already the fifth time she used such a devastating skill attack on the monster, yet all it managed to do was to knock back the monster with slight and insignificant cracks at most!

Meanwhile, Wang Dong and Shen Murong was impeccable in their combination attacks and formation against the monster with their weird brotherhood relationship, sort of like an instinct between two fellow barbarians, and their battle sense was heightened to the maximum with the current danger they were in!

All their skills and martial arts meld together to create a perfect harmony akin to a barbaric beast, unleashing its claws relentlessly!

However, despite their best efforts, the bones of the Skull Centipede Emperor was too strong such that they could only leave a few scratch marks on its body. After all, against an undead, normal skill arts was already limited in their effectiveness even when used towards the minion and low-level undead, not to mention against a boss enemy like this!

"Hey you, what's the plan now? Quickly tell us what to do, or we all might just really die here!" Shen Murong called out towards the person at the back who was also busy fighting against the tail and legs of the monster that was attacking them like the flood from a hundred soldiers!

"I'm thinking you fool! Why don't you first focus on attracting all its attention so that I can have some breather to think properly dammit?!" Ling Shin shouted in reply as he parried the needle-like legs of the monster to the side.

This was a truly terrifying monster, although the bulk of its lethal offense has been suppressed and taken care of by Elder Cheng Chao time and again, it was still able to inflict some severe damage to their tankers while using its other body parts and tails to attack their rear simultaneously!

It was like the monster has eyes on both ends!

"Hahahaha! This damned monster! Its hide is as tough as my grandfather's skin! I'm feeling a gradual numb on my fist every time I punch it!" Wang Dong swiped off the blood trickling from his lips as his expression became a mix of excitement and grim.

"You madman! How can you laugh at a time like this?! Attack properly!!" Ruo Hen by the side dished out medium to long range attack from time to time while keeping himself on the move.

Since he was frequently switching to replace the tankers, he could not help but to feel alarmed on how fast his spiritual Qi reserve dropped by the seconds!

It was as if a leak in a water container that began to grow in diameter as time passes by, so he was especially exasperated when he heard Wang Dong laughed out as if treating the whole thing as a joke when their entire situation was already spiralling down to the worst possible outcome!

"Hahaha! Why don't you come here and test the power behind my fist to see if I'm playing around or not?" Wang Dong replied as he charged forward again to attack the upper body of the Skull Centipede Emperor.



The might behind his fist was unquestionable as it managed to rattle the enemy for a moment, and it was clear that his strength has since increased by a few notch than during the Battle Royale, coupled with him reactivating his bloodline transformation, every injury resulted in a hastened healing process, tempering his bodily cells to become stronger and durable than before.

However, this came at a significant cost. After all, continuous forceful action of regeneration will expend the bloodline energy quicker, becoming thinner until one could no longer use their bloodline ability!

Boomm!! BAM!!

Shen Murong had also transformed back to his ancestral state, and right now, his rational mind was slowly slipping away from his grasp, overtaken by the vicious natural trait of the Shen bloodline and becoming more berserk as time went by!

This was one its major drawbacks. While it could unleash a greater fighting prowess, there was a time limit to how long one could suppress the dragon's desire within their blood for rampage! Gradually, Shen Murong's attacks will become more ferocious and indiscriminate, such that he would not be able to discern between foes and friends!

"Things are looking pretty bad.." Ling Shin gritted his teeth. He saw no other chances where they could turn the situation around other than the Princess revealing her true power!

"Princess, we have no other choice! Use your bloodline power!" Ling Shin hastily said.

Hearing this, the Princess initially rejected, but upon seeing her surrounding where her remaining soldiers began to die left and right, as well as the gradually exhausted maid protecting them, she gave one last good kick before she retreated away.

"Dammit! You're asking for it!!" she bellowed angrily at the monster.

With that, Princess Meixiu has no choice but to finally unleash the full extent of her bloodline power, inducing a unique state in her reflexive and voluntary actions, where every move she made has no wasted movements and every attack was at maximum power!

Doulou's Bloodline Ancestral State, Martial Emperor Doulou's Embodiment!

Pow!! Pow!!

With her every move pushed to the maximum level, the fight finally began to visibly change and favor the human cultivators.
