Chapter 371: Clash of the Experts!

"Supreme Elder..." the Extermination Knights were dumbfounded as they saw Duan Li's silhouette gradually turning into the size of a dot before disappearing into the horizon altogether!

Why did the Supreme Elder leave them here and bolt pass the enemy?

Could it be that the Supreme Elder is scared?

They turned their head to look at the approaching enemies who are now a few hundred meters away from them, each looking at the Extermination Knights as if they were already a pile of dead corpse!

Seeing this, the Extermination Knights quickly shook their head to get rid of such thoughts. After all, with the mighty power that the Supreme Elder had demonstrated to them before, there was no way that a bunch of ants could make him scared!

"I think I understand!" Xeng Guan suddenly said, breaking the awkward silence.

"What do you mean Captain?" the rest of them asked, curious about what their Captain Commander had comprehended over this bizarre incident.

"As we all know, it is normal for experts to be quite eccentric and unpredictable in their actions, and this is especially the case for the Supreme Elder! For someone like him, every action he made should not be taken at face value and must be interpreted deeper from their perspective!" he said as he clasped his hands behind his back while still gazing at the direction of where their Supreme Elder had disappeared.

"En!" the others nodded in agreement. Xeng Guan then continued, "For the Supreme Elder to continue on his journey despite reaching the destination, I could only conjecture two plausible reasons for this! First is that, he detected a powerful presence that the likes of us would never be able to measure. Thus, instead of troubling himself with pesky insects like these people in front of us, he found that fighting against someone of his caliber will be much more worthwhile!"

"Secondly, this might also be a test from him, to see how far we could fight without his help! This is similar to how we were before being titled as the Extermination Knights, where each of us were instructed to continue killing monsters until we can no longer fight!"


The rest finally realized! To think that their Supreme Elder would be someone so thoughtful!

This was like the old saying that they used to hear before during their inception, that no matter how strong and durable the blade was claimed to be, if it had never been really tested against the weight of Mount Tai, how would one know of its true limit?

How would one know of its breaking point?

"Hahahahaha!!" the Extermination Knights laughed heartily with each other. If there was one thing that they were absolutely confident in, it would be their extreme resilience!

"We have proven ourselves to Her Majesty back then by slaying hundreds of thousands of monsters until we passed out before finally being recognized as the Extermination Knights! This is nothing more than putting in an additional amount of effort than what we did before!" they said with a slight chuckle as they turned to look at the hundreds of thousands of enemies in front of them while cracking the joints in their body, ready for battle!

Meanwhile, the captains of the Xian and Yuan Empire in front of them could not help but to become enraged!

"These motherf*ckers! They dare to look at us as if we are mere fries? Courting death!" they shouted.

With their high cultivation realm, who among them were not without status and influence? Just by walking in the streets, crowded markets would automatically split open as if the receding tides, and countless people would fawn over them just to get on their good sides!

With a wave of their hands, their clans and henchmen could annihilate their enemy's family and hunt them down to their last generation, making them feared among the masses!

Yet what do they hear right now? Being called as a 'bunch of ants' by a dozen of dead leaves!

How could they tolerate such humiliation?

"These f*ckers are even laughing, have they already resigned to their inevitable fate? I'll kill them slowly!"

"What the actual hell? Why are they acting so smug? Are we the one with insurmountable powers and quantity here, or they?"

To dare treat us like this, we will not be satisfied until we skin them from their bones!

"Brothers and Sisters, let us go all out from the get-go! I believe that the Supreme Elder only wished to see us trying our best! Even if we mock their ancestors, turning these people into a bunch of berserkers, I'm confident that the Supreme Elder will protect us from behind so that we will not get killed!" Xeng Guan said with an agitated and trembling body!

The same could be said with the rest of the Extermination Knights beside him; they were ecstatic to unleash all their built-up frustrations from being unable to fight to their heart's content!

But now, the Supreme Elder has build the stage for them!

With the Supreme Elder and his inconceivable might as their backing, why should they be afraid of their enemies?

Why should they be afraid of the world?

Who cares about being outnumbered? We'll crush them all!


"Holy-Moly, it looks like these lunatics are serious! They are releasing all their powers without holding anything back!" one of them said as Xeng Guan and the rest of the Extermination Knights drew out their personal sword, releasing powerful outburst of spiritual Qi into the air!

Next, their aura surged to the maximum level and mixed together with the spiritual Qi released from their individual sword, bursting into unique colors for each of them according to the colors of their sword! These outbursts of Qi rose to the air before twisting together like tornadoes, bringing in thunderstorm and heavy black clouds!

"Extermination Swords! Be careful! With those weapons, they are stronger than most of us at full strength!" said someone from the Xian Empire after he recognized the swords being used by the Extermination Knights!

The Extermination Swords were Semi-Legendary graded weapons, bequeathed by the Emperor of the Liu Empire to generations of Extermination Knights ever since its foundation!

From accumulating the will of its previous owners, each of the sword went through an upgrade continuously, before finally reaching their current state!

"Hah! So what? We still have the numbers! I can go all out too!" a haughty elder from the Yuan Empire stepped forward and brought out his spear which was of the Rare grade. It wasn't much when compared the Extermination Swords, but his fighting prowess increased quite significantly as well!

Several people also followed him and brought out their weapons, each inducing some sort of effects to their surroundings, and when these effects were compounded against each other, it was as if a level 10 typhoon and thunderstorm had wrecked havoc on the land!

Strong winds, lightning bolts, deafening thunders and torrential rain quickly flooded the previously empty land!

It was total chaos!

This was the effect of numerous experts congregating together in one spot and unleashing their might for blood! Even the natural forces were affected and the area looked no different from a disaster zone!

As for the Qi Condensation realm soldiers, they had to retreat and find safer lands away from the dead zone. After all, no matter how many of them were right now, the power of natural disasters brought upon by the experts of the Tian continent should never be underestimated!

Just a single Nascent Soul realm cultivator could already wipe out a thousand of them in the blink of an eye if they were aiming for the kill, not to mention that there were tens of them running around angrily right now!

Who knows if they would even bother to differentiate between friends and foes later on? Additionally, during a fight, it was a known fact that some people tend to lose control of their rationality and went total lunatics!

Unless they want to die, mere noobs of cultivation like them should just sit a few kilometers away and eat some snacks to watch the show!

"KILL!" Xeng Guan bellowed loudly to the air as he and the rest of the Extermination Knights dashed forward to meet their enemy!

"KILL!!!" similarly, the experts from the Xian and Yuan Empire also dashed out to trade some blows!



At this moment, clashes that rang for kilometers away like the sound of a breaking continent filled up the air, and explosions after explosions lit up the sky as if the clouds were on fire!

"Hahahahaha! Die! Die!" You Wing of the Extermination Knights waved his sword as if swinging a spear which was his unique fighting style, killing several Golden Core realm experts in one go!

"Kill! Kill!" Xeng Guan dashed forward with unstoppable momentum as if he was a perpetual needle moving forward, left and right like a square without stopping, penetrating through the body of some experts!

The rest of the Extermination Knights also showed their fearsome martial skill; one swung their sword as if it were rope, another cleaved his enemy down with a grip as if holding a great axe, one held it like a rapier, an enemy was bashed with the sword as if it was a shield, and more!

"Bastards! We can't lose to them! Suppress these bastards!" the Xian and Yuan experts began to use skill arts amidst the chaos, further propagating the destruction of the land!

However, they still found it difficult to pin down the Extermination Knights! Somehow, their fighting style was devoid of fear for death!

"How can this be? Why are they able to fight like this?"

"Are they not afraid of death?"

The numerous experts were no pushover either and countered every attack made by Xeng Guan and the others effectively to reduce casualties!

Still, those below Nascent Soul realm were killed like cabbages, and hundreds of them had already fallen!

"Tire them down! Let's see how long they will last wilth all those powers they are using!"



Far, far away, a loud collision sound resounded through the area before the scream of someone could be heard.

"Ahh!! Hot! Hot!"

It was Duan Li. Due to his careless flying while sleeping, he ended up colliding against a tall volcanic mountain and punctured a huge hole on the side of it!


The volcanic mountain that were initally dormant began churning out lava bombs before its top exploded, sending huge clouds of mushroom as well as a powerful sonic boom that shattered and rend all the vegetations around it into pieces!

This sonic boom travelled far into the distance!

In the air, Duan Li was shaking off the lava from his armor. Due to the unique properties of the armor he was wearing, as long as he has enough spiritual Qi to counter excessive impact, he would be able to remain invulnerable to most form of physical damage!

Still, since the lava was hot and he was sleeping, when the lava seeped into the tiny gaps in his armor, the intense sudden heat shocked him awake when he accidentally slurped some of it from his nostrils!

This shocking method of being woken up from his wonderful dream caused him to instinctively react and threw a punch out, resulting in the destruction of the volcano!

Fortunately, the area seemed to be devoid of life due to its searing temperature!

"Ah? Where am I?" Duan Li finally realized that he was alone.

Where are the Extermination Knights behind me? Are they taking a toilet break from the long journey?

"It's possible that they also stopped somewhere to buy some food.. I'm famished as well..." Duan Li nodded to this before a heard a loud rumbling sound from the distance!


These fierce collision of spiritual Qi... people are fighting over there?

"Oh! Don't tell me that I went pass the destination?" Duan Li clutched at his forehead before bolting into that direction.

