Battle For Camp Knight

The enemy infantry approached the base with their shields up and swords drawn. With cavalry on their flanks they were confident that there was nothing their entrenched enemy could do to their overwhelming numbers. So they moved forwards with thousands of feet moving with one goal, to close in and destroy the demons in front of them.

0600 Hours, M1A1 "Emerald", In the defense line.

"Enemy approaching the kill-zone mirror-head, ranged, adjusted and ready to fire." Black reported through his radio.

"Standby for firing orders." Shane replied.

The enemy were numerous, their dense formations make them seem like an army of ants converging towards the base. If it wasn't for the confidence he put into their technological superiority he would rather not face an enemy with such numbers.

"But that's the only edge they have against us. Numbers." He thought. "We got more range, higher tech and hell of a lot more firepower than they do."

His radio came to life and the voice of the commander came through.

"Anvil-1, you and your section are cleared to fire."

"Copy that sir, will give them some oompf." Shane adjusted his comms to company net and informed all the other units.

"Get those HE rounds underway! FIRE!"

The ground shook as four M1A1 abrams opened up on the enemy formation, the HE round vaporizing men and exploding with a significant radius when it made contact with hard ground.

The tanks fired a couple more salvos before a horn was blown and the infantry started to fall back. The soldiers of the 1st SE Division thought that the enemy has ordered a full retreat but was instead greeted by the sight of thousands of cavalry heading to their posistion.

0611 Hours, 1st Combat Company, In the defense line.

Jonathan looked through his ACOG sights at the mass cavalry charge happening right in front of him.

"Its like a fucking movie." One of the soldiers commented.

"Yeah, except we're in it." Another soldier said.

The Bradleys started to open fire at the mass of horses and men sending 30mm rounds at 200 rounds per minute into the charge, tearing both horses and men alike into pieces.

But then Jonathan heard a unmistakable sound, a sound that is praised in the United States... a sound that could only mean one thing.

"HOLY SHIT THOSE FUCKING BIRDS ARE HUGE!" One soldier exclaimed as he looked up to the sky.

Then one by one those eagles started to dive into the trenches with a screech so majestic the soldiers in the trenches stopped shooting to look up to the sky.

Suddenly, those over proportioned eagles suddenly turned into mush.

30mm airburst rounds fired from the m230 of the M6 Linebackers did short and brutal work with the large eagles as they dumped more rounds into the air, filling it with falling corpses of both riders and eagles in the process.

One landed near Jonathan, as he closed in with the corpse of the eagle he could hear a faint coughing sound from the back of the bird. He then found the rider coughing up blood from the many fragments stuck into his abdomen and the impact of the fall.

Bringing the gun barrel to his head he prepared for something he knew he had to do.

A shot rang out as the rider of the eagle rested in peace.

0615 hours, Holy Army Command Camp.

Ehrha was in a complete shock, the veteran infantrymen and calvalry of the 1st and 6th holy army were cut down by the otherworldly magic that the demons held, and when he signaled the second phase of the attack, the eagle mounts were just evaporated from the sky.

Then a young officer kneeled down beside him.

"Sir, we have lost over three-fourths of our army to the demons. We cannot continue this attack."

The commander sighed, it was foolish to think that the demons would be so easily defeated. But if nothing else, this battle will contain useful information about the capabilities of the demons.

"Their sacrifices won't be in vain, sound the retreat. And dispatch a rider to the captial with the news of our fight here."

"Right away sir!" The young officer stood up and spoke to the horn-bearer and instructed a messenger to ride to the capital.

The majestic eagles that have been flying so gracefuly at the start were now limping back to the camp all while being slaughtered along with the infantry on the ground.

"At least the enemy are entrenched, they cannot pursue us lest they risk a disorganized charge with their small force." He thought to assure himself about not being pursued.

Unlike other powers regional powers, the Valecan Holy Empire didn't think it was disgraceful to retreat and officers are always taught the "Live to fight another day, but not desert to see one." Mentality. It helped them dominate in wars by having more surviving experienced officers.

And so the commander of the holy army felt only concern about ways on how to fight against the demons as he mounted up his horse and headed to the camp proper.

0624 hours, Near Camp Knight.

Yet another bloody battle. The casualties of the enemy force were numbering up to nine-thousand and the only casualties that the 1st SE Division had was the soldier whi were unfortunate enought to be hit by falling bodies of eagles. But not of them fataly injured.

"More bodies to burn." Jonathan thought as he donned his MOPP suit again as the mass-funeral pyre process started.

The civilians were in shock upon seeing corpses of soldiers from the holy armies, some even went agressive to the soldiers but were quickly subdued after being told that they killed an emissary while some were needed to be coerced into pacification.

And so the battle for Camp Knight lasted for twenty minutes with 9000 men dead for the Valecan Holy Empire while there were at least ten soldiers wounded in action from the bodies of eagles or riders falling on them.

Would the campain against the Valecians stay this easy? The men of the 1st SE Division asked themselves as they saw the dead bodies of the large eagles being dragged into the fire.

Their concerns aren't without basis... after all, they were in a land were most things should be impossible.