Raid Resolution

Updated the Summary

Branched out to webnovel



The court was in chaos, the prisoner that was captured from the portal was taken away by 'ghosts' who took out fifty royal guards in one night. The court was currently in debate about whether the event was connected to the demon army currently at the sphere and how to prevent future incidents.

"Their wounds are similar to those inflicted to our soldier who fought against the demons at the sphere!"

"Well the wards that were placed around the castle that banishes ghosts and spirits didn't trigger!"

"That could only mean the ghosts of our ancients haven't been corrupted by these abominations!"

"But how are they able to slip past our walls? our patrols? and appear directly at the castle!?"

High-King Rolph just placed his head on his hand, the demons have been a never ending source of trouble and headache and this attack does not bode well on their situation if it was truly from the demons.

"Your highness and excellencies! The survivor, Ranae Larguire comes with news!" A guard announced.

Sir Ranae Larguire, former company commander of two hundred men under the destroyed 2nd Holy Army was the only survivor of, as he describes it, 'the massacre' and has been an invaluable source of information on how the demons fight and was knighted for his 'decisive actions' in facing the demons .

"Your highness." Rannae knelt before the high-king.

"What news do you bring sir Larguire?" The high-king asked.

"I have discovered a connection between the demon army and this attack on the castle."

"Damn those demons! Damn them all back to the hell they came!" The high-king thought.

"Present your discovery sir Larguire." The high-king instructed.

Ranae stood up and took something from his pockets and presented the king two odd-looking objects.

"And what is this?" The high-king asked as he noticed the objects were made of metal.

"Your highness, these appear to be the residue of the demons weapons as I saw them emerge from their black instruments of death whenever one of our soldier fall." Ranae replied.

"Ah, the trinket that you found from the village which was massacred by the demons, yes, yes... so does this mean that the demons were indeed behind this attack?" The high-king sunk back down his throne, thinking about how were they able to breach so many layers of security.

"Your highness if I may present a solution on how to counter the demons?" Ranae asked.

"You have my permission." The high-king replied.

"Since the demons appear to use weapons made of metal, I suggest contacting the secretive enclave of skilled mages located at the mountains north of our borders to send some aid in form of skilled metal-manipulating mages."

"But the secret enclave has been staying away from conflicts for the past three centuries! They shame their predecessors who's feats in warfare during the war of the continents were unmatched by any mage in our time!"

The high-king stood up and clasped his hands, a plan forming in his mind.

"Then we shall offer them full research rights when we have defeated the demons from hell. They may refuse to aid in conflict between nations but the demons from hell itself are something they would be a fool to ignore!"

Council head Jonas Khal stood up to protest. "But your highness! They are heretics who refuse to bow down and offer their skills to your divinity!"

"Bah! I say desperate times calls for desperate measures, Council head contact them via diplomatic magespeak link immediately!"

"Y-yes your highness." The council-head replied, the gears in his head processing possible implications to the church by contacting the secretive group.

Camp Knight, Clavina's POV

She never thought humans would have harnessed the power of flight, but they did, she watched as the 'silent hawk' ascended from the ground and moved at a swift pace that outmatches most birds that she has seen.

They went up and up till she could touch the clouds and to her surprise found that it felt damp to her hand instead of of the smooth, fluffy surface she had always thought it had.

She was also confused when the humans started to distribute odd looking masks and when she rejected the offer, she began to feel dizzy and weak then the soldier offered her the mask again and she accepted. When she placed the mask around her head as the soldier instructed, her dizziness soon went away and when she tried to speak the soldier only pointed to what they called a 'headset' and a circular shaped object on her harness that was pressable.

"Ok so I press this and?"

"Alright I can hear you, can you hear me now?" Anton's voice sounded from seemingly nowhere.

"Amazing! You humans have mastered telepathy too?" She asked.

"No, thats from the headphones you're wearing, we are connected by a cord with energy called 'electricity' passing through it."


Radio silence for a while.

"Soldier?" Clavina voiced through the comms.


"How high up are we?"

"Hm... if you were to measure how tall I am how long is the unit you're going to use?"

"Well, it would be this." She held out one arm and pointed to the middle of her forearm, roughly about a feet.

"Okay, that appears to be something we call a 'feet' now imagine that you point up to the sky a pole with that amount of length, we would be about...." he did the conversion maths in his head. "16,000 of that amount."

The goddess only went slack jawed at this.

"16,000 FEET?"

15 Minutes later, Camp Knight.

The silent hawk landed back at the base and the passengers dismounted, along the way Clavina revealed that she was a recently ressurected god, the first in fact, from the old Valecan religion. She has been on the world for only two months!

But her knowledge had been that of a girl of her age, although much more mystical and religious and she is even very very curious about the US army.

"So you mean to tell me that YOU flipped Logan's safety off?!" Anton asked.

"Oh Anton I'm so sorry! I thought it was just harmless little fun!" She faked a pout.

"You could've gotten us KILLED, and that's not mischief thats HOMICIDE." Anton scolded.

The young goddess felt angry by being scolded by a mortal, and she shouted.


But her outburst was only met by a cough from infornt of them.

Anton immediately snapped a salute and the goddess looked over the aged man infront of her.

"Stand down soldier." The aged man said

"Anton who is this?" The goddess asked.

"Mr.President let me introduce you to Clavina, the goddess of mischief."

"President?! As in the leader you talked about?!" Clavina immediately tried to mimmick the salute (failing horribly) earning a chucked from the president.