The goddess of secrecy and the champion

When Goswin saw the source of the voice he immediately fell to his knees.

"Your Holiness Fasha!" He exclaimed with his head on the ground.

The goddess walked closer to their champion, she doesn't know why her elder sister's former self choose him but if there's anything she's sure about it's that this champion is loyal to his heart.

"Rise champion, I must give you my thanks for never losing your faith in me and my sisters after all these years."

"It is sworn by us, your ever faithful followers, your holiness to be loyal to you till our last breath." Goswin said as he stood up and faced the goddess.

She took form of a teenage girl in clothing that of a clean white dress and sandals, her purple eyes glowed but she did not emit anything from her unlike her younger sister. She is the reincarnated goddess of secrecy, Fasha the secondborn.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, she seemed to be lost in her mind as she didn't even react to the cool wind that passed by her, sending her hair flying with the wind.

"Your holiness."

"My sister...

"Your holiness?"

"Clavina... She is here... I can sense her."

"Nearby? Where your holiness?" Goswin looked around but saw nothing except for trees and the setting sun.

"She is here, in this world, but she is not nearby." Fasha opened her eyes and looked at Goswin, who's eyes was filled with admiration, faith and hope... He is truly a loyal champion.

"Are you Goswin? Me and my sisters champion?" She asked.

"Yes your holiness."

"Goswin, do you have a place where I can meditate? I... have to attune myself to the..." She slowly closed her eyes and started to wobble, Goswin immedietly coming to her aid by supporting her.

"Your holiness! Are you alright? What happened?"

Fasha's world was spinnning, her being was not attuned to the ethereal realm that even detecting her sister was taxing on her powers.

"I... I have to meditate... Do- Do you have a place where It's silent?"

Goswind nodded. "Yes your holiness, I have a shack nearby and the forest is quiet usually, I've been hearing griffon-like noises for the past few weeks but they usually don't come during sundown." He then put her arm over his shoulders and started to assist her towards the direction of his shack.

"Griffon-like noises? Was that what you were looking at when I manifested?"

"Yes your holiness, It's the first time I saw the source actually they fly so fast that I couldn't make out the details besides its color... black."

Fasha thought for a while, trying to recall her knowledge that she gained in the ethereal realm about the wildlife.

"I have not the knowledge of anything that sounds like a griffon and is black... but the roar I heard before I called you and the color sounds like... An onyx dragon..." She said sounding a bit worried.

Goswin looked at the goddess. "Your holiness it cannot be, the onyx dragon is still in slumber at the southern isle and will stay that way for at least three hundred more years!"

"I know champion, just do pray that it is something else."

"But I pray to you your holiness."


Moments of multiple fainting and rests later, they arrive at Goswin's shack which was a simple wooden shack with a small creek running beside it. Goswin put down the goddess on his bed and was about to get up to hang his bow and quiver when the goddess held on to his sleeve.

"Ch-Champion... What about the deer that you hunted?"

"Carrying you your holiness is my duty and is much more of an honor to do than dragging a dead deer."

Fasha smiled. "You are indeed very loyal, you have my thanks. And I have something to ask from you."

"Your holiness?"

"I need you to pray, so that I can have the power of faith to revitalize me so I can meditate... The more heartfelt it is the more helpful it will be my champion."

Goswin nodded as he held her hand and closed her eyes and started to pray.

To Emvey the eldest, goddess of intrigue.

To Fasha the secondborn, goddess of secrecy.

To Clavina the young, goddess of Mischief.

To your return my heart fills with joy.

To your blessings and guidance all these years I give my thanks.

And to be your champion I am honored.

Goswin opened his eyes to a smiling goddess and then withdrew his hands from hers.

"Now I know why my sister chose you to be our champion." Clavina said as she got up slowly.

"You might not be a great warrior, or the most skillful spy but neither one of those is what we needed."

"I am but a humble initiate your holiness, I still can't believe that I am the champion of the night sisters." Goswin Replied.

Fasha pointed at his chest.

"You may not represent my personality or my sisters but you are but a rough marble that has to be sculpted and sculpt to perfection we shall because you have loyalty, piety and most importantly the potential to be the best representation of the night sisters."

Goswin felt so happy at those words from one of his revered goddess, all the years he spent alone in the forest was for something and it is appreciated by the night sisters he so loyally served.

"I thank you your holiness."

Fasha crossed her arms on her chest and closed her eyes and started to meditate.

"Tomorrow, we shall seek my sister."