
The speed of the construction would've been impossible with their current technology but with the help of magic the Valecan walls were almost complete.

"Not like it'll help them much anyway." Lewis thought to himself.

His squad was currently positioned in a forested area three kliks east of the FOB and one klik away from the enemy wall. They were assigned to escort a reconnaissance team of two to this last part of the almost-complete wall.

"Why do you think they got this part unfinished still with their fancy magic?" Nick asked.

Lewis just shrugged and looked through his ACOG sights and scanned his sector of the forest.

It was clear and quiet for them, but one thing they don't know is that they're being watched.

The enclave scouts were cloaked with invisibility as they continued to watch the squad that was completely unaware of their presence, they were resting in the shades when they heard a rumbling noise and saw a horseless carriage coming their way and immediately casted their invisibility spells.

"They look like humans to me." One of the scouts said in a low voice in order not to be heard by the 'demons'.

"And they seem to be coordinated, part of a military of some sort?" Another one commented.

"Certainly, they seem to have a commanding officer." He said as he took notice of the lieutenant leading the squad.

"And their weapons are most peculiar." The first scout observed.

The scout leader then felt a sensation in his head, it was someone- probably Eletha was trying to communicate with him.

He couldn't cast spells while invisible so he slowly moved behind the tree he was in and accepted the transmission, the incoming spell from the transmission uncloaking his invisibility.

"Eletha?" He asked, coolly.

"They are human." Came the response.


"Their blood, It's the same as a humans."

"So you're saying that the 'demons' that the Valecans are fighting are humans?"

After a short silence a response came.


Earlier, Lewis' squad.

"Yo I gotta take a leak." A soldier said to his buddy.

"Yeah, yeah. just make it quick I'll cover for you." His buddy replied as he nodded and got out of position towards a tree to relieve himself.

he was a few meters away from the tree when Lewis saw as a figure of a woman suddenly appeared from thin air and tackled the soldier.

"Shit! Contact, my sector!" He shouted as he fired a burst at the woman who tackled the soldier.

Scout Leader's POV.

Right after Eletha's response came, a loud thunder-like noise came from behind him. As he looked around the tree, he saw one of the scouts body bloodied and limp on top of a 'demon' soldier and the rest of his scouts moving in and casting fireballs to avenge her.

"Eletha, we have been found by the enemy!" He alerted her before deactivating the transmission from her and stepping out to assist his scouts.

But to his utter horror what he found when he stepped out was the last two scouts bleeding helplessly and weapons of the 'demons' trained on him.

His heart felt like it stopped, thinking that he will die here. But to his surprise the 'demons' instead shouted something to him which he assumed was a demand for surrender.

He then looked at his bleeding and two dead comrades before realizing that he would rather die with them.

The Valecans highlighted that the 'demons' used metal for their weapons and asked the enclave for skilled metal-manipulators.

He was one of them.

He focused on the 'demon's' weapon and made himself one with the metals that composes it, it takes a considerable amount of will power to manipulate the metal objects since they were foreign to him than a sword but he managed to do so and he became one with it.

To the soldier's surprise, his weapon suddenly started to bend and he immediately threw it away.

Lewis' POV.

"Dude! Get back here!" Lewis shouted at the soldier who turned around and started to make his way back to his foxhole but not before a high speed rock flew towards him and hit his helmet.

"Thank the taxpayers for quality helmets!" Nick exclaimed as he fired on the mage but his bullets seem to stop mid-air and fall to the ground.

"What the fuck?!" He shouted as the whole squad focused their efforts on taking down the mage who presumably erected a barrier that stopped their bullets.

None of the small arms worked and one of the soldiers were about to throw a grenade when a hole suddenly opened on the mage's forehead and he slumped down.

The soldier looked around for the one responsible for taking him down and eventually saw the soldier who was tackled, holding his rifle with smoke coming out of the barrel.

"Christ I think I just pissed myself!" He exclaimed.


The recon team were finished with their survey anyway when the firefight broke out and so they immediately RTBed after securing the scout's remains and finding one survivor- the one who tackled the private that pissed himself.

"Command this is Charlie-1 actual we have completed the mission with recon team 2 and encountered an enemy group and managed to secure a survivor, over." Lewis' CO waited for the response

"Roger that Charlie-1 RTB and get some rest, were there any casualties, over?"

The lieutenant looked at the private who got his head bandaged due to a mild concussion after getting hit by the rock and the other private who was getting taunted by his squad mates.

"I got one WIA and another one who pissed himself, over."

The response took longer this time but it still arrived.

"Roger that, bring them home Lieutenant. Over and out."