
Luke knew that his older brother's advice was true as even if he had talent,he would still have to work hard as the competition was fierce.

[Gaia,can i level up just by cultivating normarlly?](of course you can.It would be fine to cultivate on your own as well as using Exp to do so as well)Gaia answered.

[Which way is efficient right now?](For now,normal cultivation would do as killing the monsters nearby would give you meager amouts of Exp;making it unworthy of doing so especially when you can just cultivate faster.)

(Although you may be able to challenge strongest monsters with your skills,you lack the Qi to do so.)

(The so called heavenly skills you have is basically the equivalent to you being a child with the sharpest sword in the universe.Although the sword itself is powerful,you still can not slay a dragon.)

(So,even with your heavenly skills,you lack the power to wield them properly.If you were to go against a stronger monster,it would be obvious who would win most of the time.)

(Of course,whenever you level up whether via Exp or normal cultivation,the amount need to level up would increase.Nomally,it would take longer for normal cultivation to level you up due to me having to manually purify the Qi that you absorb)

(This is why right now it is better to cultivate but it will be better to level up via Exp latter on.)[Thanks.]Luke thanked Gaia as he started to cultivate.

He knew that even with his body's talents,he would have to cultivate and work harder in order to reach the apex of cultivation.

Luke's life goal in his previous life was to reach the 11th Step in martial arts,the Arch-Angel.Yet, as he was about to do so,he was ambushed.

However,now with the advent of Gaia,he would remove his regrets and make it to the Arch-Angel Step at the very least,if not even the Mythical God Step!

In between the Arch-Angel and God Step lies a nigh impenetrable barrier,making it harder to reach the God Step.

Therefore,reaching the God Step was nearly impossible as no one other then the God Step cultivators themselves knew how to break the barrier.

No one knows how to do so as most God Step cultivators stay in Heaven's Domain and even if you somehow do find one and ask them,they would refuse to say anything.

This was why in his past life,Luke was regarded as reaching the pinnacle of cultivation.Something that Luke brought over from his reincarnation was how hardworking he was.

To nearly reach the Arch-Angel Step as a wandering cultivator is tantamount to climbing a mountain of swords and crossing a sea of fire as one would constantly suffer from the lack of resorces and good cultivation techniques that a sect could provide.

Hence,when given the chance,Luke took it.He started to circulate his Qi in accordance to The Radiance of The Morning Sun technique.

As he did so,he started to achieve breakthroughs one after another easily and thus,from the 5th rank of initial,he broke through all the way into the 2nd rank of Novice.Had anyone witness this,their jaws would have dropped to the ground with how shocking it would be for them.

Although he was at the Novice Step,he was not satisfied as he knew that Adept Step martial artists would be taking part as well as the allure of gaining 10 High-Grade spirit stones were high.

While both parties want the same thing,the motives were different.Luke wanted to use them to activate the (Training) function.

Luke found out accidently that he could unlock locked features of the system by using spirit stones or Exp through the use of the (Advice) function of Gaia.He found out just by asking Gaia what was the most efficient way to increase skill proficiency.

(Through the (Training) function,which is obtainable via 1 High-Grade spirit stone or via 10,000 Exp,one would experience a time dilation where the space the user's mind gets transported to slows down to a thousandth of the time outside.)

(The time dilation can be increased via more Spirit stones or exp but it is not recommended until the host reached at least the Pinnacle Step.)

(The other 9 High-Grade spirit stones could be converted into Exp to either level up or be used to unlock other locked functions.The locked functions are checkable by going to the store,you lazy host.)

Luke appreciated the advice until he heard the last part from the System.