Unlocking the training function

[Gaia,please absorb the sword now.]Luke asked Gaia to do so as he was impatient and could not wait to unlock the function.

(Absorbing the Qi in the sword now.(Training) function unlocked.User is recommended to test the function out now.)

Luke then activated the (Training) function and was then transported to another dimension.

(The time flow in this dimension is slower and 1000 hours is equivalent to 1 hour outside.Obviously,right now it is only 3 hours inside here for 1 hour outside due to you not having enough strength to withstand the time flow.)

Luke felt lucky for having Gaia as this training function would speed up his plans for the future.The time flow would allow him to train more and cultivate faster and save time as well.

This allows him to basically have 3 months of preparation rather then the original 1 month.This would allow his strength to soar.

Not only that,he could train in his concepts and attacks which would improve his overall prowess.He also now have a weapon which coincidentally was a sword,suitable for his use as his main weapon in his past life was a sword.

[Gaia,will others notice my disappearance?](Yes,of course.You are sent to another dimensional pocket,after all.You will be safe here though.Only powerhouses at the Angel Step or people whose powers rival Angels would be able to attack you.)

Luke felt relieve as people who were at the Angel step or was equivalent to it were not that free to randomly attack someone who was an ant in their eyes,especially since this was only the Mortal world.

Luke went back to training and started to get used to his new sword.He started to practice one of his previous attacking technique,the Azure Sealing technique.This technique was considered excellent due to its offensive and defensive prowess.

It also came along with a set of movement skills which was essential for all cultivators.Movement skills were considered as important as one's offensive powers as a good movement skill can save your life and even allow you to kill someone stronger.

This is due to the three limits of cultivation:Offense,Defense and Speed.

Anyone who trained to the limit in anyone of these could be unrivaled in their cultivation level,though not fully.

This is because even if your attacks can destroy the world,someone who can attack faster may kill you before you can even attack.Even if your defense is invincible,if you can't kill your opponent,both of you won't get anywhere at all.Also,even if you are the fastest,if you can't damage your opponent,you could at most run.

This was why extreme speed was usually though of the best.Even if you can't attack or defend,at least you could run for your life unless your opponent severely overpowers you.

This is why movement skills are considered important.Therefore,Luke chose the Azure Sealing technique.Its movement can restrict opponents,even sealing them in an unstoppable attack if done probably.

Luke chose this skill for its balance in offense,defense and speed.Although he may not be tyrannical in any of these aspects,he would be able to steadily fight against people who trained to the extremes of one of the aspects as long as they are of the same cultivation.

Luke wanted to,in the future go to the extreme in speed as well as offensive prowess as it was essential to his path to reach the apex.