Arc, Winston and Mary were eating and at the same time talking. For them it is already normal to tease one another. All three of them bond like how a family would be. After some time Arc asked them about the game. "Did you know about game UNKNOWN old man?" Arc asked. "Yes. But is it true? That after logging in, one would be an immortal? If only I have some money, I would buy that gaming pod for sure! But it is so expensive!" Winston replied. Arc was thinking how he might help Winston and Mary. But all he had left was a 100 thousand dollars and only 1 gaming pod can be bought. After some thinking "Oh right. Ill gain some money to buy you both a gaming pod. I think it would be easy."
Winston and Mary was laughing. But at the same time had a watery eyes. Arc was always like this. He would help them all he can. Even though they are not related by blood but they consider themselves as family. Both only nodded for if they argue with him, he would only talk until he convince them. After some hours, Winston and Mary left.
Arc was still thinking how he would play the game. He was so overpowered that no one is able to contend with him. And so he wrote what he would like to do with this game and also wrote the things he would like to experience like 'being a guild master'. After writing what he wants he logged in to the game.
Arc,'s soul was transported to where he left off. The old man was nowhere to be found. Arc strolled and was doing some research in the game world. He discovered that 1 black coin=1 dollar. There are also some shop like the Blacksmith shop where rank 2-4 weapons and armor are being sold. But rank 2 weapons and armors are worth at least 100 000 black coins! how much more Rank 3 to 5. There is also the Auction house where different weapons, armors and items are being auctioned. And the best player right now only have at the very least 5 000 black coins.
Seeing this an idea pop up to Arc's mind. He would create at least two Rank 2 weapons and they would at the very least gain 100 000 black coins each solving the problem for the gaming pod. But after some consideration, Arc decided to create two Rank 5 weapons. A dagger and a sword.
Arc decided that it would be better to create the dagger and sword in real life so that there would be no suspicion. After all he wanted to also gain astronomical amount to live like a king. Arc logged off again and decide to make the Rank 5 weapons.
(Basic Dagger - Rank 5
Basic dagger for basic people.)
(Basic Sword - Rank 5
Basic Sword for basic people.)
Arc did not even put any effort with the weapons and casually throw them in his inventory. If people would know that he can easily mass produce any weapons or armors or items even at the Rank 10 they would eventually make him a money making machine. Just imagine how much worth Rank 10 items would be. But Arc is also greedy and does not want anyone to have better weapon than he has.
Arc did not log in again for it was already 6 pm. He decided to buy the things he would always want to buy. Like a steak which cost at least 250 dollars. He would also like to treat Winston and Mary for a meal.
Arc decided to go out for a bit and enjoy his life with the 100 000 dollars. Because after he auction the weapons he would be a millionaire!