
Arc once again slept. He woke up exactly 6:30 in the morning and did his routine.

After eating, Arc decided to upgrade those equipments which he did not finish to upgrade and at the same time sorted those he needed the most and those who are useless.After some time Arc check his status. "Status! "

[Name: Zero

Title: Divine Being, First King Slayer, Dragon Slayer

Level: 15 430 (33%)

HP: 50 000

Strength: 1 000

Agility: 1 000

Intelligence:1 000

Vitality: 1 000

Luck: 1 000

Magic: 1 000

Available Stat Points: 154 300

Title: First King Slayer - Adds 100 to every stat if fighting a Beast King.

Dragon Slayer- Adds 10 000 in strength. Active. Time Limit 2 hours. Cool down 10 hours.


Skill: Crystalline Liquid - Able to form any weapons, armors and items with the users thought. Unlimited.

Skill Create - Able to create any skill with the Users thought. Unlimited]

Equipment :

(Katana Of Slaughter - God Rank

Able to one slash any monster below God Rank.)

(Slaughterer Armor Full Set - God Rank

Can withstand blows from Demi- God Rank and below weapons and monsters without a scratch. Only God Rank weapons can rival it.)

(Limiter- God Rank

Able to suppress the user's stats and level with the users thought.)

(Unlimited Slots Inventory - God Rank

Able to store living and non living things with a thought. Unlimited.)

(All Seeing Eye - God Rank

Able to see stats and skills from anyone or anything with a thought.)

Inventory :

(King Compass-Rank 10

Points at the nearest Beast King.)

(Ring Of Teleportation-God Rank

Able to teleport anytime and anywhere in an instant with a thought.)

Blackgold Card coins: 10 544 435 345

1 Black Scaled Dragon Head

11 220 Goblin Corpse

1 Goblin King Head

15 Legendary Armors

15 Legendary Weapons

5 Legendary Items

25 Epic Armors

25 Epic Weapons

8 Epic Items

10 Legendary Rank Skills

12 Epic Rank Skills

[Goblin King Crown - quest item. Bound.

Crown of the killed Goblin King.]

[10 kilograms Goblin King Meat- Rank 6

High quality meat. If cook to perfection one can gain 10 permanent stat points to one of the stats.]

[100 kilograms of Black Scaled Dragon Meat- Legendary Rank

High quality meat. If cook to perfection one can gain 1000 permanent stat points to one of the stats.]

[600 Black Scales -Legendary Rank

High Quality material. Used to make Legendary Rank Equipments .]

(Killing Beast King: SSS Rank Quest (1/500)

Kill 500 Beast King.

Reward: New Continent-God's Sanctuary,???????????)

(Dragon Scouting - SSS Rank Quest.

See if the dragon is still in slumber in the Dwarven Kingdom.

Reward: 1 Rank 10 items each from the 4 branch. Adventurers Guild, Auction House, Blacksmith and Alchemist Association.)(Completed.)

Arc was not satisfied with how many words he is seeing and decided to make a new character! One character was his first character named Zero which will only have the normal stats and the new one will be named God Asura.

[Name: God Asura


Level: 1 (0%)

HP: 5 000 000 000 000 000 000

Strength: 100 000 000 000 000 000

Agility: 100 000 000 000 000 000

Intelligence:100 000 000 000 000 000

Vitality: 100 000 000 000 000 000

Luck: 100 000 000 000 000 000

Magic: 100 000 000 000 000 000

Available Stat Points: 0

Title: ONE WHO SURPASSED GOD - Gods will fear you.


Skill: Crystalline Liquid - Able to form any weapons, armors and items with the users thought. Unlimited.

Skill Create - Able to create any skill with the Users thought. Unlimited]

(Limiter- God Rank

Able to suppress the user's stats and level with the users thought.)

(Unlimited Slots Inventory - God Rank

Able to store living and non living things with a thought. Unlimited.)

(All Seeing Eye - God Rank

Able to see stats and skills from anyone or anything with a thought.)

(Ring Glyph Of Teleportation-God Rank

Able to teleport anytime and anywhere in an instant with a thought.)

(Switch- God Rank

Able to switch characters. From Zero to God Asura and vice versa.)

Equipment :

(Katana Of Slaughter - God Rank

Able to one slash any monster below God Rank.)

(Slaughterer Armor Full Set - God Rank

Can withstand blows from Demi- God Rank and below weapons and monsters without a scratch. Only God Rank weapons can rival it.)

Inventory : Empty.


[Name: Zero

Title: First King Slayer, Dragon Slayer

Level: 15 430 (33%)

HP: 300, 100

Strength: 50, 310

Agility: 30, 010

Intelligence: 10, 010

Vitality: 30, 010

Luck: 1 000

Magic: 30, 010

Available Stat Points: O

Title: First King Slayer - Adds 100 to every stat if fighting a Beast King.

Dragon Slayer- Adds 10 000 in strength. Active. Time Limit 2 hours. Cooldown 10 hours.


(All Seeing Eye - God Rank

Able to see stats and skills from anyone or anything with a thought.)

(Unlimited Slots Inventory - God Rank

Able to store living and non living things with a thought. Unlimited.)

(Ring Glyph Of Teleportation-God Rank

Able to teleport anytime and anywhere in an instant with a thought.)

(Switch- God Rank

Able to switch characters. From Zero to God Asura and vice versa.)

Equipment : None.

Inventory :

(King Compass-Rank 10

Points at the nearest Beast King.)

Blackgold Card coins: 10 544 435 345

1 Black Scaled Dragon Head

11 220 Goblin Corpse

1 Goblin King Head

15 Legendary Armors

15 Legendary Weapons

5 Legendary Items

25 Epic Armors

25 Epic Weapons

8 Epic Items

10 Legendary Rank Skills

12 Epic Rank Skills

[Goblin King Crown - quest item. Bound.

Crown of the killed Goblin King.]

[10 kilograms Goblin King Meat- Rank 6

High quality meat. If cook to perfection one can gain 10 permanent stat points to one of the stats per 1 kg.]

[100 kilograms of Black Scaled Dragon Meat- Legendary Rank

High quality meat. If cook to perfection one can gain 1000 permanent stat points to one of the stats per 1 kg.]

[600 Black Scales -Legendary Rank

High Quality material. Used to make Legendary Rank Equipments .]

(Killing Beast King: SSS Rank Quest (1/500)

Kill 500 Beast King.

Reward: New Continent-God's Sanctuary,???????????)

(Dragon Scouting - SSS Rank Quest.

See if the dragon is still in slumber in the Dwarven Kingdom.

Reward: 1 Rank 10 items each from the 4 branch. Adventurers Guild, Auction House, Blacksmith and Alchemist Association.)(Completed.)

Done with the modification, Arc was laughing like crazy. He switched to God Asura then switched back to Zero. Arc cannot help smiling every time he thought how genius he is.

It was already 5 in the afternoon and Arc did not want to log in and decided to have dinner with Winston and Mary at the Hardcore Bar. He got up and took a bath and then wore extravagant clothes. He already told Winston and Mary to prepare because he will treat them to dinner.

Winston and Mary also wore the clothes Arc bought them. Arc decided to rent a Limo because he was already a billionaire and he did not want to hold back on spending unlike before. After an hour, the three of them arrive at the hardcore bar. "Those gangsters are not here huh." Arc thought.

Arc, Winston and Mary ate happily and at the same time were talking. "So, old man what level are you now? " Arc asked. "I am still level 10 and Mary is level 8. Mary did not want to hunt with me but only accompanied me. She is also the one who does the cooking. It is hard to hunt with my equipment. " replied the old man. Arc would give one of the Legendary equipment and skills to Winston and Mary and would also like to eat the Dragon Meat and the Goblin Meat with them in order to raise their stats. But Arc did not want to give it to them this early because he wanted to build a guild. He would choose weak players but at the same time have a background like him. He would not give the 1000 stat points for free. When he got back in the game he would start to build his guild and start to recruit worthy members. But he does not want to have astronomical amount of members. 5 to 10 members will do.

When they finished their meal, Arc paid the bill and gave a huge tip for the waiter. After which they all got out of the Bar. When Arc step out of the Bar, he saw the gangsters who he beat up. Arc thought that they would start a fight again but was dumbfounded that they only bowed and the leader of the gang approach him. "Sir, we are sorry for the trouble we cause you before. We did not know who we are messing with. I hope you do not have any hatred towards our gang and would surely change for the better. We are sorry sir." the gang leader spoke while still bowing. Arc only nodded and pat the shoulder of the leader. Inside he was feeling like a mafia boss that was wronged by his underlings. Arc, Winston and Mary step in the Limo and drove home.

Mary and Winston asked him about what happened and so told them the truth. At first they were nervous but when the gang bowed to him they were confused.

When they reached home, they change their clothes and slept. Arc was still thinking how he might gain trustworthy allies and then a bright idea suddenly hit him. He slept knowing that he already solved all his problem.