
[Name: God Asura

Title: VOID

Level: 1 (0%)

HP: 5 000 000 000 000 000 000 000

Strength: 100 000 000 000 000 000 000

Agility: 100 000 000 000 000 000 000

Intelligence: 100 000 000 000 000 000 000

Vitality: 100 000 000 000 000 000 000

Luck: 100 000 000 000 000 000 000

Magic: 100 000 000 000 000 000 000

Title: VOID - ????


VOID Crystalline Liquid - Forms anything with or without a soul. INFINITE.

VOID Skill Create- Create any VOID skills. INFINITE.

(Limiter- VOID Rank

Suppress the user's stats and level with a thought.)

(Katana of Slaughter - VOID Rank

Only VOID Rank armors can rival it.)

(Slaughterer Armor - VOID Rank

Only VOID Rank weapons can rival it.)

[Inventory - VOID Rank

$1 940 000 000

862 150 630 459 900 Black Gold Coins

9 Gaming Pods

125 600 Kilograms of Dragon Meat

753 600 Dragon Scales-Legendary Rank]

Arc was satisfied of the customization and was amazed of the VOID Title. He wanted to add more zero but he cannot. Arc had a total of 100 quintillion per stat. Arc was done with the customization and then logged out. He then stored the gaming pod in the inventory.

Arc then bought a globe which is basically a mini replica of earth. He found what he was looking for and teleported there. Arc can now teleport using only his Magic stat. Unlike before where he did not know how to use it.

Arc was teleported in the middle of a vast ocean which was called the Bermuda Triangle. He then made an island!

But before he can start, Arc saw a binding light. And the next thing he knew, he was at place where all he can see is the color white. Arc looked around and saw a man dressed in a white robe which was descending towards him.

"Who are you? Where am I?" asked Arc.

"I am the creator of life. They call me the Ultimate Creator. I stand above all and bow to no one. And I am the creator of the 20 Universe." said the Ultimate Creator. "I brought you here because you commited a grave sin which is turning back time. And you did rob someone of his power. This man was the person I personally put on your Universe to maintain it's balance and to also nurture the people in it. But before you would ask anything I would tell you everything you need to know then you can ask me anything. There are a total of 20 Universe. Your universe is the 11th Universe. And in every Universe there is someone who would maintain it and nurture its inhabitants. You killed this man by sucking him dry of his powers. VOID is the title of every Guardian of the Universe and if you have this title then you need to Guard the 11th Universe with all you have. Furthermore if you stay on Earth as the same person then the balance would be broken. I am here to give you 2 choices. First, I will erase your existence. Second, you will be the Guardian of the 11th Universe and nurture the people."

Arc was sweating right now for everything that he heard was somewhat true, he stole someone's power but he did not know that it is a sin to turn back time. Arc was thinking that he should really not be greedy next time. Arcs decision was obvious, he chose the 2nd option.

"Good then. And also there will be a weekly fight between the Guardians and whoever wins will be able to proceed to a new realm. This realm was above the void realm. That's it then, and i will let you figure everything else on your own." said the Ultimate Creator which then disappeared.

In the Ultimate Creators Own Realm.

"Ultimate Creator! Is it really okay for him to guard Universe 11?" said a well built man who had a pair of golden wings.

"I do not know, but this would be his punishment. I will let him try being a guardian for a month. If he survives for a month, I will return him back to Earth but I would get his power or maybe keep him as a guardian. The balance should not be broken." said the Ultimate Creator.

"But is it really ok for a human to have the power of a guardian? Will his soul and body not break after 2 weeks like before?"

"We should see for ourselves what this boy can do. If he really survives after a month then I would remodel his body to be that of a guardian but if he fails then I would erase his memory."

The golden warrior did not ask anymore and was silently watching beside the Ultimate Creator.

Arc was still in the white space, he roam around and saw a big TV like screen with the universe on it. He also saw a table with an orb on it. He grabbed it and when he did, the orb glowed. "Hello master! I am orb 11 at your service! " said the now levitating orb.

Arc was shocked at first but then he asked the Orb about the things that he needed to do.

"What is my job? "Arc asked.

"Master's job is to protect Universe 11 from being destroyed!" replied the orb.

"Who can destroy a Universe?? "

"There are enormous beings which will attack universe, if you are asking how big then it should be bigger than a planet! My role is to notify master if Universe 11 is being attacked."

"Oh okay. How about the weekly tournament?"

"Master will fight all 19 guardians and if he can win in all the fights then he would ascend to a new realm! Master can use anything he want as long as it will be created when the battle has started. And master do not need to worry if he kill any guardians for the Ultimate Creator will just remake them with the memories intact." replied the enthusiastic Orb.

Before Arc could ask further question the orb become red in color! "Intruders alert! Intruders alert! "

Arc then looked at the screen and saw an enourmous creature which looks like an octopus but more hideous.