The War And A Friend

The first time I saw light was when I was born. It was an amazing feeling. Though the sad thing is that I remember every part of it. Every. Stinking. Part. But as I grew up my family noticed my intelligence and now I am a soldier.

And right now I am fighting on the battlefield which is filled to the brim with swords, spears, shields, arrows, etc. And I am just a little soldier in all of this. What? Were you expecting me to be some great general? Haha. Year right.

I actually wanted to become a strategist but I was called too dumb to be one. Well, that is to be expected since I grew up in a normal family. Besides, there is nothing I can even do about it.

"Kalum, get your head in the game." My buddy from my village said giving me a little nudge to the side. It is actually a wonder that he is still alive.

I look at him and smile. "Alright. But you better survive this war to the end. We don't want to disappoint our families." And then I looked at the battlefield with a serious expression.

And then I roared and began fighting making sure that no one was behind me. It would be bad if an enemy soldier cut me down from behind. That would destroy my honor as a soldier.

The soldier in front of me is a newbie like me but he doesn't look like he has received training. There is a good chance I will win this fight, though I will probably get a few injuries since he has a pretty trained body.

I rush towards him and he becomes flustered and makes an opening. Chance. I strike and blood spurts on my face as he roars in agony. Then he looks at me with bloody red eyes and swings down his sword.

Good. He is flustered. I dodge the sword and stab him in the chest with cold eyes. Then in a last spurt of energy which I wasn't expecting he took another swing to my right with his sword. I bleed but he is down.

I need to continue...

Time has passed and I am looking down on a corpse. It was my friend who had been with me since childhood. I see many of my fellow soldiers cheering since they won the battle. But I can't bring myself to smile in this situation. It feels like I am about to throw up and I can't do anything about this horrible feeling.

I begin to take the corpses of our fallen and bring them to where they will be identified and then they will be sent home to have a proper burial. Our country at least has manners enough to do that. I have heard that some countries burn the enemies fallen soldiers. Sounds so barbaric.

After having dealt with the last of the aftermath of the battle we are sent to the closest garrison to rest and prepare for the next. I won't return home till the war is done I guess. And the thing about marriage is really bothering me.

Then I heard some news from fellow soldiers as we were walking.

"Hey. Did you hear that the war is about to end?"

"Really? Sounds interesting. I guess we should begin to pack huh. Haha."

Then an old soldier butted in. "Don't be that excited. Many died today so both our countries definitely won't be happy."

"Guess so."


As I listened to them as they were talking I couldn't help but think of Ronald. He was such a good guy since he was young and he was even married. I don't know how I should tell Julia that Ronald is dead.

I mumbled quietly, "I hope this war can be over soon."