The Kiss!?

He nodded with a smile. "Good. Then it is time to give you two your next task. You have to be able to change what you are able to sense. For you Sasha, it would be fire. And for you Kalum, it would be nature. But do NOT use magic on animals without my permission. Instead try to make a flower bloom or maybe bring a plant back to life. And that is it." He then waved the both of us off.

Me and Sasha then left the room with confusion clear on our faces and we felt like we were children who had just been kicked out of the room of their parent. Then we turned to look at each others faces.

I started with an awkward smile. "So how about we practice together? I feel like we will be able to understand things better if we try to understand it, you know, together."

She looked at me and nodded. "Sure. Then where are we going to practice? I mean, it has to be away from the others right? So it can't be outside."

I pinched my chin and began to wonder about where we should practice when it hit me. "I know! Why don't we just do it in one of our rooms or we change it so they don't know which one we are taking." I said with a slight smile on my face.

"But what would that achieve?" She asked me with a curious look on her face.

"Sasha, you do know what it means to have a man and a woman in the same room, don't you?" I asked he with an innocent smile on my face which made he gasp.

"You're the devil." She said with a pale face while she was looking at me.

And I simply answered, "Yeah, I know."

The next few days me and her had been cooperating on how to do it. I for example brought a flower to her while she brought a torch or something to lit a fire with to me with the excuse of it being "dark".

And so we practiced with smiles on our faces as we got better and better. Soon we could easily sense our primary energy and we also surprisingly learned how to sense ordinary energy. It was a completely new experience.

And that was when one day the door to Sasha's room was slammed open. "HA! I knew you two were..." Luciel was about to say something when suddenly Sasha leaned in and kissed me. And now Luciel was standing in the door looking at both of us with his mouth agape.

Then Sasha turned her head to glare at Luciel. "Don't you see we are busy here Luciel? So why don't you be a good boy and just walk away." She then put her hand on the hilt of her sword and Luciel's face became pale.

"I, I understand." Luciel said while slowly walking backwards. "Then, then I have to go now." Then he darted away as fast as he could not even taking a look behind him to see what was happening.

Then I saw Sasha turn her head to look at me and she... blushed. "S,sorry Kalum. It, it was my first kiss but... it doesn't count alright?" She said looking me directly in the eyes. "It was just a distraction so... don't get any funny ideas." Sasha then pouted and looked away glancing now and then to see what my reaction would be.

I smiled at her gently. "Of course if that is what you want Sasha. We are family now after all. So there is no need to be distant." I stood up and walked towards the door but right before I walked out I said without looking at Sasha, "But it was a good kiss Sasha." Then I walked away hurriedly.

And though I didn't know it at the time, Sasha's face had become completely red from my small comment.

As I walked down the halls I felt the energy around me flow in all kinds of directions. Then I looked at a small plant and tried to make it grow but there was no change. No, there was no change in the plant. In the energy that the plant had.

Then I understood. I immediately began trying to make the energy enter the plant and make it grow. And it did. It grew. Then I felt something inside of me change and I felt words, no, more like knowledge that I didn't have before enter my head. I understood I was a 1st level mortal magician now.

I could feel the energy around me better now. It was a completely new feeling. And not only that. I could feel a different kind of energy. But it was kind of like a flame. It was inside every living thing.

I walked in the garden trying to take in this completely new feeling. It was something amazing. Then I felt a fire behind me and I turned around to look at this life energy to see my master, Samuel.

He opened his mouth. "It seems like you have become a 1st level mortal magician. Interesting. Now then, Kalum, I think you know how to advance don't you? I think you only need minor guidance from now on." Samuel said and look at the setting sun with a slight smile on his face. "It is good that you have progressed. Oh yes, please proceed to the main hall. Everyone has become a magician now. But you are the one who has progressed the most so far besides Sasha." He then suddenly began to float into the air and he was away in less than a second.

When I arrived in the hall I saw Sasha nervously glancing back and forth from the floor to me, the floor to me, the floor to me and etc. The others besides Sasha and of course Luciel who looked quite scared at the moment were acting completely normal. Maria was as cold as ever. Rudeus was observing how we all acted. Lucia was fidgeting because of nervousness. And Samuel was standing before all of us with a kind smile.

Then Samuel clapped and of course his magic was initiated again and now I could feel he made some kind of barrier. But I couldn't see the complexity of it at all. No, I couldn't even see through it!

"Alright everyone, it is time for our journey to our home and this will be the last night you spend here. Therefore, please pack your necessary supplies for the journey and then tomorrow at dawn we will begin travelling." Samuel said still smiling and then he said, "You have all received the task of changing your primary energy in some kind of way. Though there already is someone who succeeded in doing that. I will not say his name though. And now it is time to get ready for tomorrow." He clapped his hands and then we all went out of the room.