The Gigantic Lizard

As I slither into the forest the system tells me about the basics of the spirit realm. There are three different places in the spirit realm. The lowest part, Purgatory, then the middle, Eden, then comes the highest part of the realm which is called Heaven. They each have a series of difficulties. Heaven is the most peaceful part of the spirit realm and Purgatory is the most dangerous part while Eden is just in the middle of it all.

Then I ask the system. "But how do I kill the beasts in this realm since I am so weak?"

Then it answered. "You don't. You just need to eat anything that is around. Whether it is a plant, stone, or even a piece of shit."

After that I was completely silent as I ate the plants. I didn't eat anything else though. I, I don't want to eat shit. It will be the most disgraceful thing I could ever do.

As I was eating I suddenly heard loud stomps as if something gigantic was coming my way so I quickly hid inside a hole. And then I saw it. A single foot. And it was the biggest foot I had ever see.

The foot was scaly and then it suddenly stopped. I felt my body becoming cold as I tried to calm down and slow down my heartbeat that was going completely out of control.

Then after a little while it walked away again as if it had never been here at all. I then slithered out of my little hole and began eating plants again.

Then I heard the system say, "Congratulations. You have become a mid-lower level spirit."

"Eh? I have not advanced to the 1st level?"

The system then explained. "No. Cultivation of magic is different for a spirit. You see, you are currently a lower level spirit. To be more exact a mid-lower level spirit. In every level there are four stages. Low, mid, high, and lastly peak. With the devour ability you don't need to cultivate like normal spirits because you can just devour things with magic in them."

"I, uhh, see. Then I will continue eating then."

And I continued eating. And eating. And even more eating. I ate until I couldn't eat anymore. Till I became such a fat snake that I was laying on my back. Wait, do snakes even have backs? Doesn't matter.

Then I suddenly felt a chill. I opened my eyes and saw a giant scaly lizard above me. I slowly then slithered down into my hole but before I could even do that I was stopped by the Lizard.

"Little snake, why do you run?" The lizard asked while I was trembling in fear.

"Uhh, umm, I, uhh..." I then gulped and stated with a shaky tone of voice, "Because I was scared."

It looked surprised by my answer for a moment but then it... smiled? "I see. There is no need to worry. I won't eat you. After all, there is no purpose in killing a mid-lower level spirit. At least for someone as powerful as me."

"Okay? Since you are so nice can you tell me where this place is?" I asked the nice gigantic lizard.

"Sure. We are in the lower part of the spirit realm. It is also known as Purgatory. Although I am currently moving towards Eden if you want to come along." It said while still having a smile on its face.

I thought for a moment and then I said, "Yes. I want to go with you to Eden."

It smiled for a moment and then it looked confused. "Oh yeah, I was wondering how you can speak. It isn't normal for such a low level spirit as yourself to be able to."

I nodded with a smile on my face. "It is because I am a heavenly snake."