Chapter 21. Leveling The Mountains

Ryu looked at the two tailed beasts and Raikage in front of him and said with a crazy smile

' Let's Dance '

With that said he vanished before appearing in front of the Raikage. He was just about to punch him when he felt an attack coming from above. He dodged and saw that it was the 8 tails.

Ryu thought ' it's going to be thorny all three monsters, better tie some down '

He produced two shadow clones. Both clones went towards the 8 tails and 2 tails while Ryu went towards the Raikage. When both the beasts were about to attack the clones, light yellow coloured chains came out from the clones hand and bound them.

Ai: Adamantine Chains!! You are an Uzumaki !

Ai was surprised at this finding. Uzumakis had red hair while the person infront of him had black hair which means he is using transformation Jutsu. However there is no known Uzumaki alive that is this strong and could fight on equal footing with three kage level shinobi at the same time.

Ai had no time to think, he felt danger from behind. He ducked only to see a knee come towards his face. He blocked it with his arms. Ai felt slight pain on his arms. This startled him. He was clad in lightning armour which increases every aspect of his strength which also includes Defence.

Ryu: surprised? I told you before, the way you use lightning is very crude. You truly don't understand lightning.

This time Ai wasn't angered. The man infront of him showed he is better than him at using lightning. Ai looked around and he saw his brother and Yugito being constrained by the chains. If they want to win they have to attack together. Ai moved at his fastest speed towards Ryu's clones.

Ryu intercepted him but an octopus tail blocked his movement. He made a few hand signs as his hands were clad in lightning

' Chidori : Cleaver '

Ryu raised his hand like a blade and cleaved downwards. The tail was cut out but Ai had already reached his clone and punched. Because his clone was restraining the 8 tails he couldn't attack back. The clone was dispelled. The 8 tails was free.

Both the eight tails and Ai attacked Ryu. Several gigantic tails came towards him leaving him little space to dodge. Taking this opportunity Ai sneaked an attack. Ryu crossed his arms as they turned light brown. ' Earth style: Skin hardening'.

Ryu took on the full force of the punch and was blasted towards the 8 tails. The 8 tails smacked Ryu far away. Ai quickly took care of the other clone and freed Yugito.

Ryu got up from the ground. His clothes were a bit tattered cutting a sorry figure but his eyes showed battle intent. He looked up to see a huge ball made of red and blue chakra being formed.

B: Bijuudama!!

Ryu created a clone very quickly. The clone's one hand produced a blue spinning ball which turned red emitting searing heat and the other produced the same ball which turned a much purer blue emitting biting cold.

'Blazing sun Rasengan'

'Extreme freeze Rasengan'

Ryu backed up a bit. The clone stood there. when the Bijuudama reached the clone he bought these two balls together. The two Rasengans made contact and disappeared. For a moment everything went still. The Bijuudama stopped moving forwards and started distorting and disappeared.

Ryu produced opposing elements with very large power and brought them together. The split second of contact between these two elements caused space to destabilise. Thus creating a Vaccum. This Vaccum sucked in everything around it to stabilise the space.

Ai and the rest rest couldn't believe what just happened. The Bijuudama simply disappeared. It wasn't moved away or destroyed, it just vanished. Their brains couldn't register what happened. Ryu moved. They regained their senses and were solemn. The person they are fighting has given them one surprise after another as the fight went on.

' First I need to take care of the Raikage. With the Tailed beasts support its gonna be hard to touch him. Well, would be boring if it's easy '.

He dodged the incoming attacks as both his hands produced a Rasengan. This time it took the shape of a shuriken

' Rasenshuriken '

Ryu threw these two attack towards the 8 tails and 2 tails. They felt danger of death from this move. Without enough time they produced a mini Bijuudama and fired. Both attacks collided leveling out everything around them. Taking this opportunity Ryu got behind the Raikage

' Earth style : Added weight Jutsu '

He touched the Raikage. Ai felt his body crushing downwards. Ryu did a few hand seals before placing them on the Raikage's chest. Ai felt his body being drained of chakra.

Ai: What the f**k did you do?

Ryu: Stay there. I will be back as soon as I take care of those two.

Ryu made a clone to guard the Raikage from being rescued. He produced four more clones. Four clones went towards the two tails as his original body went to the 8 tails.

He appeared in front of B. Eight tails was telling B to be careful. Ryu got right infront of his face and punched. B was thrown off balance. Ryu hands made a series of hand signs

' Fire style : Eternal Damnation '

His mouth spewed out tremendous amount of fire that completely covered the 8 tails and the entire mountain. This was a technique developed by Ryu himself, An S class Jutsu. The eight tails wailed as the fire burned it completely.

Ryu turned toward the 2 tails. His clones restrained the two tails. He went towards it and made a series of hand signs

' Sealing Arts : Four Corner Divine Sealing '.

As he finished the hand signs he placed his hands over Yugito's head. The vague image of four divine beast (Azure Dragon ,Vermilion Bird, Black Tortoise, White tiger) standing at each corner( East, West, North, South) can be seen. Yugito gradually came out of her tailed beast form. She laid on the ground unconcious.

Ryu was out of breath. Dealing with three kage level figures was tiring. He dished out S class Jutsu several times. With the limiter set to entry level kage strength even he was tired.