Chapter 32. Moving

Ryu told Sarutobi about everything that happened during these years. Hearing him talk about all that battles he had, Sarutobi couldn't help but ask

Sarutobi: Ryu, just how strong are you?

Ryu sort of expected this, he said: As of right now, I can hold my ground against all the kages at the same time. Because of my huge chakra capacity I can beat them after a prolonged battle. If the opponent is..say Madara, I can beat him if he doesn't use Mangekyo but once he uses it I will be defeated eventually.

Sarutobi took in a cold breath. To think that a Ten year old boy could battle against Madara, even though he will be defeated but still this is Madara we are talking about. He is someone who could fight on equal terms against Lord Hashirama, who was known as ' God of Shinobi '. From this one can imagine how strong the boy is.

Both of them talked for over 2 hours before Ryu went back. Sarutobi asked Ryu to take care of Naruto. He was guilty knowing that he couldn't give what Naruto desires the most, a family. Ryu reassured him by saying ' you don't have to ask me anything, even without you saying, I will still care for him '.

After reaching home, he directly slept. The next day Naruto woke up feeling refreshed. He felt strong and more energised than usual. He looked for Ryu but couldn't find him in the room, he was about to go out when Ryu opened the door

Ryu: oh, you are up. Here, brush yourself and come down. Mom made breakfast.

Naruto took the towel and toothbrush from Ryu's hand. He looked at it for a second, all of this can be said to be a dream of his. A warmth he has never known bubbled inside him. He quickly went to the bathroom. Ryu smiled and went back down.

Naruto came down after some time wearing his shorts and a T shirt. He took his seat without any reservation. One day was enough for Naruto to become a part of the family. He has this certain charm that draws others in. Akane was fond of Naruto. She still felt guilty not taking care of him when Kushina died but its been years after the incident, moreover it was Ryu who brought him so everythings fine.

They had their breakfast, Naruto stormed the table. He wasn't shy as he was yesterday. All of them laughed seeing Naruto like this. Ryu finished his meal and put his shoes on, thats when he heard the sound of door opening. He looked up to see Shisui. Naruto also watched the newcomer with interest. Ryu beckoned Naruto to come over, he introduced

Ryu: Naruto, this is the last member of my family Akio. He is my Grandpa's student from my mother's side.

Akio this is Naruto'.

Naruto greeted Shisui politely. Shisui was looking at Naruto in wonder. He of course knew of the Nine Tails Jinchuriki. Shisui was wondering how he was here this early. Ryu shortly said everything to him. He looked to Naruto and said

' Naruto, when I come back we will go to your place and take your stuff. You can live here from now on, if that is ok with you '.

Naruto was overwhelmed by this. He nodded while crying ' Thanks big brother '.

Ryu ruffled Naruto's hair and said: You call me big brother so don't ever thank me.

Naruto stood there looking at Ryu's back. Shisui was also happy for the kid. Even though Shisui never personally saw his life, he still knew the harsh life of a Jinchuriki.

Shisui: Let's go inside Naruto. Tell me all about yourself.

Shisui went inside after saying that. Naruto looked towards Shisui, he could feel that this person was good.

Naruto: Big brother said you are aunt's dad's student. So that means you know cool Jutsus, right?

Naruto asked Shisui with stars in his eyes. Shisui was amused seeing this.

Shisui: Of course I know. They are super powerful.

Naruto: Wow!! Show me.

Shisui: Well, I don't show my Jutsus to someone I just met.

Naruto was immediately shot down but he heard Shisui say

' But I will make an exception for you '.

Naruto's mode got better instantly. They moved to the lawn. Shisui made a few hand signs

' Fire style: Fire ball technique '.

A small fireball was shot from his mouth towards a tree. Shisui controlled his technique otherwise he would burn the entire lawn.

Naruto: Wow, so cool!! Show me some more.

Shisui puffed up his chest. He kinda liked how Naruto looked at him. He made a few hand signs

' Wind style: Vaccum bu...

Before Shisui could finish he felt danger from behind. He turned back only to see Akane smiling at him. To anyone else this may seem normal but to Shisui that smile was terrifying.

Akane: You are so cool, aren't you Akio? My little Sakura tree was a very good target, wasn't it?

Shisui quickly turned back to look towards where he fired. It was indeed a growing Sakura tree. He felt a shiver down his spine.

Akane: Naruto, your uncle want to ask you something.

Naruto: Ok. Akio san when I come back, show me more Jutsus.

' I may not live that long '.

Naruto waved to Shisui and went inside. Akane was still smiling towards Shisui. Before he could flicker out, his head was smacked. Naruto who was inside heard Shisui's wails and asked Hiro what's happening

Hiro: Your aunt and Akio are doing some exercises

' More like beating the crap out of Akio '.

When Naruto came back outside he saw Shisui with panda eyes and bruises over his face. He also had a large bump on his head.

Naruto was confused at his appearance: Akio san, why is your face like that?

Shisui: That's not important Naruto. I will show you other Jutsus another time.

He walked inside and went to his room. Hiro was laughing his heart out when he saw Shisui like that.

Time went by, it was already evening. Two boys could be seen walking through the streets. One was about Ten years old and the other seven. Along the way everyone looked at the boys direction with hatred. These two boys were Naruto and Ryu. Most of the people's vision were focused on Naruto.

Naruto was sad seeing the villagers look at him like a monster. Ryu put his hand on Naruto's head

' Don't be sad. One day they will come to respect you and love you '.

Naruto's face showed resolve when he heard his big brother speak. They reached Naruto's place, took his stuff and went back.