Chapter 42. Training

The next day.

Ryu woke up as usual. He got down and greeted his parents. When he sat he sensed Naruto was coming down. When Naruto came down everyone stared, this included Ryu as well.

Everyone looked at Naruto and blanked out. Naruto's eyes were much more deep in colour than before, his skin had a healthy glow to it but the most important change was his hair. His side hair had lines of red mixed in.

Last night after making sure everything was OK, he left Naruto to rest. So he didn't see these changes on him.

Naruto saw everyone staring at him, he wasn't surprised. When he woke up, went to the bathroom and looked up in the mirror, he almost turned back to look if there was someone else behind him

Naruto smiled cheekily and said : Good morning everyone!

Everyone snapped back. Akane was the first to ask

' Naruto what's with your hair and your eyes?'.

Everyone except Ryu nodded their heads. Ryu knew this was due to the purified Uzumaki bloodline, still he is glad it didn't completely change his innate looks. The rest however wanted to know what happened to him overnight.

Naruto heard the question and remembered what Ryu said to him last night before they started ' Naruto, no matter what, don't say a word about what we are about to do to anyone until I say it's fine to do so '.

Naruto replied : I don't know aunty. When I woke up, my hair and eyes were like this.

Akane and the rest were confused. How can someone's looks change so suddenly. They had no idea of what happened. Shisui had an inkling of who was involved. He looked to Ryu, only to see him look away. Shisui shook his head and didn't dwell on it.

Ryu: Since we don't know what happened, just let it be. Anyway it's not bad considering how healthy he looks.

Ryu's word made sense to everyone. Naruto did look better than before. Akane went near Naruto and pinched his cheeks. She felt the supple skin in her hands. She did it a few times until Naruto's cheeks were swollen.

Akane: Your skin is even better than mine.

Akane said with envy. Hearing her and looking at Naruto's now swollen cheeks everyone sweated cold bullets. Naruto rubbed his cheeks with tears and sat down. Everyone had their breakfast and went on with their daily lives. Ryu asked Naruto to come with him. Now that he is a Jounin, unless a mission comes up he is pretty much free.

Ryu said in a serious tone : Naruto, I will train you from now on. When I am training you.. I am not your brother...I will be your Sensei and I will not show kindness. If you think you can't take it, say it now because once we start I don't want to hear any type of objections.

Naruto was a bit scared seeing his big brother like this. Ryu was always kind and took care of him. This was the first time he saw his brother this serious. Naruto grew up a lot in these years both physically and mentally. He knew that in this world...if you don't have the strength to back up your words then they are worth nothing.

Naruto took a deep breath and said in a firm tone: Big brother, I want to become the Hokage...the strongest Hokage.

No other words were needed. Just by these words alone Naruto showed his conviction to become stronger. Ryu was satisfied with him, of course he never doubted Naruto for a second.

Ryu's training for Naruto was split into four parts. He would train him in Sealing techniques, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu and Chakra Control. Naruto would need to perfectly control his chakra otherwise he is just wasting energy in every attack.

As for ninjutsu, Ryu planned on teaching him Wind and Lightning style Jutsus. He held on teaching him Hiraishin, his training is packed full as it is. Moreover Naruto needs to get his basics as thorough as possible. Ryu always believed that foundation is more important than anything as it lays the future path.

For Taijutsu, he would spar with Naruto. In the anime, Naruto always fell short when it came to close combat. So..Ryu decided to train him in mixed martial arts.

As for Seals..With his Pure Uzumaki bloodline and his purified Namikaze bloodline that improved his talent, Naruto's training in Seals will be very fast.

For Ryu to train Naruto and himself, both of them needed to drop everything else. Naruto needs to skip academy and train with him all day. Ryu already found a solution for that. He taught Naruto Shadow clone Jutsu and asked him to make a clone go to academy.

Shadow clone Jutsu was Naruto's specialty in the anime. He learned it pretty fast thanks to the Namikaze bloodline. Now they need to find a place to train, it needs to be away from prying eyes. Ryu already had a place in mind. He found this place in the Land of Earth while he was training outside. This place was barren without any life for miles. They could create havoc here and no one would even notice.

Ryu placed one of his Shadow clone and did the same routine when he went out for training before. He also told Naruto to do the same. As the shadow clones created the next one before it dispels every night they will only possess the original strength Naruto had when he created them. Ryu didn't remind naruto about this. He want him to earn the villagers respect and what's more better than to give a surprise when expect nothing from him.

If Naruto shows his abilities early on their fear for him will only increase. A demon without any ability is not scary so the villagers will not bother about him. All the events thats about to come will slowly change their opinion about him. The village will gradually see him as a kid who worked hard to reach his level despite all the hate he received.