Chapter 71. Hinata's Plight

Hiashi was calm and indifferent as he heard the elders. No one could read what he was thinking about. He calmly spoke " Bring Hinata."

The elders showed a satisfied smile when they heard this, they knew the matter was done. A servant went out to fetch Hinata.

A few minutes later Hinata came in, she was confused. Usually her father never calls her for any kind of family meeting.

Hiashi was cold as always, he spoke as soon as she came in " Hinata, you must have heard about Ryu Uzumaki possessing a special ability to purify bloodlines.

The clan has decided to ask him to purify a few talented members. But he will never care about our request. Since you are his student you are tasked to ask him to do this."

Hinata was startled when heard Hiashi. She understood why her father asked her of this, she wanted to reject but suddenly thought of something " Father, can Neji nii san also be purified? "

Before Hiashi could speak, an elder interrupted " No, He is of the branch family. Even if Ryu agrees to purify a few among the younger generation, it will only be a couple or more. We can't give away a spot for a mere servant."

The branch clan members clenched their fists. They could only swallow this humiliation. Hinata was angered and sad when she heard that.

She gathered all her courage as she replied " I won't ask him. If Neji nii san is included, I will do it otherwise I won't."

Hiashi shouted " SHUT UP!! I wasn't asking for your permission, I said you have to do it, so you WILL DO IT!!

Be useful for the clan for once."

Hinata quivered when she heard that. Her eyes teared up but still resolutely replied " NO!! I won't ask him. Why!? Why!? why do you all see Neji nii san as a servant.

FATHER! He is your nephew!! Your brother's son. Just because he is from the branch family, he is seen as a servant.


Hiashi looked at his raging daughter. She was always meek and quiet, this is the first time he saw her this mad. He looked towards the branch members from the corner of his eyes.

They all had sad expressions, but within their eyes they showed gratitude toward this kind girl. Hiashi's thought wandered to his discussion with Ryu.

Ryu " Hiashi san, do you know the biggest problem within your clan? "

Hiashi didn't even think for a second, he replied " The contradiction between Main and Branch members."

Ryu " Yes. So even if you find a way to convince every elder to remove the curse seal, this contradiction will remain. It will build up over time and one day.... erupt. That day will be a disaster for your clan."

Ryu smiled as he spoke his next words " But there is a saving grace that could remove this hatred. "

Hiashi stared when realised what Ryu meant " Hinata?? How ? "

Ryu " Hinata is kind, *sigh*.... too kind. She never viewed her clan as separate entities, to her everyone is part of the same clan. She treated branch members with kindness. Over time they came to love and care for her.

But this doesn't mean they will listen to her, if we are to remove this hatred between two parties then her words needs to have certain influence among them."

Hiashi sighed " Then what about Neji? He doesn't seem to like Hinata."

Ryu " Oh that kid, nah don't worry. He doesn't hate her, it's just that he hates the fact that his father was sacrificed for someone weak like Hinata. Also there is the attitude of the main family towards the branch side. "

Hiashi was surprised when he heard this ' So he doesn't hate her. That's a relief. '

Ryu continued " I will create a situation where your clan will seek my help. They will have no other way other than to go through Hinata to get my help.

When that time comes push Hinata a bit further to speak for the branch clan. "

Hiashi was confused " But how would I do that? "

Ryu smiled " I have the ability to purify Bloodlines."

Hiashi " Oh , ok.... wait!! WHAT!? "

He was shocked, the implications of such an ability.... Hiashi now understood what Ryu meant. The moment such an ability is known by his clan or any other, they would madly seek him out. He now got a clear picture about what Ryu meant. Obviously his clan would try to seek Ryu's help through Hinata since he will start training her few days later.

Hiashi was still confused " But how would that make her speak up for the branch members? "

Ryu only spoke a single name " Neji. "

Hiashi was startled, he smacked his forehead for missing such an obvious detail.

Ryu continued " When that situation arises, make Hinata speak up for them, the rest I don't need to elaborate, do I? "

Hiashi nodded. He was not a fool, if he was he wouldn't be sitting as a clan leader for years. He understood what had to be done.

Ryu eyes grew cold " Mark those trashes from your clan who still sticks to that worthless tradition. I will clean them up. "

Hiashi was a bit scared when he heard Ryu speak. He still agreed, the curse seal has gone long enough. It's time to stop it.

Hiashi got back to reality, he looked at his daughter, she was not like her usual self.... she seemed confident.

An elder raged " Lady Hinata, you are not the heir to the clan, so you have no voice on this matter whatsoever. This is the clans decision. Just do it."

Hiashi's eyes flashed with terrifying coldness for an instant. An old branch elder couldn't watch as all these adults cornering Hinata, he tried to mediate " Sir, please calm down. She is a kid."

The elder looked coldly towards the one who spoke for Hinata " And what rights does a servant has in any of this."

He made a hand sign,

" Arghhhhh...

The branch elder fell down, holding his head, screaming. Hinata panicked, she yelled " STOP! STOP IT!! "

The elder didn't give any heed to her words. He watched coldly as the old man screamed in agony " Know your place! "

Hinata couldn't watch on, she attacked the elder. Hinata may be meek but when it comes to situations like this, she will always stand up.

The elder never expected Hinata to attack him, he tried to casually deflect it but to his surprise Hinata somehow got past his defence and attacked his rib.

Hinata may be mediocre in Hyuuga techniques but from what Ryu saw, she was absolutely a Genius when it comes to Wing Chun. It has been a few days since she started practicing it and even someone like Ryu was amazed at her rate of improvement.

The elder was pushed back. His body ached, that one attack actually cracked his ribs.

Hinata quickly checked the old man, he was still shaken from the pain. Hinata helped him to stand up, she asked worried " Are you okay? "

The old man looked at Hinata, he smiled gently as he saw her concern " I am fine, lady Hinata."

The other elders snapped out of their shock, they couldn't understand how Hinata was able to injure an elder, even if it was a sneak attack, it still shouldn't happen.

The injured elder hollered " Hinata!! How dare you attack an elder! "

Hinata bit her lip but didn't speak. The old man was worried. He, as an elder knew of the repurcussions of attacking an elder.

Hiashi cut in " Hinata, you violated clan rules and attacked an elder, you should understand the consequences, right?

However, I will give you a chance. Do what we asked before and you will be pardoned. "

Before Hinata could reject the old man interrupted her, he bowed and said " Thank you clan leader for showing lenience."

The main family elders still wanted to argue but Hiashi dismissed the matter. He gave Hinata two days time to get it done. Hinata supported the old man, she looked at her father one last time before leaving.

After they left, the elders reprimanded Hiashi for being soft. A bone chilling coldness flashed by in his eyes ' Enjoy the rest of your time while you can. '

Hinata got the old man to a room, the other members helped to lay him down. She felt guilty when looking at the old man, her eyes teared up " I am sorry. If elder didn't speak for me ..... "

The old man stopped her " It's fine lady Hinata, I watched you grow up, i would still do it if this situation happens again. "

She cried when he heard that. A few ladies comforted Hinata. They couldn't bear to see such a kind girl cry. She was the only one that didn't see them like a slave, for that they were grateful to her.

The old man spoke " Lady Hinata, you should do what the clan leader asked."

Hinata " But...

The old man stopped her from speaking " Don't worry about us. You attacked an elder, the punishment for that will be harsh so... please do it, Lady Hinata."

Seeing Hinata still hesitate, he added.

" If you ask him and he rejects that's not your fault. Then the clan can't put the blame on you. "

After persuading her for sometime she agreed to do it. But what everyone didn't know was that, she already had another thought about the request.