Chapter 73. Finals

Everyone kept silent.

Ryu spoke " I will give you one day. When you have your decision, come find me."

Before Ryu could leave, old man from the branch spoke up " Sir Ryu, please wait."

He looked back towards his family, all of them nodded. Seeing them all agree he said " There is no need for any further consideration. We will follow clan leaders decision.

Also we would never betray that person's trust in us."

Hinata was confused. She didn't understand what was happening. Hiashi had a smile on his face.

Ryu smiled " Excellent. Now gather all those who have the seal. I will first remove the curse seal then put the other seal to safeguard your eyes after death. "

Half an hour later every branch member was gathered. Ryu asked Hiashi to find an open space that can accommodate a large group of people. Hiashi did what he asked.

Ryu placed seals at four corners forming a square. He asked these branch members to step inside. When they did, Ryu channeled his energy into the seals. A strange energy passed through their bodies focusing on their forehead.

The seal was consumed and destroyed in a few seconds. The branch members didn't even feel pain. Ryu used chaos energy to devour the chakra within the seal, even if he didn't use chaos energy, as a master in seals it would at most take some more time to remove the seal.

It took about a few hours to remove the seal from everyone and to place the new seal. The new seal was just a cover, Ryu used one of his wishes to make sure that ocular Bloodlines are protected but like the others this, wish needs an activation point.

Everyone felt the new seal, Ryu made so that this seal would seem like it merged with their Bloodline but in fact this new seal was useless. It had no function.

Hiashi bowed to Ryu " Thank you."

Hinata and the rest also bowed to show their gratitude. Ryu spoke " Nah don't sweat it. After all Hinata can be considered a student of mine. Just don't disappoint her."

Ryu didn't linger around much longer, he said his goodbye and left.

Days passed.....

Chunin exam finals approached. During this period, nothing major happened except maybe Hayate Gekko being attacked and almost dying but Ryu got to him at the last second, saving him. He asked Hayate to keep what he heard a secret.

Every qualified members returned from their training. Naruto was pumped up, he couldn't wait to be a Chunin. He tagged along Ryu the next couple of days. As Hinata was being trained by Ryu, Naruto's presence there made it quite interesting.

Naruto would keep on looking at Hinata as she practiced. Wing Chun practice was captivated especially when done by someone like Hinata. Her face was red as a tomato when she practiced.

Ryu didn't interfere, Naruto is a blockhead but sometimes all it takes is a split second to realise things.

Finally the day was here. Naruto was in a serious mood today. He knew his matches were gonna be hard especially Gaara and Sasuke still that didn't faze him one bit.

Ryu and Naruto went towards the stadium. Ryu walked to the audience side while Naruto went his way.

Ryu fist bumped Naruto " Win."

Naruto returned the gesture " Of course, dattebayo!!."

All the participants gathered, Sarutobi took his seat along with Orochimaru, who was now disguised as the Kazekage. Sarutobi announced the matches to begin.

First match Neji Vs Naruto.

When Naruto's name came up there was a lot of discussion. Nobody wished to see the demon kid. Naruto didn't mind any of them. He went onto stage.

Neji stood before him with a calm expression. Different from the anime, Neji already had his seal removed and his attitude was slowly changing. But the final strike will be Naruto's.

Naruto's face showed battle intent as he said " Remember our bet? Just don't go back on it when you lose."

Neji was silent. He was confused, he always believed destiny can't be changed but his own and his family's destinu has already changed. So he want to see for himself what is right.

He took his stance as he said to Naruto " If your words are form your heart then..... show me!! ."

Genma Shiranui announced the match to begin. Since Hayate was temporarily hiding, so Genma took over as proctor for finals.

Naruto jumped back as he threw a kunai towards Neji. He was not stupid enough to attack Neji when he is using his fists.

Neji stepped aside and dodged the kunai. He used his Byakugan, following Naruto. Just because Naruto is an idiot, he won't look down on him, after all he is Ryu's brother.

Naruto used long range wind Jutsus, trying to break Neji's defense but Neji either dodged or used his Eight Trigrams Palm. Naruto quickly made a few shadow clones, he rushed to Neji but he didn't touch him.

Naruto used lightning Jutsu to cover his fist and legs the moment an attack is thrown out. He balanced Neji's chakra based attack with equal force.

The battle was heating up, Neji and Naruto moved around the entire stage. Neither of them gave the other a chance. The audience were riled up, they came expecting exciting matches and that's what they got. But what they never expected was for the demon brat to match so well against a Hyuuga prodigy.

Neji was not a monster like Naruto with his crazy stamina, as time passed he grew tired. Naruto capitalized on it, he tried to attack his rib but Neji is no pushover, he quickly dodged it and countered.

Naruto's right arm chakra point was blocked. He tried to forcefully unseal it but his arm ached. Instead of getting angry or panicking, Naruto was calm.

Neji was using his Byakugan to see what was happening inside Naruto. Suddenly his faced seemed like he saw a ghost.

Naruto's chakra point unsealed itself!!

But before it did a faint green chakra was seen. Neji didn't understand what it was. He heard Naruto speak.

" You are strong Neji but....

I am STRONGER!!! "

Naruto released a huge amount of chakra. His entire fist was coated with lightning as he charged towards Neji. His attacks were increadibly fast, Neji couldn't follow him.

Neji tried to use Revolving heaven but Naruto forcefully broke through it, dealing a heavy blow to Neji's gut sending him flying. Naruto didn't ease up, he followed through by giving a round kick to the back of Neji's head.

With this Neji lost his capability to fight. His body and spirit were tired. Naruto walked upto him and said

" I win. "

Neji didn't respond, he looked towards the clear sky as he muttered " What's my destiny? "

Naruto had a tick mark on his head " How the heck would do I know. That's your problem. But mine is to become HOKAGE and I WILL ACHIEVE IT, DATTEBAYO!!! "

Neji didn't respond, he lost consciousness.

Genma announced " Winner, Naruto! "