Chapter 76. Shukaku

Ryu was moving with incredible speed. When he sensed Gaara's condition, he was a bit shocked.

Ryu " Navii, Shukaku's almost awakened. How did this happen? Why is it different from the original story? "

Navii " Sasuke hurt Gaara very badly. This affected his mental fortitude, Shukaku used this flaw to take over Gaara's body."

Ryu understood ' Hooh, looks like this will be fun. Now, how are the boys faring against a Tailed beast that's awakened.'

Soon he reached the battle zone. What he saw made him smile.

Sasuke and Naruto stood side by side, their focus was completely on the monster before them.

Naruto produced hundreds of clones as they surrounded Shikaku. Adamantine chains burst forth from all the clones binding Shikaku. Sasuke ran along Shukaku's arm towards its head.

He jumped up throwing kunais above Shukaku's head, he made a series of hand signs

" Plasma style : Star break "

Six kunais formed the shape of a star, the formations center contained a sphere glowing with terrifying power. Each kunai had the same sphere but smaller in size, located near the hollow portion of the handle.

Sasuke was panting heavily, this one move nearly depleted all his chakra.


Naruto made sure that Shukaku was tied up, in addition to adamantine chains he also used wood style.

Sasuke's attack slowly descended, the moment it made contact, a blinding light burst out. Dust and rubble flew everywhere.

Shukaku screamed in agony amidst the cloud of smoke " Arrrghhhhhh...

After the light faded, Shukaku's sorry figure was revealed. A large part of his head along with his entire right side was destroyed.

Shukaku growled in pain " PESKY HUMANS!! I AM GONNA KILL YOU ALL!!. "

Sand poured out from Shukaku's destroyed parts, mending them. He then inhaled a large amount of air, blowing up like a balloon

" Wind style : Air bullet "

Bullets made of compressed air was shot at Sasuke. Naruto tried to block it with wood wall but Shukaku's attack pierced through, continuing towards Sasuke.

Naruto yelled " Dammit!! Sasuke dodge!! "

Sasuke was too tired to even respond, just as the attack was about to hit him a figure flashed. Seeing who it was, his face showed a relieved smile.

Ryu stood before Sasuke, raising his right arm against the incoming attack.

" Earth style : Mud wall "

A humongous wall made of mud rose from the ground, blocking Shukaku's attack.

BANG!! BANG!!....

Loud thuds were heard as the attack made contact. Ryu vanished from his spot and appeared again with Naruto.

Ryu " Both of you retreat. You guys aren't ready to take on a Tailed beast.

Naruto, return to the village. Use your wood chakra to heal injured villagers. Sasuke, go with him. You are too tired to have any affect towards battle. "

Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other and nodded. Naruto supported Sasuke as they left.

Ryu turned his focus towards Shukaku, who growled. Shukaku used his sand to attack Ryu, this part of the entire forest was turned into a miniature desert.

Ryu's figure blurred, he appeared right infront of Shukaku's face and punched. Ryu's body had already produced chaos energy, his current physique is even stronger than third Raikage when using his lightning coat. A serious punch from someone like Ryu isn't a joke.

Shukaku was blasted through the air, his face was slightly destroyed. Ryu followed through with another to his bulging stomach. Shukaku's body rippled like water as Ryu's fist made contact. He was shot downward.


A huge crater was formed where Shukaku fell. He slowly got up, sand was flowing from his wounds. Shukaku removed his cocky attitude facing Ryu. Someone who was capable of dealing this much damage to a tailed beast just by using his physique is not a normal human,

he was a monster.

Shukaku dragged every bit of sand he could, he formed a sand tsunami and attacked Ryu.

Ryu kept his calm, he muttered " Water style : Great Calamity "

A huge water pillar was shot out from his mouth, covering the entire region. Shukaku along with his sand was sunken by this tide.

Ryu " Ice style : Absolute Zero "

With Ryu as center, water froze outwards. Shukaku was struggling to get balance when he felt bone chilling coldness. He looked up and saw water freeze towards his direction. He was helpless, as someone with sand as a body, water is his worst adversity.

Usually water won't be a problem because of his size but this situation however was different. Ryu's water Jutsu covered everything within a few mile radius, he wasn't able to create or use any sand.

The ice eventually froze Shukaku. Gradually Shukaku's body shrunk, revealing Gaara who was unconscious.

Ryu got near Gaara, he inspected Shukaku's seal and said " Hey, raccoon. I know you can hear me so listen well. I am gonna fix this seal so be helpful towards this boys growth. "

Shukaku heard Ryu speak, he was shocked. Someone finally managed to understand, he didn't really want to torture Gaara. It's just that, the space where he reside is not stable, his body was shredded countless times. He just want Gaara to feel the same pain as he did, that's all.

Ryu placed his hand over Gaara's forehead. A red symbol meaning love was tattoo above his left eye. As soon as Ryu touched the seal for Shukaku, his hand glowed with a strange strength. Seals moved out from his palm onto the existing seal.

Shukaku watched in wonder as the space he was sealed stabilised. Shukaku was like a kid as he jumped around.

Ryu " Now, you should be happy right? Just take care of this kid. "

While Ryu was dealing with Shikaku and Orochimaru, a strange event was happening all over Konoha.

Many sand and sound shinobi voluntarily surrendered. This caught Sarutobi's attention, at first he thought it was enemy tactic but later these ninjas revealed all info about their village wholeheartedly.

As time passed, Konoha's crisis was removed. Every ninja attacking leaf were either killed or arrested. But the wonder was that, a few Jounins also surrendered. Sarutobi was confused but he was sure Ryu would know about this, since it was Ryu he didn't mull over it.

Without any of them noticing, a figure was travelling through the shadows. Each time he passed by a sand or sound ninja their body will falter for a second then these ninjas would change their objective. They would surrender to leaf village and confess everything.