Chapter 97. Fourth Ninja War Part 2

Rasa looked towards his son, stunned ' He actually called Shukaku his friend!!! What happened all these years!!? '

Third Raikage " So he is your son, Kazekage. A fine Shinobi. And it seems he is also a perfect Jinchuriki."

Second Tsuchikage " So the world got better. I can sense all kinds of chakra mixed together."

Second Mizukage " Huh? Then that means... an alliance? "

Gaara spoke up " Forgive me Sirs but I will have to stop all of you now. I can't allow any of you to go another step further. "

Third Raikage " Good!! But be careful boy, we can't control our bodies."

Gaara " Don't worry, I am not alone."

" That's right! He isn't alone."

A voice interrupted them. They looked towards its source to see Onoki floating above them.

Gaara " There was no need for you to come Tsuchikage."

Onoki grinned " Brat, you are dealing with lord Mu. He is famous for his cloaking ability. Only I can defeat him without any casualties."

Gaara didn't retort, he agreed.

Onoki " Now who would take on those two? "

Gaara spoke facing Rasa " I will take on my father, as for the other two.... both of you can handle them, right? "

Onoki looked back to see two figures walk out of the formation. A man and female, both had pupil less eyes.

' Hyuuga.'

Neji and Hinata stood along Gaara and Onoki as they faced the kages.

Neji looked towards the Raikage " I will take him."

That only leaves the second Mizukage for Hinata.

Second Mizukage " Oi girl! Can you really defeat me?? "

Hinata " I can."

Second Mizukage laughed " That good confidence. It seems I am being looked down."

All of them got ready, suddenly Third Raikage's figure flashed. He appeared behind Neji and stabbed him. His right hand fingers were straight, coated with Lightning chakra as he attacked Neji.

Third Raikage shouted " Boy! Be careful! This is my hell stab. Right now I am using five fingers, as I use less fingers, this techniques power and speed will increase further!! "

Neji nodded. He quickly ducked, using his hand as a pole, he delivered a kick to the third Raikage's chin sending him upwards.

' That didn't even scratch him! That lightning armour is very strong! '

Neji didn't falter his vigilance. Veins around his eyes bulged as his eyes were activated.

' Byakugan!! '

Neji darted his eyes around to locate the Raikage, suddenly he raised his palms to his side

' Eight Trigrams : First palm.'

Raikage appeared beside him and stabbed. This time, he only had four fingers. Neji deflected his attack and countered.

' Eight Trigrams : Second Palm.'

The first palm deflected Raikage's attack but the second one was entirely different. During his travel with Ryu, his Bloodline was purified and his physique was also activated. He now possessed chakra equal to tailed beasts. Moreover his Byakugan also evolved.

His palms contained terrifying amount of concentrated earth Chakra as he attacked the Raikage.

His left hand stopped Raikage's body movement while his right palm slammed towards his shoulder, completely destroying his arm.

' Eight Trigrams : Third Palm '

He bend his body down and swiped his leg across the Raikage's face causing him to lose balance. Neji palmed Raikage's gut as he fell back, sending him flying towards a small rock mountain.

Raikage crashed heavily into the rock. His body was destroyed at different locations. He couldn't believe how Neji got through his defence.

Neji could understand his thoughts " My Eight Trigrams is similar to your hell stab, it uses concentrated amount of chakra to attack. You used lightning Chakra while I used Earth. Lightning is strong against earth to begin with.

And I would have still beaten you even if I didn't use Earth chakra since I condensed a huge amount of chakra onto my palms. I didn't do so because it would shame a warrior like you."

Third Raikage laughed " Hahaha, thanks kid. Also that's not all you did, right? Somehow you stole all of my chakra when you made contact. You wouldn't tell me how you did it, would you?."

Neji " Sorry, I can't."

Third Raikage " Don't sweat it. Ok, now seal me."

Neji nodded, eventhough they didn't specifically bring sealing masters, as a Regime formed from various villages they are bound to have few among them.

Neji used earth style to trap Raikage's body, sealing tags were placed above this mount thus sealing him.

As he was fighting Raikage, Hinata was fighting the second Mizukage.

Mizukage used his illusion to attack. Like Neji Hinata also used her Byakugan. Unlike Neji's Hinata's Byakugan had some changes after awakening, her Byakugan now had pale cyan ring inside her pupil once activated.

She looked at the Illusion and didn't bother. She dashed towards a rock formation and attacked.

" Water style : Raging tides! "

Huge amount of water spilled out of her mouth. The entire rock formation was destroyed instantly revealing the second Mizukage.

He asked " How did you find me. Your Byakugan is different, is it because of that?."

Hinata " Can't tell."

Second Mizukage got depressed " Rejected. Sigh* Kids these days have no respect for their elders."

Hinata's eyes shone, if anyone was to look carefully they would see that pale ring inside her pupil rotating.

Second Mizukage's expression changed " Girl be careful!! I am about to use my signature move."

His hands formed a few hand signs

" Steaming Danger Tyrant "

A clone appeared beside the second Mizukage. The only thing different was his face.

The clone attacked Hinata, she defended. But as each time it made contact instead of increasing his size his body shrunk.

Second Mizukage was stunned as he saw this, he couldn't understand how she did it ' Must be because of those eyes but how? Why isn't my Jutsu working? '

After a few round the Danger Tyrant's size was reduced to a few feet. Hinata didn't even bother to attack such a small clone, she kicked him upwards

" Wind style : Execution "

Her hands made a slicing motion, invisible to the eye, a ripple went towards the Danger Tyrant, separating him into two parts.

She gaze turned towards the second Mizukage, her body flashed. She now appeared before him

" Wind style : White Fang "

Chakra coated her hands as they took on the form of tigers head. She punched both her hands at the same time towards the Mizukage.

' Shit!! '

The Mizukage was literally shredded when Hinata's attack made contact. No kidding, her White fang actually used wind chakra and kept it running through the tiger head chakra figure. Anything that gets touched by this technique will get sliced into a thousand pieces.

Second Mizukage cut a sorry figure as he laid down some distance away " Damn girl!! Go easy! "

Hinata " Sorry sir."

Second Mizukage " Huh? Why are you apologizing? Are you dumb? Anyway good work defeating me. Now finish it off."

Hinata nodded, she placed tags all over his body and sealed him.

Every ninja forming the Regime saw this scene and was gobsmacked.

' Hoy sh*t!! They just beat the hell out of two of the strongest Kages. Is this the strength of Hyuugas.'

' Damn!! Too good. We will win this war!! '

The army's moral increased exponentially. Neji and Hinata's victory gave them hope, hope to win this war.