Chapter 102. Fourth Ninja War Part 7

Shinobi alliance was winning on all fronts.

Lee and Tenten were assigned to different teams, they were capable enough to hold Strong enemies on their own and with Tenten's ability to teleport all over the battlefield they became a fearful duo.

" Konoha crush!! "

Lee's kick landed on a Zetsu sending him crashing towards Zetsu army taking out more of them. His figure blurred throughout the battlefield, each time he passed by his enemy they would be blown away.

Tenten was the same, her weapons littered everywhere. Minato taught almost all of his Hiraishin based Jutsu to her during these four years. Her lacking in chakra capacity was solved as well, now she could support her team like Minato did during third shinobi war.

Tenten shouted to Lee " Lee! Slow down, we don't know what they have in store for us ! "

Lee was pumped " Ooooh, strategic move!! Why didn't I think of it?? Thanks Tenten. Youuuth !!! "

Tenten had a bitter smile ' These four years didn't change him one bit, instead he became more..... ridiculous.'

While both of them were crashing through Zetsu army, a shadow quickly got near them. Lee who had extraordinary senses picked this up. His figure flashed and appeared before that shadow, blocking him.

This figure didn't seem to slow down as it crashed towards Lee. Tenten wanted to teleport him out but she saw Lee's eyes burn with passion and sighed. Her figure retreated while taking out rest of Zetsus so that they wouldn't be a bother to him.

Lee felt a huge force being transmitted through this figures attack, his hand momentarily lost its strength as it pulled back. The attacks strength was cancelled out by Lee's movement.

Lee grabbed the shadows hand and threw him over his shoulder. The shadow rolled on the ground before standing up. This time Lee clearly saw his attacker, he was surprised when he saw the person standing opposite to him.

Pale white skin with cracks all over it, eyes having pupils that looked like a snakes with purple marking starting from inner corner of his eyes to the base of his nose.

' Orochimaru.'

Yes. The one who stood before him was Orochimaru.

After Orochimaru's death, Kabuto was searching everywhere to gather materials for Reanimation and as Orochimaru's assistant he got tons of research materials regarding him. Moreover Orochimaru's curse seal actually sealed a portion of his soul, he used it and reanimated Orochimaru.

Lee " I didn't think you would be reanimated, Orochimaru."

Orochimaru showed his evil smile " Me neither. To think someone would use this technique on me, such irony."

Lee was on guard. He wouldn't trust this man's word for a second. As expected snakes came out right beneath his feet, trying to bite him. Lee was prepared, he jumped back and dodged it.

With Orochimaru as an enemy, moreover a reanimated enemy Lee didn't hold back.

Hachimon Tonko!!

First gate .....Open !

Second gate..... Open !

Third gate..... Open !

Fourth gate.... Open !.

Lee opened four gates in one go. But like Gai's his body didn't emit any form of energy just that his body got a bit red.

Gai had trained Lee to the bones during these four years making him ready for the awakening and it paid off. Just before a year Lee had awakened his Yang physique. But unlike Gai who was nearing his peak strength when awakening, Lee is still young. His body can't handle more than six gates.

Orochimaru's hands stretched out towards Lee, trying to grab him but before he could touch Lee moved. Orochimaru focused, as one of the Sannins he could feel terrifying energy brewing inside Lee.

Quickly he moved back and threw a kunai towards his left side. Lee's figure emerged, he dodged the kunai and went after Orochimaru. Seeing he couldn't through off Lee, he decided to go in for close combat.

Lee's fist seemed impossible to dodge as they got close. Orochimaru swayed his body like a snake, he barely dodged Lee's attack due his body's flexibility. Without Lee noticing a strange smell lingered where they fought.

In Lee's vision Orochimaru got increasingly confusing. At first he was able to accurately target him but as time passed Lee was missing every time he attacked.

' Something's wrong!! Wait!! Is it hallucination? '

He focus tuned to his surroundings and surprisingly Lee found faint traces of something akin to hallucinating agents in the air. This didn't faze him, Lee stood still. His breath became calm and steady.

Orochimaru could feel something wrong. He felt that terrifying energy inside Lee move all around his body, cleansing him.

' S**t!! '

Witness this, Orochimaru didn't wait to get pummeled. He immediately used Summoning Technique. A huge snake stood beside him, after Manda died Orochimaru found another one, it's very easy to get a snake summon as long as you promise it sacrifices.

Lee only remained like that for few seconds before snapping back. His vision cleared up, this time he learned his lesson.

Fifth gate.... Open !!

He opened another gate, his skin turned red and veins bulged all over his body. Steam was coming off of him. He had to seeing the large snake in front of him. Orochimaru asked his new summon to kill Lee, he agreed to give it as many sacrifices as it needs.

Lee was like a meteor as he blasted towards that huge snake. Its tail smacked towards Lee but having opened the fifth gate Lee's speed was far superior than before. His figure flashed as he got near the snakes huge head.

Lee's right hand was pulled back, his muscles tightened, huge amount of energy was being focused onto his fist.

" Asakujaku!! "

Lee released his fist, instead of firing blasts of fire created by friction Lee directly used his fist to punch the huge snakes head.

As the punch connected, that huge snake was lifted off the ground as it flew through air landing some distance away. Orochimaru was thrown off its head and stood far away with a sour face.

He didn't have time to ponder

" Slithering snake mode!! "

His body bend in odd ways as he literally became a snake. He quickly retreated, but how would Lee let him do that. Before Orochimaru could get away a kick landed on his spine.

The ground caved in due to force. But Lee didn't relax he moved again and hit the ground making it flip over revealing another Orochimaru. The one he hit was a body double, useful for deceiving others but useless against someone with such high battle senses as Lee.

" Earth style : Hiding like a mole."

His body again tried to retreat back inside. Lee moved again striking him upwards. Thus cutting of Orochimaru's escape routes.

Lee's body took a horse stance, his legs caved inside the earth. Energy was being condensed over his fists, it looked like the head of a tiger. In an instant his preparations were completed.

Lee instantly released all that stored up energy, his body rocketed as he flew towards Orochimaru who was still in the process of falling down. Seeing Lee approach with that huge attack he responded.

His mouth opened, Kusanagi sword was lunged towards Lee.

" Hirudora!! "

Lee's fist collided with the sword, sending it flying somewhere in the distance. His speed didn't drop as he continued towards Orochimaru. Huge tiger heads chomped at Orochimaru tearing him in half.

Lee landed, he was panting but still managable. Orochimaru lay before him, dust swirled around his whole body trying to restore him.

Tenten flashed near Orochimaru, a scroll unfurled itself and binded Orochimaru. Tenten put seals on it. She looked at Lee

" You ok? "

Lee panted " No problem. Just a bit tired."

Tenten walked upto him, she punched his shoulder.


Lee hissed in pain, Tenten scolded " That's what you get for being reckless. Now rest, we need to keep moving."

Lee had no choice, he got back to his team. Medics took care of him as he rested. Tenten watched the battlefield, her eyes showed sadness as she looked over the dead bodies of her allies but an instant later unwavering determination emerged in her heart.

' We must survive.'