Chapter 113. Bet

Madara looked around. His vision focused on Ryu and Obito.

" So you brought me back. Why? "

His voice was calm, when Zetsu attacked him and Kaguya took over his body Madara knew he was manipulated. All these years of preparation and yet he was led to a goal others wanted.

Ryu " I have my reasons, first say the truth about Rin's death to this guy."

Madara changed his vision towards Obito, surprisingly he complied " I manipulated mist Ninja to seal three tails inside her and arranged for her death to be seen by you. This way you will succumb to hatred and join my plan."

Hearing Madara's words Obito's Sharingan spun rapidly, a huge force was building around Madara's body. It seemed like it would rip him apart anytime.


Madara sat calmly, he didn't resist, this surprised Ryu but he was not about to let Obito kill him. He waved his hand, ripples spread around engulfing Madara. No matter how hard Obito tried he couldn't get past Ryu's protective cover.

Obito shouted " Move aside!!! He killed Rin, he has to die!! "

Ryu's voice turned cold, the air around them froze. His words send chills down Obito's spine " I don't care. If you try any stunts like that again, I will rip out your heart."

Obito stopped, he was consumed by rage but he was still sane enough to think. He knew Ryu's strength both from when he beat him and when he beat that Kaguya.

Ryu continued " And don't act like saint. After her death how many did you kill to reach your goal. There are many in this world who has lost more than you can imagine and yet they strive harder so that they won't lose anyone anymore.

They aren't like you who would try to achieve a useless dream, a fake reality. I wonder what would she think if she knew all these innocent people were dead because of her. "

Ryu's words struck Obito's heart, his rage died down. His mind was a mess, he thought back to those days when they were together, her smile always made him happy. Ripples formed around him and he disappeared.

Ryu sighed ' Kakashi, the rest is upto him to decide.'

He looked at Madara " Why didn't you dodge his attack? "

Madara was calm as ever " There is no reason for my existence, so might as well die."

Ryu stared before laughing out loud " Hahahaha, I see..... before you had Hashirama as a rival, your family to protect. After you wanted peace for this world, you made plans deeply but still got led to your goal and failed.

True, you have no reason to exist. But what if I gave you one? "

Madara still remained silent. His eyes showed resolve.

Ryu " Seems I need to tell you few things but that would take too long."

He extended his index finger, light shot out and went inside Madara's head. Madara didn't feel any pain but seconds later his eyes widened to its limit. He looked at Ryu shocked.

Ryu smiled " Madara... this world is too small. No matter how hard we try our powers will be limited. I plan to leave this world, not forever. But I need a team, comrades to stand beside me as we roam through realms."

His eyes showed excitement, his aura changed. Madara could sense terrifying battle intent rise from Ryu.

Ryu looked at Madara " Join me Madara. "

Ryu's words echoed through the dark night. Madara didn't even ponder before saying " No. If it was during my time, I may have agreed but now...there is no reason."

Hearing his words Ryu wasn't down instead he spoke " Fine lets make a bet. You tried your whole life to bring peace but you were manipulated and almost died, if I can bring that peace you so desired for this world, will you join me? "

Finally Madara's face showed some change, the reason he set out for such a goal has a lot to do with his family. Madara lost everything, he watched as his brothers left him one by one. He knew as long as shinobi exist war is inevitable.

" And how would you do that? "

Ryu smiled when he got a reply " Don't bother with the details. Just answer, do we have a deal or not? "

Madara pondered for some time " Fine. If you can truly bring peace to this world, then I will join you."

Ryu " Done! "

His figure was gone the next instant. Madara looked up towards the starry sky

' Hashirama... we were both wrong. I hope he can do what he said.'

Madara also disappeared from the forest.

Next day.

Ryu called everyone including all HoKages and everyone of higher seniority. His expression was calm and serene as he spoke.

" Tsunade san, I need you to call for another summit."

Tsunade was caught off guard, she asked confused " Why? War is over."

Ryu " I have my reasons, I will reveal it during the summit. Please trust me this is for the sake of our world."

Minato and Sarutobi had complete trust in Ryu so they agreed instantly. This was the case for Shisui and the others as well. Tsunade as the current kage also agreed. Soon another kage Summit was called.

The new spread very fast. Just after war another summit was summoned, many were discussing what the reason for it was.

Few days later Tsunade, Ryu and Minato left for land of iron, they decided it's the most suitable place for the summit. Tsunade and Minato still had no idea why Ryu asked for this.

Third day after their departure, they reached their destination. Onoki and the others were already waiting for them. Tsunade was lead to where they gathered.

Mei was talking with Onoki when Tsunade and the others came inside. The moment Ryu saw Mei he hugged her, this stunned the rest. Tsunade facepalmed while Minato had a wry smile on his face.

Mei was embarrassed, she pinched his waist. Ryu just shrugged, Onoki didn't let go " Hooo, it sees like we can expect a celebration soon."

Ryu shot back " Maybe we expect a funeral soon."

Onoki was like a cat who got its tail stepped on " What the heck!!? You cursing me kid!!? "

Ai laughed out loud, the atmosphere was pretty good. Minato broke it off

" Ok we should get back on topic."

Mei and the others also nodded.

Onoki asked " Okay kid, why the heck did you summon us again? "

Ryu " What did you think about Kaguya Otsutsuki? "

Everyone's face changed when they heard that name. They witnessed Kaguya's strength that day, her chakra alone was enough to crush everyone present except Ryu.

Ai's face was serious " Strong. If someone like that appear again... our world might be destroyed."

Onoki nodded " Yeah, you are the only one strong on that level."

Ryu " So you all understand the dangers of Kaguya Otsutsuki. What if I told you she was just one of Otsutsuki clan members send to take our worlds energy."

Ai and the rest were shocked " WHAT!!? does that mean there is more of them!!? "

Ryu " Yes. And they will come in the future. Our world is not the only one out there, it's just that finding other worlds are difficult since noone knows the exact coordinates of each world.

Otsutsuki clan travels to other worlds planting god trees and when enough energy has been gathered they will come and claim it. Kaguya is one of them, she was send here to take the chakra fruit back but she disobeyed her clan and kept the fruit for herself.

The moment she ate the fruit, her Bloodline awakened granting her the powers that came with it, Rinne Sharingan. She already possessed Byakugan, that is their clans kekkei genkai, Rinne Sharingan is more like an ability of theirs."

Ryu's words numbed everyone. What they heard today shocked them to their core, they couldn't believe they were so naive. The world was in so much danger all these years, the only reason they were alive is because Otsutsuki couldn't find their location.

Minato " What's your purpose in explaining this? "

Ryu " This world is always in danger. If we want to survive then we have to unite, not temporarily. I propose to merge all villages and form an single entity,