Chapter 118. Madara's Decision

Ryu was currently standing on a beach, his gaze wandered into the horizon. He spoke as he looked on.

" Quite a view, isn't it? "

There was noone in sight but a voice answered him " Hmmm. Why are you here? "

Ryu turned back, his sight focused onto a shadow some distance back . Slowly that figure came to view. It was a man with long spiky hair that swayed with the wind, he wore normal civilian clothes. If one merely looked at his appearance he seemed like a normal person but to a warrior his figure gave off a pressure like mountains crushed on them.

This was none other than Madara Uchiha.

Ryu " It's been three years, how was your life? "

Madara spoke in a blank tone " Alright."

Ryu smiled " So, you ready? ."

Madara understood what Ryu was asking. Three years ago they made a bet and in these three years he saw how the world changed. Prosperity touched everywhere, even the poor village he picked to live changed these years.

Children who were skinny and barely survived due to that one meal they got everyday have now changed. He could see their bright smiles and content expression, bandits didn't even dare to touch any of these villagers, their life got better each day. Now they have even started learn.

Madara's face showed complicated emotions. The dream he wished for was achieved not through war but through understanding.

Ryu didn't speak, he could understand Madara's thoughts. He gave him enough time to sort out his emotions.

Madara spoke calmly " You have kept your word, I will keep mine."

Ryu laughed out loud " Haha, that's good. Be ready I will settle my affairs and come back in a week."

Ryu turned around, just before his figure left he heard Madara mutter.

" Thanks."

Madara watched as Ryu left. An elderly suddenly came to the beach, he saw Madara and spoke

" So you were here. Come, it's time for lunch."

Madara nodded and left with the old man. His face vaguely flashed with a smile.

Ryu returned to Mei office, she was still going through her work. Chojuro cowered when he saw Ryu, he placed some papers above his head and looked at Ryu vigilantly.

Mei was amused when she saw this " That was pretty fast. Where did you go? "

Ryu " To see an old friend. Anyway there is something important we need to discuss."

Mei already had an idea about what he was talking about, her face showed sadness but she quickly masked it. Chojuro could feel the mood turn sour, he quickly got out.

Ryu walked upto her and hugged her " Idiot, I won't be gone forever. This is my home, my family, friends and..... you are here. I will return. "

Mei leaned on his chest, her heart calmed down. She felt blessed to have Ryu as her love. Ryu lifted her face and kissed her. Mei responded to his love.

They stood like that for few minutes before separating. Mei looked at his eyes, her face seemed like blood would drip any moment as she said

" Tonight..... stay with me."

Ryu stared when he heard her. All these years he never crossed the line, he wanted to be one with her after their wedding. So when Mei heard Ryu mention his departure her heart couldn't bear.

Ryu caressed her face, his face got near her ears " Don't lock the door."

Mei could feel his hot breath on her ears, her face got even redder. Suddenly a knock sounded as Chojuro spoke

" Can I come in now? "

Ryu got annoyed, he spoke " Ok."

Chojuro opened the door and came inside, he saw Ryu's face and turned back. Before he could get away, his head was smacked again. He crouched down as he held onto his head.

Ryu gave a wink to Mei and disappeared. Mei got back to her senses, she saw Chojuro's pitiful appearance and laughed.

Day quickly passed.

Inside a spacious Compound, a beautiful house stood. Flowers were arranged neatly everywhere, an artificial pond can be seen to a side, the moonlight reflected off of water adding a mysterious beauty.

Lights were lit inside, a man suddenly appeared outside the house. He didn't knock, he turned the knob and got inside. Infront of him stood a beautiful women who can rival godesses.

Ryu looked at Mei, he was captivated by her smile. Three years cultivating increased her charm and Vitality. Her skin was supple and beautiful, her hair was so smooth and her face can bring down countries.

Mei asked shyly " Did you eat? "

Ryu snapped back, he took her in his arms and kissed her. Mei could feel his passion, all these years they restrained their desires but as they neared separation, all their emotions burst out. Ryu walked inside as he carried her in his arms, both his and Mei's body reacted to each other. Mei didn't let go of his lips, her desire for him erupted.

Ryu entered a room and shut the door. Seconds later soft moans could be heard from Inside, both of them didn't stop until hours later. As cultivators their bodies are fundamentally different from others.

Next day...

Mei was sleeping soundly on her bed. Last night was an unforgettable night for her, finally she was one with the man she loved. Her lips formed a smile as she slept. Sunlight shone through the gaps on the window, Mei slowly opened her eyes.

For a moment she looked around but suddenly blushed hard. Her thoughts wandered to last night and she couldn't help but blush even harder. It was at this moment she noticed Ryu sitting near the window looking at her.

" Morning, beautiful."

Mei's face got red. Ryu laughed and approached her, he kissed her forehead.

" Breakfast is ready, dress up."

She nodded meekily. Ryu let her be, if he stood there any longer she might faint. Sometime after he left Mei got out, she wore a beautiful blue dress, her hair was tied up, also she seemed more gorgeous than yesterday. As he thought of this Navii answered.

" Master, as your first intercourse, the pure energy within you was transferred to her body. This inturn increased her cultivation and body quality. She is atleast three times stronger than before."

Ryu could feel Mei's energy, her cultivation went up a notch. Mei also discovered this, after some thinking she understood how this happened, seeing how Ryu smiling she couldn't help but be embarrassed.

Both of them started eating, Ryu spoke about many things with her. Food is really enjoyable when you are eating with your loved ones. Ryu really loved her, she also felt the same.

Mei was a bit sad when she heard Ryu " I will leave in six days."

He still smiled and spoke " Silly girl, I will be back before you know it."

He kissed her one last time before he waved and left. Ryu had to inform his family and his friends about his departure. Also he preferred if others didn't come to see him off.

His parents were also sad but they knew he was destined for greatness. As his parents they wanted the best for him so they didn't stop him. Ryu spoke to his friends one by one, finally he reached Shisui's shop.

After war, Shisui decided to open a restaurant. He got a deal with Ichiraku and expanded their business. As Ryu neared Shisui's shop, he saw something which made him stare.