Chapter 121. Navy

Madara was adept at many weapons but he wasn't like Ryu. His mastery was atmost Novice realm, he didn't form an intent yet nor did he have any battle experience with intents either.

Ryu continued " As for devil fruits, they are classified into three as well. Paramecia, Zoan and Logia.

Logia is strongest among devil fruits. Whoever eats one will be immune to physical attacks unless one use powers like Haki. For example their is the flame flame fruit which gives its user control over flames, their entire body is made of flames. Unless one use Haki or energy attacks then it's useless.

Zoan fruits allow user to change their physical appearance to that of an animal which may be normal ones or mythical ones.

As for Paramecia, they simply gives their user some peculiar ability, while some rare few changes its users body. You will find more about them in the future.

Now for Haki, there are three forms of Haki. Observation, Armament, Overlord.

Armament Haki allows its user to coat their body with this energy to increase their striking strength and to counter devil fruit users.

Overload Haki, it's like instantaneous release of your spirit power. Once we meet someone with it you will understand.

Lastly Observation Haki, it allows you to know you opponents move in advance. At its peak one can even see few seconds into future."

Madara was shocked when he heard Ryu. He had the ability to rewind time, just for one second and he knew how hard it was and yet here he heard Ryu say something ridiculous as seeing future if he learnt this technique.

Ryu smirked when he saw Madara who was uninterested till now looking so shocked " What? interested? Don't look down on Haki. As a cultivator a Logia user isn't a problem for you but what if it's someone who can see the future. "

Madara " Hmph."

Ryu laughed, he raised his finger and light shot out from the tip of his index finger into his forehead. Madara didn't dodge, light pierced his forehead, he stood still for next few minutes.

Ryu imprinted complete method for Haki training into Madara's mind. He also started to go through Observation Haki. Armament Haki is using energy to coat your body, as you increase your control and amount of energy to coat it becomes something like an armour.

Haki is a form of energy, every being possess a form of energy even Logia. Haki uses this energy to fight Logia, it's simple as that. As a cultivator it's very easy for them to use energy but Observation Haki is different. Ryu and Madara's strength will increase several fold if they master Observation Haki.

Both of them silently contemplated, the ship they were in aimlessly wandered through sea. After few hours both of them opened their eyes, their face showed some happiness.

Madara " It will take some time to get a hang of this."

Ryu nodded " True. Even after hours I have only scratched the surface. So what's your plan? "

Madara got up, his face was calm but his eyes showed excitement and curiosity. This was a new world, his blood boiled for adventure.

" We will separate, you go do what you want and I will do mine. "

Ryu laughed " Haha, alright. Works for me, and Madara, if you use energy then there are only a handful of people that could fight you but..... when comparing pure physical strength any pirate above 200 million bounty could easily suppress you.

Same for Marines as well, any marine above a captain could take you down with just their physical strength. And that's under normal circumstances, we can't judge people just based on their Bounty or Rank, keep that in mind. Don't look down on this world, So train in that body refining technique as you travel."

Madara nodded, his figure floated and left. a long white streak stretched through the skies as he left.

Ryu now stood alone " Now where should I go? "

As he was thinking on what to do a ship approached him from the distance. This one was different, it's sails white with symbol of a seagull. Cannons could be seen on its sides.

' Navy.'

Ryu watched as the ship neared him. He had an amused smile as he watched the one standing on that warship. A man wearing striped clothes with an overcoat that had the word justice written on it stood at its forefront.

Navy warship reached Ryu, cannons were pointed at him but Ryu didn't care. His vision focused onto the man wearing overcoat. This man raised his hands

" Stay your hand! "

This was Momonga, one of the Vice Admirals from Marine Headquarters. Momonga watched Ryu with caution, he faintly felt danger from this man. His Observation Haki may not be top level but he was also an expert. His senses screamed danger when he saw Ryu.

Momonga spoke politely " We were chasing some pirates and this is their ship, I hope you can tell me where they are."

Ryu spoke without care " Don't know, maybe dead. I threw them off the ship way back."

Momonga was startled when he heard Ryu ' Feather Pirates captain had a bounty of 150 million, moreover the group overall had a bounty of 387 million berry and yet he spoke as if he was throwing out trash.'

Momonga was in thought when Ryu asked " How long to the nearest port?"

Momonga was brought out of his thoughts " Ah yes. Next port is to the northeast, two days travel."

Ryu took out a Log post he got from that pirate Captain he threw out. Sure enough, the log pose's needle pointed towards northeast. Ryu's didn't care for the Navy, his body started to float, he turned towards his destination.


Like that, with tens of marines watching Ryu's figure vanished in an instant. All of them gulped when they saw this. One of them asked Momonga

" Vice.... vice admiral, what should we do? "

" Set course to Headquarters!! "

Momonga ' I need to report this. His figure gave off extreme danger, he is dangerous! '

Momonga set off while Ryu flew towards the nearest Island. As he flew he kept on training in Observation Haki.

His mind was focused, his body became one with nature. Ryu entered a state of unity with nature, he could feel winds rhythm, clouds movement, birds flying a distance away. Their movements were so clear to him. Unknowingly his speed increased, Ryu was moving towards his destination relying solely on his senses.

' So this is Observation, I have only grasped the basics but still.....this is amazing.'

He suddenly opened his eyes at this moment, an island came to his view. Ryu directly landed on the port, he didn't care about the looks he got from those at port. He got some money from those pirates he threw off.

Ryu tried some dishes as he moved around. He was enjoying his time, but he still kept his Observation Haki active.

' Should I go hunt some pirates, I can earn big then I don't have to worry about money.'

Marine Headquarters

Momonga was standing Infront of a man seated behind a desk, he wore white shirt and pants. His shirt had several stars and decorations pinned on it. He had black mustache, a braided beard and wore round glasses.

This was Golden Buddha, Sengoku.

Sengoku frowned as he heard Momonga's report.

" You are saying he flew."

Momonga " Yes sir! "

Sengoku was solemn " Which devil fruit is it? It's not the float float fruit, Shiki has that one. "

Momonga spoke again " Sir, what I felt from Observation Haki, that man... he is as Strong as an admiral, maybe even more."

Sengoku got serious as well " Get as much info about this man as soon as possible, if he isn't a pirate then try recruiting him."

Momonga nodded, he saluted and left. Sengoku leaned on his chair, his thoughts wandered

' Who is he? Momonga won't be that scared without reason. Which means that man is strong, as for how strong..... we will find out.'